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Crash course on the 1.7.3 Combat System (by the person who wrote it)

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Id just like to say thank you for trying to deal with the combat loggers. Although i didnt find it too annoying anyway its a bit more refreshing to know that they have logged out so i can move on without the thought they could still be in game sneaking up on me.

But my biggest issue is this audiable distance thing..

I have no issues if a bullet lands within 10m of you its pretty certain you are being shot at or if i fire a weapon then im quite happy to accept that i shouldnt be able to log off but i cant help but picture someone just running through the bushes and seeing in combat because someone is just collecting some wood to survive. Now the person running knows someone is within 70m and goes hunting for someone he would of otherwise never known to be there and for the guy collecting his wood... Well he has no idea about the incoming bullet.

I think this range will just enable people to get cheap kills from time to time. If you put the range down to 10m at least it gives both parties an equal chance and will remove that 'right place, right time lucky guy' also if you cant be seen within 10m you deserve the kill, if you dont see them then you deserve to die.

I like everything else tho.

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I think 50m strikes a good balance.

If you're aiming for a head or chest shot at ranges of 200m+ with any kind of rifle then missing their head by an inch means the bullet will inevitably land some 50-100m beyond target.

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I think 50m strikes a good balance.

If you're aiming for a head or chest shot at ranges of 200m+ with any kind of rifle then missing their head by an inch means the bullet will inevitably land some 50-100m beyond target.

If a player cant hear the wizz of the bullet past his head to know he has been shot then thats tough. There are enough clues already built into the game which allow players to identify if they are being shot at, by what and what with.

If your not good enough to use the clues built in you deserve to be shot, if you was shot at by a sub sonic bullet and they missed and the bullet landed 50m you wouldnt see the bullet hit the ground, maybe you would if you was looking that way but why on earth should you be told you was shot at.?

I have no issues with the system i just think some values need tweeking.

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It's cool that DayZ is being kept fresh with this new system, even if it isn't to your (or my) liking, however.....

With being 'forced' to play PvP, won't that compromise your 'Humanity' ? - doesn't Rocket have secret future plans for 'Humanity' ?

And the new Action System forces you risk not being able to take advantage of the future 'Humanity' related goodies.

And if all that's stopping me from ALT-TABbing and hitting CLOSE in DZC, is a sarcastic system message on the server - what kind of deterrent is that ? Noone gives a monkey's if x number of complete strangers know you logged out.

And given that it can't detect between a lost connection / power cut and ALT-TAB, CLOSE, EVERYONE affected will just say "I lost my connection" and there will be so many of these people that the Admins won't know who is a liar and who is being honest. If an Admin chose to ban everyone regardless then there's 5,000 other servers to play on anyway.

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It's cool that DayZ is being kept fresh with this new system, even if it isn't to your (or my) liking, however.....

With being 'forced' to play PvP, won't that compromise your 'Humanity' ? - doesn't Rocket have secret future plans for 'Humanity' ?

And the new Action System forces you risk not being able to take advantage of the future 'Humanity' related goodies.

And if all that's stopping me from ALT-TABbing and hitting CLOSE in DZC, is a sarcastic system message on the server - what kind of deterrent is that ? Noone gives a monkey's if x number of complete strangers know you logged out.

And given that it can't detect between a lost connection / power cut and ALT-TAB, CLOSE, EVERYONE affected will just say "I lost my connection" and there will be so many of these people that the Admins won't know who is a liar and who is being honest. If an Admin chose to ban everyone regardless then there's 5,000 other servers to play on anyway.

Why add anything to the game at all right? Sigh.

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He will just tell you to try run away.

Killing bandits doesnt effect your humanity anyway.

Hes right tho, if someone wants to shoot you the only way you should be able to get away would be to run or fight.

Just means ppl will have to be ultra careful if they dont want to be spotted.

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I think I want to hug you, ChrisR :D You understand the intention of the combat system

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I just had to register on forums to thank Venthos for making this system.

This is probably the best thing that have happened in this game since I started playing it about 5-6 months ago, Thank You !

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i understood it from the start, i just think something are slightly too punishing. after all its a game, if a game isnt fun / challenging then people just wont play.

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Ok so had another alt f4, got it on video this time.

Check out the gallery in about 1 hour of this post, there is no message saying the guy alt f4ed and he returns to the server with no admin ban, although i think the alt f4 caused him to die. Thoughts?

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  • You fire a weapon or throw an object
  • Any player fires a weapon or throws an object within 70m of you (this way most "squads" will all go into combat if one fires)
  • A bullet or object impacts within 50m of you

A great system, seriously worth the effort but I have only one issue... the above should be changed to something more along the lines of:


  • You fire a weapon or throw an object
  • Any player fires a weapon or throws an object within 70m of you (this way most "squads" will all go into combat if one fires)
  • A bullet or object impacts within 20m of you

As has been pointed out by others, the second point will simply alert people to each other's presence when they're doing things like chopping zombies and whatnot. It's very much going to break up the immersion factor.

The third point I think wasn't really specific enough, to be honest if anyone's firing weapons at you and they're impacting that far away then they deserve whatever happens next (although if you're firing right at them and miss the shots could be going a long way away, is there any check possible for ammunition simply passing through the immediate area?).

