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Killed two bandits that killed my mate. Got GPS and NVG off them. Was the first time I have ever seen GPS in game and only the second time I have seen NVG. They also had Mountain Dew.

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:) glad i came back to check on this threat :) got interesting in last few pages lol!!!

On original note: Ive only seen a GPS once and was off another player.. Ive seen NVGs only once and was off another player.. Playing since early May I would say guessing Ive had to check a good 1000+ mil loot spawns. On that note though I have been lucky with rare weapons and everything else under the sun.

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Since yesterday I have gotten two m107s two dmrs one as50 two m4 cco sd one m14 1 gps 1 rangefinder 1 nvg and a shit ton of mags...

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CrossShade has seen way to many retards talk about statistics in WoW. How many times I've seen people like CrossShade actually convince people they were right in that game is mind-boggling.

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Been playing for ~6 weeks now. Never found NVGs in numerous raids on the NW airfield and the two guys in our group that had some got them off other players.

Found quite a few GPS in various locations though.

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Rarest thing I've found, M4A1CCO...

I think the reason so many people have NVGs is they're either hacked, farmed or lucky.

I haven't even found a silenced M4 yet, it's frustrating as hell.

My friend managed to find 2 GPS and gave one to me which was cool _b

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Everytime I visit barracks it's big risk and little reward. Always piles of tin cans and rubbish ammo like the machine gun stuff or makarov.

I had to waste 2 clips of AK ammo to search the barracks safely because both times zeds aggrod on me from I've no idea. Shoot that one and the rest of the airfield comes running for the next 5 minutes. To not even regain that ammo back :/

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Ive played in a group of 4 now for 6 weeks....we've never found either NVG's or GPS in the barracks or at any military camp, but we have looted both off dead players. Currently 1 of our group has both NVG's and GPS and another 2 have GPS only.

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I found a GPS literally within my first 2 hours of playing DayZ. Me being new to the game at the time though, I decided I could handle playing at night time and ended up getting beat to death after running into a crowd of zombies. Haven't found a GPS since.

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I found my NVGs at a helicopter crash site. And last night I found another pair on a dead player at the north west air field. Next person I run into should be happy. I've never run across a gps. Not sure I really want one, I like having to navigate and the times where you end up totally lost for a bit. It's a rare thing in video games.(for me anyway)

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I found 3 GPS in the past few days, 2 of them were in NW airfield hangars and one was in Sobor tents. Only found NVG once in a downed chopper.

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I found my GPS at Stary Sobor military tents. My NVGs and toolbox I found on a dead guy at NW airfield.

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I found a GPS on my third visit to the NE Airfield.

I was also given an NVG by another player, but when I realised he was in a group of players who dupe items, I did a suicide run & lost it.

The duping is a big problem, every time they die, they jsut call one of there mates and get them to dupe everything, theres a group of 5 of them and they always have one alive, so they all have identical gear. One of them is a server admin.

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A friend of mine duped Jessica Alba, now we own four of em.

(when you claim ppl duping things.. pls give details to the devs so they can fix these things; supposing doesn't help anyone)

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Crossshade might have realized, that he indeed was wrong and silently left the thread :D Or he is working on another post full of ignorance. We shall see.

Loving the fight though :D

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[quote=(when you claim ppl duping things.. pls give details to the devs so they can fix these things; supposing doesn't help anyone)

This is an issue only admins can deal with yeah? No chance of getting tags and no way I'm gonna stalk a group and watch their activities.

"I swear I aint no undercover"

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My buddy found GPS in a deer stand, server ate it when our lookout got closer to the stand and caused a respawn.

I found GPS in a deer stand a couple nights ago.

Found the Night-vision FAL on a crashed heli last night, guy that found the first GPS found NVGs on a heli earlier tonight.

We're some lucky mofos I guess.

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GPS is easy to find its classified as low military loot so you can find it even at deer stands.

I owned NVG twice. One I found at the NW Airfield Barracks, the other one , I currently have , is the best story of my life.

Spawned at the Beach in the very west in the night before the 1.7.1 Patch. It was dark and I didnt see shit. Lost my life in a Group vs. Group Firefight in Cherno and lost Equip worth a few days. Was a bit angry but thats life.

I saw something in front of me that looked like a corpse first. Thought it was a respawned Survivor and Opened his Backpack when I realised that it is a 24 Slot Backpack and The Person wearing it, is still alive and watches the spawn points at the coast. It was pure luck I saw this Camo wearing, prone Person in the grass at night cause I stepped on him. I took my Makarov and shot 2 Bullets in his pretty unlucky Head from a distance of 50 cm.

Opened his Corpse and got almost a Heart attack.

M4 CCO SD, 24 Slot Pack, NVG, Ammo, GPS, Blood Transfusion, even Antibiotics and Heat Packs.

Unlucky Guy is not going to wait for Survivor Spawns to kill for a little time. :D

So you wanna find NVGs? You need pure luck.

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Crossshade might have realized' date=' that he indeed was wrong and silently left the thread :D Or he is working on another post full of ignorance. We shall see.

Loving the fight though :D


Gooby pls

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None of those items are easy to find, anyone saying otherwise is simply talking bs. I have never found GPS or NVG or binoculars and i have only once found a map. I have played the game for about 30 hours.

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None of those items are easy to find' date=' anyone saying otherwise is simply talking bs. I have never found GPS or NVG or binoculars and i have only once found a map. I have played the game for about 30 hours.


You're sure you know where to look for them?

There are 2 Spawn Points for Heavy Military loot at the whole map. And Additional to that 2 Points are the crashed Helis. NVGs are very rare but its possible to find.

GPS is lower classified Military Loot and can be found within 1 Day of Playtime easily.

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Didnt read all 8 pages, but has anyone actually looted NVG and GPS off the ground and remember what they look like while laying there? I believe the GPS looks like an ammo pouch but was more curious whether or not the NVGs look like NVGs like the Binocs do on the ground.

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