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Sniper Rifles don't need a nerf. This is why..

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Just to make this clear I am not complaining about how much damage they do or anything like that. Infact I honestly think 7.62 rifles should be a 1 hit kill from higher chest up. But this isn't the point.

Anyway, so currently in DayZ, I'm not sure if I'm right or not but I think Rocket may have deliberately put alot of fog into DayZ so that people can't snipe everything that moves from a long distance away. The mountain opposite of Cap Golova for example, when I found my first CZ550 I climbed that mountain thinking I'd kill some idiots running around the bottom and it would be easy, it kind of was. But I noticed I could never see into Cherno, now I know why.. derp

Anyway, I haven't yet played Namaslk because my internet is capped, but I have seen a bit off footage and read a lot about it. I think in the standalone, the weather, since it's in Russia ofcouse should be permanently in winter. I know this isn't the most realistic approach to DayZ, but having DayZ in a permanent cold environment would mean that people not only would be constantly looking around for food and supplies, warm cloths and heat packs, but the vision would be also restricted.

I use Namaslk as an example because an environment like that would have snow storms, fog, constant rain, maybe even hail storms? and other shit that would restrict the vision snipers that are capable of taking out targets at over 1,600 meters away.

I do not believe that nerfing the sniper rifles power would be a good approach to reducing the overpowerness of the cannons, because any more than body shot is an instant kill. (in real life situations) And removing them completely would piss everyone off.

Removing the vision via fog and rain is a far better approach than heavily nerfing the .50 cals, or removing them completely in my opinion. Then again we are aloud to have our own opinions.

Edited by koze
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Russia is permanently in winter? ... stopped right there...and cold doesnt mean that you need more water or food than the hot or the everyday. Norwegian saying. "no such thing as bad weather only bad gear"

Snipers don't need a nerf. Players need to stop walking on top of buildings/firestation/control towers and or run toward a chorus of flies thinking that all of those players must have coincidently died there for no apparant reason. Or if they do do this, as we are all guilty of from time to time, to not be suprised when the hisss->dead->bang jack in a box fills their screen.

Real life situation...? Now i love dayz, but its representation, its a strech to call it a simulation, in no aspect does it entirely match the real world. A banadage would not magiclly fix an abdominal wound or internal bleeding, a gunshot to the toe would not mean instant death.

I understand that vison fog exists because PC's are not standard and most people cannot run ARMA at full res/draw distane. Fog helps balance people who have NASA's super computer vs those on Windows 98. Although once there was a day without a single bit of fog. I could see 10 km away quite clearly and everyone (including me) was complaining of lag...

Edited by Trizzo
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Russia is permanently in winter? ... stopped right there...and cold doesnt mean that you need more water or food than the hot or the everyday. Norwigen saying. "no such thing as bad weather only bad gear"

Snipers don't need a nerf. Players need to stop walking on top of buildings/firestation/control towers and or run toward a chorus of flies thinking that all of those players must have coincidently died there for no apparant reason. Or if they do do this, as we are all guilty of from time to time, to not be suprised when the hisss->dead->bang jack in a box fills their screen.

Real life situation...? Now i love dayz, but its representation, its a strech to call it a simulation, in no aspect does it entirely match the real world. A banadage would not magiclly fix an abdominal wound or internal bleeding, a gunshot to the toe would not mean instant death.

I don't believe sniper rifles need a nerf, but I thought since theres such a large number of people complaining about it that Rocket would do something like remove 1 hit kills to the body. I wrote this in the first paragraph to explain that am I in no way complaining about the damage. You might want to consider re-reading my thread.

Also, like I said I havent played Namaslk yet, but I have seen footage. Footage of snow on the top of a hill. Now that map is 'permanently in winter'. The snow never melts, and in no way does the map it self actually change. So what I'm suggesting is that if Chernarus plus should be like that, but rarely have sunshine.

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I don't believe sniper rifles need a nerf, but I thought since theres such a large number of people complaining about it that Rocket would do something like remove 1 hit kills to the body. I wrote this in the first paragraph to explain that am I in no way complaining about the damage. You might want to consider re-reading my thread.

