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Just how bad are hackers?

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So I've been watching a hell of a lot of youtube videos the past few weeks and this game fascinates mea and I really want to play it! Thing is, there are a few things that concern me, the #1 issue being hackers. Just how bad are they? In some of the videos I've seen it seems really bad.

From reading about the standalone version it sounds like they will be able get rid of most of the hacking isssues and I'm definitely going to buy that. But it sounds like not even the alpha will be out for at least another month and I really want to play this game now :P.

Should I wait for the standalone? Another reason for waiting is I save myself some money, but that isn't a big issue.

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How bad? Personally I've only had one hacker encounter since I play Dayz, and (fortunatelly) it was a "friendly" one. When I mean friendly, it means that he had the courtesy to not teleport behind me to troll the shit out of me or teleporting me sky high to fall to my death. He was just popping rainbows out of his ass and screaming like he had a seizure, it was actually pretty funny (until he got banned, and of course I got the shit out of there). But yes, most hackers are 12yo that will not only cheat equipment, but make your dayz shit by turning you into a goat, just for the lulz. Cheers

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So I've been watching a hell of a lot of youtube videos the past few weeks and this game fascinates mea and I really want to play it! Thing is, there are a few things that concern me, the #1 issue being hackers. Just how bad are they? In some of the videos I've seen it seems really bad.

From reading about the standalone version it sounds like they will be able get rid of most of the hacking isssues and I'm definitely going to buy that. But it sounds like not even the alpha will be out for at least another month and I really want to play this game now :P.

Should I wait for the standalone? Another reason for waiting is I save myself some money, but that isn't a big issue.

"Hackers/ Scripter kids" are for destroying almost every populated server in the game.

* For the people that are saying that they have only seen a single hacker or have never noticed a hacker.

- They must be playing on a locked server or a server that has a password.

If you trying joining "any" server with 20+ people, there is a "very high" chance of a hacker.

* Normally I am being killed by a hacker every day, so I don't even bother really getting immersed into the game.

- This is also a big reason why so many left the mod, due to the fact that so much people have worked for is lost in seconds due to a "kill script".

I personally would wait for the "standalone" or if you really want to try the game.

* Find a private "white-listed" server.

* The game is very "BORING" when there are very few players.

Want to know how I was recently hacked yesterday?

* An enemy KA-60 with unlimited rockets destroyed the server me and a couple friends where on. Also this is on the new map called "Namalsk", half the map was destroyed by rockets, including the massive bridge called "Tara bridge". All of this was done in less than 5 min.

* Different "Namalsk" server, me and my friend where geared and heading towards "Object All". We engage two enemies at the site and have them dealt with. I was covering my friends location from a guard tower, when all of a sudden a "Bandit appeared from his side and killed him". He was killed and I returned fire on the bandit. Nothing happened, and then he just disappears and appears on a mountain behind me spraying a DMR or M14 AIM. I thought I was dealing with a group of people "combat logging" but I finally realized It was a teleporting hacker after I was killed by the same weapons after I had spawned in 3 different corners of the map, and still being killed by the same weapon.

* Last but not least, I thought I go back to "Chernarus" on a 40/50 players server. Turns out there are about 7+ hackers on the server, driving around in SUV's and just killing people with god mode on.

Edited by Sobieski12

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As Sobieski says you should play on white listed only private hive servers with passwords, i've been playing on one for over a month and have yet to see or even hear about a single incident of hacking. Not all private hives are as well run as this one but there are some excellent servers out there.

Edited by Rastamaus

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Is it hard to join a white listed server? Do they have any sort of screening process? If they're accepting towards total nubs like myself maybe I will do that.

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I've ran into several and half of them were friendly. Even the friendly ones do kinda ruin the whole immersion aspect but they weren't just ice'n people for the lulz.

Only time I run into them are on high population public servers.

Find a private server with active admins that are good people and you'll have a hacker-free gaming experience. By "good" admins I mean ones that aren't using their admin privileges to cheat or help friends and also are active. By active I mean they actually log in to the game and monitor people, they have scripts and software beyond BattleEye to help them find cheaters, and keep their hardware/software running smooth. There are several to choose from out there so don't let some armature script newbs scare you away.

If you don't mind blowing $30 on a game you'll likely want to re-buy in a few months then go for it dude. This is one of the most awesome games made in the last 20 years. Easily in my top 10 list now. If money is tight then just wait for the public release of the standalone version. Also make sure your box can run it... the game does require some significant horsepower to run.

They will be totally redoing the whole client to server relationship by shifting most of the workload onto the server. This means you actually have to be good at cheating which will weed out like 98% of the current cheaters. I have great confidence cheaters / hackers will be almost completely neutralized in the standalone.

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I've ran into several and half of them were friendly. Even the friendly ones do kinda ruin the whole immersion aspect but they weren't just ice'n people for the lulz.

Only time I run into them are on high population public servers.

Find a private server with active admins that are good people and you'll have a hacker-free gaming experience. By "good" admins I mean ones that aren't using their admin privileges to cheat or help friends and also are active. By active I mean they actually log in to the game and monitor people, they have scripts and software beyond BattleEye to help them find cheaters, and keep their hardware/software running smooth. There are several to choose from out there so don't let some armature script newbs scare you away.

