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Maxxgold (DayZ)

Community Releases Spectate Mode

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I'm using this now on my server and it works great. We haven't seen hackers in a while. I used to dread hackers, now I can't wait for them to log on so I can ban them. It feels good banning cheaters and hackers. They get what they deserve because of the awesome dayz community.

As you can see here we now have a fully working Spectate Mode which will allow Server Admins to BAN any cheater and hacker. I know as server admins we have all heard about the bypasser. Well guess what ? Cheaters and Hackers can use a bypass all they want to. With this tools you can verify that they are cheating and hacking. There is no BYPASS for this tool. So now we have full admin tools to monitor and make our servers playable. Which brings me to....

If you have read or watched the latest video's or blogs you will know that they are taking their same stance that Admins don't have any role in DayZ. They don't want you to Admin your Server. They think that because they are making the Standalone hard to mod that it will somehow be hard to hack. They didn't say it was hack proof but they said hard to hack. The only reason games like Counter_Strike are still going strong with large communities is because there are enough Admin Tools for people to be able to Admin their servers. DayZ standalone will be hacked the first week it's released and if the Devs don't release good Admin Tools to the Community the DayZ Standalone will be gone before you know it. I'm not sure how a developer can take an anti-admin stance when the game they have released so far is a hackers dream. DayZ Mod is probably the easiest game to hack of all time. If not you get my point. It's been a nightmare for Bohemia Interactive.

UPDATE: Apparently Rocket has made some concessions and is now talking about making sure admins will have tools to police their servers, which is good news

Edited by Maxxgold
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You need to read more. Especially if you're a server admin. The last post I read on the subject is that Admins will be given tools for the standalone. I'll try and find the post for you, it was written by Rocket a week or so ago. Also have you read the latest dev blog post on Tumblr? If not you should.

I'm not saying that everyone has the time to keep up with these things but I am saying that you should try to before making posts like this.

Edited by Fraggle
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And with this they can tell all their clan buddies exactly what the guy has as far as weapons + location. This is the same thing as cheating. Please no.

Edited by lothane
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How about this? You wait and see what happens, THEN we decide what to do.

But no, that won't work, cause you won't even consider the fact that maybe, just maybe... programmers know what they're talking about!


Edited by colekern

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Didn't you already make this thread?

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Sort of. The last time he raised this issue he was slightly more inflamatory. He seems do think the devs have no idea what they're doing.

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It would be great to have a system like Punkbuster in place that streams to the server blocking players with global bans. Also, some sort of Database similar to Pbbans in which you can run GUIDS for individual players and look at their history for prior global bans.

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yet another thread by someone who has barely understood a post and is now trying to spread misinformation based upon that lack of comprehension.

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my only fear with a powerful tool like this is the ability for mods to oversee, basicly anyone or anything thats going on, and abuse that knowledge..

personaly as a solo survivor i could care less if someone "watchs" me and leads their clans mates to come kill me, but i can see how more organized clans/groups could find this a real issue.

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You need to read more. Especially if you're a server admin. The last post I read on the subject is that Admins will be given tools for the standalone. I'll try and find the post for you, it was written by Rocket a week or so ago. Also have you read the latest dev blog post on Tumblr? If not you should.

I'm not saying that everyone has the time to keep up with these things but I am saying that you should try to before making posts like this.

Please find me that report. Since the day I have played DayZ and complained about the lack of admin tools I have been told that there is no room for Admins in DayZ. Which has been substantiated by Rockets unwillingness to let public sever operators ban people on servers they pay for with their own money. Did you forget all about that ??? Rocket was forced to allow Private Hives because the hacking was so bad. Did you not realize that ?? I'm cool if there is a turnaround where the developers are now going to allow Admin Tools but maybe you should watch this video again and listen to Matt Lightfoot when he is asked about admins. His words are you will not need admin tools. So you tell me whats really going on. This is from a developer.


Edited by Maxxgold
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Hey looks an admin that wants a cheat to be legalized... we're reaching the ground. :)

I hope you have BE disabled on your server.

No I have Battle Eye fully working on my server. Maybe if you knew what was going on in the DayZ community you would have a clue. Obviously you don't have a clue. Battle Eye was consulted about the Spectate tool and they fully supported it. Oh Snap, what do you have to say now?? Please tell us.It always amazes me that someone with such a high post count has no clue about what is going on.

Edited by Maxxgold
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All that's missing from this thread are catch phrases like "people need to start waking up!" "see the truth, man!" etc. Can you please throw some in there for your next reply, Maxxgold? Do you have anymore bits of information that They™ don't want us to know about? This thread is fantastically hilarious.

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All that's missing from this thread are catch phrases like "people need to start waking up!" "see the truth, man!" etc. Can you please throw some in there for your next reply, Maxxgold? Do you have anymore bits of information that They™ don't want us to know about? This thread is fantastically hilarious.

Watch the Video. Matt Lightfoot says and I quote. YOU WILL NOT NEED ADMIN TOOLS. Where is that funny ??? You have no clue and listening to people like you is hilarius if you think dayz standalone will not be hacked withing the first week it's released.

How about saying something constructive instead of just trolling my thread. Sorry if your not concerned about hackers and cheaters but I and many other are.

Edited by Maxxgold
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Not all admins are honest people.

I see this tool getting abused by lots of people with servers.

