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Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

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Alright, I understand a 9mm doesnt do shit to your body, but a .50 cal rifle will literally tear you in half. We need more gore. Limbs must be able to be torn off, heads explode, blood everywhere! A body shot to the torso with a high caliber rifle will not just make you crumple to the ground, the body's insides will either fly out behind it, or the whole person will be thrown back. Who's with me?

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I propose a test to this theory.

Lol from a physics stand point, meaning its not going to throw you up against a wall

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Lol from a physics stand point, meaning its not going to throw you up against a wall

and of course you would know from all the 9mm rounds you've taken to the chest..

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and of course you would know from all the 9mm rounds you've taken to the chest..

I eat bullets for breakfast.
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Lol from a physics stand point, meaning its not going to throw you up against a wall

neither will a .50 BMG O_o

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Toggeable gore maybe. But I'm not a fan of excessive amounts of gore.

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I agree. More gore. A .50 BMG round will literally rip you in half, the ballistic impact profile of the round is about the size of a human torso, not to mention the hydrostatic shock. I'm not sure if this can be implemented well in the VR3 engine, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like it could be done. Not many people seem to grasp what an excellent engine it is.

If authentic damage and gore was added, along with zombie children, banditry would be all but gone.

Everyone would just blast the zombie kids with .50 cals.

Edit: By more gore I mean actually adding some, atm you just get re skinned to have blood on you, although I do think it looks cool. And this has to be done right, realistic authentic amounts of gore, not some over done blood everywhere shit.

Edited by Toilet
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If they're going to manage to implement ragdoll physics, I can't see why they couldn't slap together "gore skeletons" and model-accurate "gibs".

More "Gears of War" than "Mortal Kombat".

There must be a way to rip the new, less complex zombie models to bits. The Real Virtuality engine and the guys at Bohemia can pull of impressive feats of technical wizardry.

I imagine player models are a fair bit more fiddly, but I agree, literally blowing someone to pieces would look far better than the "shot in the head" texture every time.

Edited by Chabowski
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High caliber rifles should blow limbs off. Headshots with mainly any gun really, should cause heads to explode.

My opinions.

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As well as some general gibbing the game needs a new bleeding animation. The current one isn't great . xD

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High caliber rifles should blow limbs off. Headshots with mainly any gun really, should cause heads to explode.

My opinions.


The exploding heads is really stupid, that's something I really didn't like about Fallout New Vegas. It's just too much. I can go with blowing limbs off of Zombies, but not Players. That'd be just rediculous. I can already see the trolls shooting your legs of just for the lulz. Just stupid.

Edited by James Ashwood

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No real injury is the major problem of all Shooters today!

It´s looks always like a cartoon and pulls the genere in the ridiculousness!!!

A granate explodes next to a player, the player dont lose any Bodyparts...

A .50 cals shooting direct into the shoulder, belly or Leg and nothing realy dramatic happens...

No Blood trails,

No losing Bodyparts,

No open profusely bleeding wounds

And then they say "...our Game is Realistic..." That´s totaly crap, your game is in this special area nothing then a Cartoon!

The injurysystem on all shooters are always just plain ridiculous !

Arma series has done a little more then other Games but not enough to turn injury into real!

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No real injury is the major problem of all Shooters today!

It´s looks always like a cartoon and pulls the genere in the ridiculousness!!!

A granate explodes next to a player, the player dont lose any Bodyparts...

A .50 cals shooting direct into the shoulder, belly or Leg and nothing realy dramatic happens...

No Blood trails,

No losing Bodyparts,

No open profusely bleeding wounds

And then they say "...our Game is Realistic..." That´s totaly crap, your game is in this special area nothing then a Cartoon!

The injurysystem on all shooters are always just plain ridiculous !

Arma series has done a little more then other Games but not enough to turn injury into real!

call of duty BLACK OPS ZOMBIES has has limbs coming off and heads exploding

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call of duty BLACK OPS ZOMBIES has has limbs coming off and heads exploding

That is just about the worst example you can bring here, barring WarZ.

And just for clarity, it really depends on the type of 9mm you're using. Using a hollowpoint? That high velocity round will shred through the human body like so much meat. Using a full metal jacket? You'll just have the round drill a neat hole through the wet.

Edited by Riem
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realistic gore, its just not that much realistic if you take a shot in your foot and a fontain of blood shoots out of your torso.

if damage is applied to a limb, it should respond accordingly - i.e. if the force is strong enough, it should fly off or explode into pieces.

hopefully the new engine will support some nice ragdoll and gore D:

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call of duty BLACK OPS ZOMBIES has has limbs coming off and heads exploding

Yeah, because it is a NPC & a Zombie.

Look into the main game then you see the casual Cartoon death, like all the other kiddie Games, totaly unrealistic art of dieing and no injury system!

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i know you probably got drilled for this but 9mm destroys in close quaters

Yea, sorry seeing as im 15 i don't have much intel on weapons, went by what i remember from the military channel... lol
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