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Found my first GPS today!

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Yep, you heard right. I found my first GPS that was an actual loot spawn, and not one that I recovered off of a survivors body. Found it in the military tents outside of the northern hospital in Cherno. I was pretty excited. Especially because I had been wandering around for a while now without a damn map. The Halloween Gods are smiling upon me tonight! I also recorded it for sentimental purposes.


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i would give you beans but i am so hungry it is ridiculous.

You can have some of mine!

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In most servers i find the map is useless, unless it shows you where you are. give me a watch or compass over a map or gps any day :)

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Congratulations my friend! The first time I ever found a GPS, it made my day for the next week. :P

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Funnily enough the only one i have found at a legitimate spawn point was in Lingor.

Well, it wasn't that funny.

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The first time I found a GPS, I was promptly shot in the face.

Haven't found one to this day. Convinced there's more of a curse with GPS' than there is with Mountain Dews.

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Not sure if I've found them at their loot spawns, if I have only once probably. But mostly off dead characters.

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First legit spawn GPS is a real "HOLYSHITBALLS" moment.

I got mine from a Deerstand. I never used to bother with them, now I've got Deerstand OCD. :|

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I don't think the GPS is that rare.. I find it from time to time, really

It's a 0.19% spawn rate. Pretty rare TBH. I always find them in deer stands. :)

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Yeah, I was (and still am) pretty pumped. Nothing beats the rush you feel when you find something rare. Especially when you really need it!

Now I'm going to retreat to the north, make a campsite, crawl into a tent and cradle my precious GPS whilst rocking back and forth and whispering to myself.

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I've found more Black SUVs that come with GPS while driving than actual GPS.

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We seemed to be charmed when it comes to GPS's. Our happy little band of three have found 5 or 6 in the last couple of weeks. Shame the other two keep dying and losing them.

What we cannot seem to find is NVG's or rangefinders.

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We seemed to be charmed when it comes to GPS's. Our happy little band of three have found 5 or 6 in the last couple of weeks. Shame the other two keep dying and losing them.

What we cannot seem to find is NVG's or rangefinders.

Lol, yeah, I've only found ONE helicopter crash site in my two months of playing and that was on my very first life. I was so fresh off the beach that I had no clue how to loot it. I just looked on the ground around it, didn't see anything, and moved on.


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