Just my opinion at any rate ^_^


What you describe, Slyguy65, is precisely the situations that this system attempts to enforce and allow. Yes, people should be able to lock you into a building by firing a bullet every 29 seconds or less. It gives away their position, keeps themselves in combat, and in the event of a buddy keeps their buddy in combat. If anything, them giving away their position/presence gives you the upper hand. But even then, this isn't a "fair fight enforcer" it's a combat system aimed at forcing you to confront your attackers (and also confront your victims if you suddenly lose the upper hand on the victim).

While I feel 50m is just dandy, we're going with a more conservative value for official DayZ. It's already planned on being dropped to 30m for fired near (down from 70) and 15m for bullet/object impacting near (down from 50). At least those are the tentative values for next patch (they may change before then). But, those situations you exclaim would still be quite possible (which is intended).

My bad, I didn't see this!

What you describe, Slyguy65, is precisely the situations that this system attempts to enforce and allow. Yes, people should be able to lock you into a building by firing a bullet every 29 seconds or less. It gives away their position, keeps themselves in combat, and in the event of a buddy keeps their buddy in combat. If anything, them giving away their position/presence gives you the upper hand. But even then, this isn't a "fair fight enforcer" it's a combat system aimed at forcing you to confront your attackers (and also confront your victims if you suddenly lose the upper hand on the victim).

While I feel 50m is just dandy, we're going with a more conservative value for official DayZ. It's already planned on being dropped to 30m for fired near (down from 70) and 15m for bullet/object impacting near (down from 50). At least those are the tentative values for next patch (they may change before then). But, those situations you exclaim would still be quite possible (which is intended).

My bad, I didn't see this! ^_^

Edited by Shabadu_

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I can see a new hack, where shots are fired near all players. Otherwise nice system. Keep up the good work!

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Someone quit out on me today on Namalsk running the latest patch, I sniped a guy who was down on the coast at some barracks area, theres like 2 big towers there, I sniped him when he was lotting at the top with my M24, He rolled behind some green boxes, bandaged and then dissappeared, I know this because I could just say see his foot, and it vanished, and my friend who had another view of that tower a few minutes later told me there was no body up there. and I dont recall a combat logg message across the server. While he was bandaging I took another shot at him which missed, which would in turn as stated here it keeps it at 30 right, He dissappeared right after that last shot.

and another thing, Taking off the debug is an absolute joke. We should be allowed the option to turn it on/off if the server rules allow it.

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Taking off the debug is an absolute joke. We should be allowed the option to turn it on/off if the server rules allow it.

Should get used to it IMO, it's not going to be there in standalone and was only meant for debug purposes.

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Oh no, the debug monitor's gone! How will I measure my e-peen now?!

On a serious note - are there any plans to tweak the combat system so that using a hatchet doesn't alert people to your presence?

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I loved this feature, and would find it cool increasing the area, and the time, and mostly add a timer to more kills (so I murder someone, I'm in combat log for 5 or 10 minutes) giving a chance for revenge someone, or being hunted after shooting in the city (would give a greater dynamic in Pk), having to deal with zombies with weapons of high caliber etc ...

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and a doubt, if I take a shot but I miss him and go over the target and just hit VERY far away, he'll still get combat mode? shot because passing close to the target but not hitting anything near?

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Ok, ive been seeing ways around the abort.

Alt tab out, dayz commander and click close game

cntrl alt and delete and close with task manager

These dont seem to show any message to tell everyone that someone disconnected during combat.

In fact ive not seen a single message about disconnecting during combat

In my latest video, someone did one of these 2 with the latest update running.

I really appricieate the effort gone into this, but it doesnt work as there are easy ways around it :(

Thanks for trying though

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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You can also get around it by pulling out your ethernet cord, or your power cable, or flipping the fuse for your house... :P

It was never intended to prevent people from combat logging. That's an unrealistic and ridiculous expectation.

It was intended to identify when combat logging occurred so that action could be taken accordingly, disabling ALT-F4 and Abort is just a trivial thing to do in ARMA2 so... why not do it? The intent is that the admin will see the combat logger and potentially ban them for it.

The original combat system (the one used with DayZ Redux) kills you if you combat log. So in the event someone did what you say (DayZ commander close, task manager close, etc) their character would be killed in game as a result. The one introduced into DayZ Official isn't as brutal and simply labels that person as a combat logger for later action by the admin.

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Where is the log with the combats loggins in my server? Can´t find the file.

Also, I don't understand why the player isn't killed when he disconnects in combat, he should.

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Hahahaha, I just killed a bandit who probably would have combat logged me, but I shot him in the back with a buckshot round. I love the new feature.

Edited by Sutinen

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Where is the log with the combats loggins in my server? Can´t find the file.

Also, I don't understand why the player isn't killed when he disconnects in combat, he should.

Because everytime you lose connection for one reason or another, which may even be a lag spike you will die. For me I lose connection all the time so if this was the case I would have not even got arma 2 and dayz, because I would never be able to play as where I live the internet is average and can never be upgraded to anything faster.

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So can i run around shouting out "Bang" and "Boom" and this will set off the timer?

This will piss some players off, just as they want to log off i come up from behind them and shout "Ratatata" spoiling their day.

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If by "shouting out" you mean "firing my weapon", then yes.

If by "spoiling their day" you mean "forcing them to confront you and actually play the game versus log out", then yes.

Sounds like you've got a good grasp on how the system works and why :) You must now actually play the game instead of cowering.

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