If you don't mind blowing $30 on a game you'll likely want to re-buy in a few months then go for it dude. This is one of the most awesome games made in the last 20 years. Easily in my top 10 list now. If money is tight then just wait for the public release of the standalone version. Also make sure your box can run it... the game does require some significant horsepower to run.

They will be totally redoing the whole client to server relationship by shifting most of the workload onto the server. This means you actually have to be good at cheating which will weed out like 98% of the current cheaters. I have great confidence cheaters / hackers will be almost completely neutralized in the standalone.

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BattlEye doesn't do much, they stop only those minor hacks and most of the major hacks are private.

In my experience, It's really bad now. This game is now officially ruined by them. Theres no way to avoid them anymore.

Everytime we have good geas and vehicles, they come and kill us with super fast floating speed.

It wasn't bad way back before but now, everyday a hacker ruins our public server.

Edited by monoking

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ive never seen one but i dont play that often because my laptop is slow :(

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I've been playing for about three weeks, and only met one. They teleported me to a camp, and asked if I wanted a gun. I said no, that I would prefer to find my own, and was teleported back to my original location.

But, I prefer to play low population servers, until I get the hang of it.

I think the mod is great, well worth the $20 I spent.

Hope this helps,


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I've been playing for about three weeks, and only met one. They teleported me to a camp, and asked if I wanted a gun. I said no, that I would prefer to find my own, and was teleported back to my original location.

But, I prefer to play low population servers, until I get the hang of it.

I think the mod is great, well worth the $20 I spent.

Hope this helps,


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It varies. Sometimes hackers will get you things, sometimes they'll kill you, sometimes they do incredibly annoying things (the thunderdome) and yeah.

I find that usually if there is a hacker you don't know about it. Experience as server admin has helped me learn to detect them, and usually they don't bother people too much.

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I am so fucking tired of investing 2 hours hiking to find a bicycle, take it back to camp, re-arm, and find the bicycle being ridden by an invisible person riding around you in a circle. And then they disappear with it.


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find a private hive, what country are you in?

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Spam links deleted by OrLoK

These spamming posters need to be banned. This user name has been doing it for a few days now.

As for the hackers... I'll give you some beans.

Edited by orlok
nuking nasty spam

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Hello there

Bad news about the bike, at least that's all you lost. Scripters are horrid indeed. I do understand your frustration. Do you play on a server that has live moderators on? Have you tried a white listed server? There are ways to limit your encounter with the vileness of scripting.

It used to affect the Arma community too that's why so many folk passworded their severs, although the emphasis seems to be more on Dayz now.

The price of popularity eh? :)

As to Spambots, we try to nuke spam from orbit as soon as we see it or receive a report. If you guys n girls could hit that 'ole "report" button on any spam post we can do our magic.



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Please don't quote spam bots, it doubles our workload. Just press report and we'll sort them.

OP - I recommend finding a private hive with good admins, I haven't seen a hacker in over 6 weeks now, and I play a lot.

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Going on the forums and saying how much you hate them dosen't make em go away. No offence but you must be new to dayz...

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lol i feel for u mate, honestly myself ive only ever had 1 bad exp with hackers. they teleported everyone on the map to one loc. and raped us all.. only onther time ive met one he gave me a heap of gear. ( admit it was hacked) but it was a fun few hours.

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I posted about my hacker experience the other day. I was lucky though. After shooting and respawning he was there. When killed I was fulled geared m4 cco sd, 1911, NV all the goodies. He said he killed me because I didnt respond in chat, I didnt because I was warning my friend. After telling him I was hitting the wrong button for chat, he said he felt bad and spawned a crate with damn near everything. As to no get greedy I was only grabbing my original gear. He spawned a chopper and told me to fly off and if he killed me, he would get me more gear and another heli. Of course boom! some how I lived barely and he was amazed and healed me. He spawned a boar and said shoot it, I did and puff another heli. He said play around and he'd be back later. I left as soon as my combat timer bleed off. Luckily I have most of my original gear. I didn't manage to get the NV or small items, just my guns m4 sd and such. I was very lucky.

Edited by mcdonald77

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I feel your pain Jaberwoky, I've had more encounters with scripters/hackers over the last couple months than I'd care to remember. I've been experimenting with private hive servers for a couple weeks now and the overall experience has been great. It took a little work to find a hive that I really liked but, its more than worth it in the end! I haven't had a run in with a scripter since I started playing on private hives, and thats really saying something considering the current state of the public hive. (no offense dayz team >.<)

Some private hives also have modified loot tables removing certain guns like the AS50 and the L85, while adding other more balanced guns to fill the void, which I really enjoy. Just spend a little time researching and testing a couple private hives until you find one that suits your fancy. Thats honestly the best way to improve your DayZ experience and avoid a majority of the script kiddies.

Good luck, and don't let the scripters get you down man!

Edited by -Epoch

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Just try to avoid servers with 30 - 64 players there is bound to be around 6-8 hackers but some servers have anti-hack system which is great 7 hackers were kicked for different reasons (teleporting, scripting a tent, etc.) and it will usually say they have a anti-hack if you want the server name i can help you out i have 2

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