Yeah because your not getting abused now by cheaters and hackers. The joy of having dedicated servers is that you have a CHOICE weather or not to play on the server. If an Admin is abusing his or her powers then you can simply not play there. What choice do you have when playing on a public server with cheaters and hackers ??? You have no choice you just have to take it. If you choose to play on Venthos server you will be getting thunder domed and killed all the time or you can play on my private server and have a true gaming experience because I have the power to Admin my server. If you don't think it's true then hop on my server and talk to some people that play there. That's the real proof. All of my users are happy with me and my Admin team.

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If you choose to play on Venthos server...

Oh this is fantastic where this thread is going. This is even better than the "truther" angle you had going on before. Please, continue *grabs some popcorn*

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There isn't enough popcorn in the world tonight for some of these threads.

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No I have Battle Eye fully working on my server.

Expected.. BE sucks to find anything, i won't be surprised.

Battle Eye was consulted about the Spectate tool and they fully supported it.

As said... i wouldn't be surprised. With the total mess you can find o DayZ today a cheater or or less won't change anything.

Btw, to be consistent im reporting you and your server in the cheating area:


..and again, the fact that you are an admin doesn't make you "special". YOU CANNOT CHEAT .. and the excuse of doing it to find other cheaters is just that: an EXCUSE! I can claim to use the navigator only to see who's teleporting.. but again: this makes me a CHEATER not a policeman.

This thread should be locked down.

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I was actually hoping admins would have the crazy abilities they currently have taken away. All the private hives I have taken part in have admins that are in a clan/group that literally rule server. Teleporting vehicles, spawning in items, US-LA even has the only choppers in the server spawn off map in their own base, which is basically unreachable without a chopper. How do they get to this said base when they die? Teleport themselves back to the base of course.

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This is an excellent community mod, but it's not like it's a new idea. If rocket wanted this tool in the game, it would have been put in when cheating got seriously out of hand.

The fact is, most servers are owned by clans nowadays (I've got no problem with this, my clan had 2 servers as well), and this means the person with this spectator mode can tell all his clan buddies where all the camps are, if someone is near them...etc.

The point is, the negative of this being abused by admins (most admins out there use/have used dayz nav by now anyway, whether in a good or bad way) slightly outweighs the positives.

I do not once recall Dean saying that hacking will stop with the standalone, not once. But what he did say, is that scripting is not possible in the standalone, therefore there will be far less cheating.

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OP - Here's the post I was referring to where Rocket talks about giving Admins tools on the future: http://dayzmod.com/f..._20#entry960506

And guess what? It's on another thread opened by you! So to clarify, you have received an answer directly from the lead Dev for this project on your own thread but I had to go and find it for you as you seem to have overlooked it/forgotten about it. If an answer from Rocket isn't going to keep you happy then nothing will. Please don't open any more threads on the same subject in the future.

Sorry about the wait, I'm a busy boy.

Edited by Fraggle

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This is an excellent community mod, but it's not like it's a new idea. If rocket wanted this tool in the game, it would have been put in when cheating got seriously out of hand.

The fact is, most servers are owned by clans nowadays (I've got no problem with this, my clan had 2 servers as well), and this means the person with this spectator mode can tell all his clan buddies where all the camps are, if someone is near them...etc.

The point is, the negative of this being abused by admins (most admins out there use/have used dayz nav by now anyway, whether in a good or bad way) slightly outweighs the positives.

I do not once recall Dean saying that hacking will stop with the standalone, not once. But what he did say, is that scripting is not possible in the standalone, therefore there will be far less cheating.

There are also server owners who use ESP to know where all vehicles and tents are. Server owners can cheat too and find your stuff without this spectator tool. I think it's a great and useful tool when used properly. But with most good things, come the bad. Just depends who is using it.

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Expected.. BE sucks to find anything, i won't be surprised.

Right, that's why all public hacks are currently detected and the most popular private hacks out there are busted every few days. Facts please?

As said... i wouldn't be surprised. With the total mess you can find o DayZ today a cheater or or less won't change anything.

Admins can use whatever addons/scripts they want on their servers, as long as they load them through the game and not inject them like hacks. The entire game is based on scripts at its core, so using such a tool via legitimate means provided by the game (modding) can't technically be considered cheating.

WalkerDown, I must say, I have followed these forums for a long time and I'm amazed by your constant pure negativity towards BE. I invite you to send me a list of arguments of why BE is the worst anti-cheat software out there (apparently that seems to be your opinion) and I will gladly respond to every point.

Edited by Sable
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Expected.. BE sucks to find anything, i won't be surprised.

As said... i wouldn't be surprised. With the total mess you can find o DayZ today a cheater or or less won't change anything.

Btw, to be consistent im reporting you and your server in the cheating area:


..and again, the fact that you are an admin doesn't make you "special". YOU CANNOT CHEAT .. and the excuse of doing it to find other cheaters is just that: an EXCUSE! I can claim to use the navigator only to see who's teleporting.. but again: this makes me a CHEATER not a policeman.

This thread should be locked down.

Lol, How do you have over 700 posts and have no clue. You can report me all you want. I have a PRIVATE server. I can do whatever I want. I find it funny how all the haters in here assume because you have a tool to catch cheaters that you use it for a bad purpose. I never cheat. I hate cheaters. Try playing on a server where the cheaters rule and then you tell me what you would do ?? Instead of just wasting everyone's time in this thread please go bore someone else with our useless comments. The fact that you reported me for cheating is hilarious to everyone in this thread.

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