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Reverend Killjoy

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About Reverend Killjoy

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Death Mountain

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  • Bio
    Professional Tear Harvester, Giver of pro-tips, Enlightener of carebears
  1. its just a feeling,, its not fact,,, because karma is like ghosts (not real either btw),, i'm on day 10 and all i do is kill anything that moves, longest charactar yet. i guess budda approves
  2. Reverend Killjoy

    how to trick carebears into a death trap

    oh boohoo whatever bro, this is how i play dayZ deal with it already,,,,,,,,,
  3. Reverend Killjoy

    Why you kill unarmed players

    shit and u dont even needed to read my palm to know that/..??
  4. Reverend Killjoy

    Why you kill unarmed players

    raelly? try to beet me on kontent
  5. Reverend Killjoy

    how to trick carebears into a death trap

    concept art: i take it to the bank monday
  6. Reverend Killjoy

    how to trick carebears into a death trap

    nice,,,, now wheres that mathematician guy to figure out ur humanity i was discassing this with my gf and she think in one hour you can ween 50ml of tear from a average carebear,, so you have collected 400ml so far and thats good going,, i ask my broker how much he expecting when we launch Carebear Water and he think as much as $200/100ml, so my friend you are sitting on $800 right now bro,,, PM me if u wanna go into business with me selling carebears their own tears back to them,,, its gonna be beutifal
  7. Reverend Killjoy

    how to trick carebears into a death trap

    well i think u are at teh wrong thread for this comment BUT actually it depends,,,, Both of these scenarios is possible,,,,,,: in the end there is always enough pussy to go around two alphas can really tear shit up bro
  8. Reverend Killjoy

    how to trick carebears into a death trap

    u are my favorite carebear ,, inspired me to write the bandit hymn :D
  9. hay come to think of it,,, looting, killing and stealing territory from INFERIOR enemy (especially unarmed or inadequately armed enemies) has been EXACTLY how humans are since history began,,, we havent changed much at all from the baboons/chimps etc,,,, u know why there isnt baboon troops who warn rival troops with sounds and then retreat if the other troop is asleep/or the males are out foraging? thats because those "fair-fighting" troops would DIE OUT and not BREED. the most ruthless troop survives, dominates and seeds the next genaration.. exactly like humans
  10. Reverend Killjoy

    Why you kill unarmed players

    dayz is the bigest most raelistac deathmatch going..,, plus its awesome feeling to kill someone when u know they spended ages colecting their gear pls forward speling corrections to umadbro@alpha-bandit-king.com
  11. lol //imagines lonely single dudes trying to meet friends/partner in post apocolypse because they couldnt before i think the carebear haters dont want to play solo but just dont have any RL friends to play with.,, they realise they cant make friends in this game becase exactly the same thing happened in dayz as would happen in RL apocolypse,,,,i.e. everyone gets paranoid OR suffers being lured into alpha trap and die,, its kill or be killed,, except for those u know personally,, just like baboon wars in the jungle,, watch those guys ;; they kill for the shits and giggles as well as loot/territory,,, its part of our base nature
  12. Reverend Killjoy

    Bandit Logic

    I announce myself all the time because i am constantly sniping people,, its great,,, draws in what i call marlins (geared up ppl),,, then i kill their asses too
  13. Reverend Killjoy

    Bandit Logic

    are u fer reel? :D
  14. Reverend Killjoy

    Bandit Logic

    finaly, u says something smart :D
  15. Reverend Killjoy

    Bandit Logic

    lol sure he did.. he said zorro is a example from fiction,, and robin hood a example from history. history is real like i checked,, cry harder