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kstone588 (DayZ)

Gamma and brightness

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Pretty much - a flashlight will be a required item for playing at night now. It's basically unplayable if the moon isn't out and you don't have a light source.

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Pretty much - a flashlight will be a required item for playing at night now. It's basically unplayable if the moon isn't out and you don't have a light source.

Week of a 1.7.1 release - number of daylight servers tripled!

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Whoever did the night obviously lives in a city where it's extremely dark outside of the city outskirts at night from light pollution. If you've frequented the nights in countryside similar to Chernarus, you'll know it can be almost as bright as the day when there's a good moon, and still good visibility even when there is none. And there is NO light pollution in Chernarus.

I think the nights with gamma/brightness way up made the nights more realistic than without....

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Whoever did the night obviously lives in a city where it's extremely dark outside of the city outskirts at night from light pollution. If you've frequented the nights in countryside similar to Chernarus' date=' you'll know it can be almost as bright as the day when there's a good moon, and still good visibility even when there is none. And there is NO light pollution in Chernarus.

I think the nights with gamma/brightness way up made the nights more realistic than without....



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I used the latest beta build last night and found a night server where the gamma control would not work for me. I hope its a glitch rather than a sign of things to come.

Gamma up at night was very close to natural human night vision for me. Losing that will be a massive blow.

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Yeah, the game is more or less un playable right now unless you've got NVG. You can't use flares, as you attract zombies and any players for miles around, and you can't play without flares because you literally don't see shit.

I've more or less stopped playing the game whenever it turns night. Only play during the day, whereas I used to prefer playing at night.

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This dont even matter. Rocket cant stop manual settings on a monitor or video card settings, outside of the game. I can make my shit do 2shades of color. BAM i see everything.

Can even make T&L lighting mimic to any way I want, for most part. Along with any shader, or tool they use. To produce the graphics.

Little handy program used for laptops, that dont have T&L lighting or shader support. Software emulates. At same time, you can spoof it. To operate different than intended. Such as making "rockets pitch black" visible.

But this is why, I dont play at night. Not because I cant see shit. But because everybody and they daddy, just works around it.

So while the "geeks" run around with emulated "night vision"(yes, i can make it look almost like the NVG. Except full screen). The rest are looking and looking for goggles. That dont mean jack to a true "geek".

Which makes it stupid and a eye strain, to even bother with nighttime play.

Id love it, if it truly worked as intended. But I cant see that day. Unless he can make all objects 1 color. I dont ever see this happening. Which is why, he went pitch black to begin with.

Even with low end video cards, these days. This is possible.

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1. The recent changes to the lighting of the game (Tone Mapping) was introduced in Beta Patch 93666 as a request from the Arma 2 gaming community to better simulate the way the eye naturally reacts to light and dark. However some have noted that it has gone too far so it may get tweaked.

2. The Gamma and Brightness "FIX" in Beta Patch 93825 specifically targets the ability to adjust Gamma and Brightness in the User Profile file to a level above the maximum limit in-game, ie, in-game Gamma maximum is 2, but in your profile you could set it at 3 or whatever.

3. The recent change to nightime darkness has also been affected by the lack moonlight.

So all these added up has made the night currently almost pitch black. The Arma 2 engine is designed to reflect real world conditions and works in real time. However in a few days the moon will be back out again and you can play at night again (unless it's cloudy!). I guess we are not used to playing games with complex environments like this, but I suspect we will adapt accordingly.

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It's so easy: if it's too dark, go to sleep.. or play on a day server, until you find a flashlight, NVG, flares or whatever. None of these, except the NVG are rare.

PPl with night visors should have a huge advantage.. prior than the patch, playing with them was almost the same than playing without, or ironically worse since with the gamma/HDR tweak you had the full screen view!

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I've been raiding deer stands mostly here lately and the pitch black works fine for that.. If you have a compass and know the area generally you can navigate without having to see at all. Having a g17 helps because I can click the light on for a few seconds here and there when I need to (and if you accidentally aggro a zed having the light on your gun is really helpful). If I don't have a flashlight, chemlights and flares do the job, you just have to be a lot smarter about using them than a lot of people are.

But yeah I don't think I would attempt to loot someplace like stary or the airfield without actual night vision. Then again I don't usually go near those places in the daytime either.

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