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Mini Maracas

How are DayZ Custom maps made?

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Hi, I was wondering, how are the DayZ custom maps made? Like Lingor island, and all the others?

I was wondering, because I have a little bit of experience in level design/making for games, and am just curious of how the DayZ custom maps are made :)

Are they made by official people? Or just randomers out in the DayZ world?


P.S. I made a topic about this like half an hour ago, but it disappeared for me. I can't see it, not sure if it posted, so sorry if this is the 2nd one from me. :)

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Arma2, only some objects etc are spammed around the maps by people... and some people have done that very badly, exsample the takistan... what an awfull map.

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Ok thanks a lot! :) So buildings in the maps are all pre-made then? Is there a way to make new buildings? :D

Thanks again:)

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Ok thanks a lot! :) So buildings in the maps are all pre-made then? Is there a way to make new buildings? :D

Thanks again:)

I think you should check the BIS wiki and the BIS forum and ask for help here.

If you want to make a propper island it can take years before reaching the final version. It's not only some objects that are spammed around the maps by people :rolleyes:.



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