Also, like I said I havent played Namaslk yet, but I have seen footage. Footage of snow on the top of a hill. Now that map is 'permanently in winter'. The snow never melts, and in no way does the map it self actually change. So what I'm suggesting is that if Chernarus plus should be like that, but rarely have sunshine.

Saying that sniper rifles don't need a nerf but advocating ways to make them worse has all the appearance of a misnomer. As for the idea of permanent fog, no sunshine, essentially *stark voice* "winter is coming" to Chernus is bad! Less diverse environments, arbitrary design and all to lessen the impact of sniping which you said don't need a nerf? We can have diveserse weather and micoclimates but a monoculture whos sole intention is to nerf ONE ascpect of the game is overreach and not warrented.

Saying that snipers don't need a nerf because of a yet to be implemented idea is rather moot. I think if the AS50 was gone all is fixed. In standalone throw in some random weather events, but not a monoclimte, to mix it up and make it safer to run around? All is well in the world.

Edited by Trizzo
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I think if the AS50 was gone all is fixed.

And I think having fog and other weather conditions that make long range sniping a little harder is a better solution than removing the rifles completely. Not only that, it would also make the game more interesting.

Do you get what I'm trying to say? Have you come to a realisation yet? read the fucking thread title. It states why sniper rifles don't need a nerf.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but you seriously need to have a really good read again on my thread. You keep mentioning things like me complaining about sniper rifles them selves, for the last time.. I'm trying to find a better solution rather "lets just completely remove the as50".

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I'm not sure permanently reducing visibility is the most viable solution to sniping, but I do agree that nerfing and/or removing sniper rifles isn't the way to go either. In the pinned standalone thread (as well as another thread "make snipers work for the kill" present the best options for limiting the power snipers currently possess.

Outlined in these threads are suggestions of making sniping more difficult in the way of introducing more random scope movement, heavy breathing, and increased bullet drop so that it will take skill, practice and some small degree of luck to successfully hit targets from extreme distances, as apposed to point and click kills.

I think that introducing constant fog in your idea may be a bit extreme, as well as figuring out wind drift and the coriolis effect may become convoluted, but I think that a lesser implementation of the latter may be a better way of dealing with this issue. But perhaps fog could be introduced at higher altitudes on the map as well as during seasonal changes, to throw a further bit of unpredictability into the mix?

I think that a combination of these features may be a great addition to the SA. Sorry if this was written too formally.. I tend to get my fancy pants of when writing :/

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Instead of you pointless rage and selective quoting understanding what I'm saying! Look at your selective quote above, then let me add what you left out for the sake of your argument and insults. I agree with you, just to the extend of you suggestion.

I think if the AS50 was gone all is fixed. In standalone throw in some random weather events, but not a monoclimte, to mix it up and make it safer to run around? All is well in the world.

Gasp! Weather might play a part in balancing sniping? Wait I had the impression that Trizzo didn't think that at all, somebody quoting him as only saying remove that as50 as the only solution! And before that...

As for the idea of permanent fog, no sunshine, essentially *stark voice* "winter is coming" to Chernus is bad! Less diverse environments, arbitrary design and all to lessen the impact of sniping which you said don't need a nerf? We can have diveserse weather and micoclimates but a monoculture whos sole intention is to nerf ONE ascpect of the game is overreach and not warrented.

And before, before that

Snipers don't need a nerf. (NOTE: that is agreement with your thread title!) Players need to stop walking on top of buildings/firestation/control towers and or run toward a chorus of flies thinking that all of those players must have coincidently died there for no apparant reason. Or if they do do this, as we are all guilty of from time to time, to not be suprised when the hisss->dead->bang jack in a box fills their screen.

I dissagree with a permanant winter/weather fix because its bland, makes no sense, isn't realisitc, i want diversity. The AS50 being removed is a side note. Its a boring gun. Takes little skill and is currently more common than an M24. It needs fixing whatever anybody thinks of sniping.

-And just becuase it came up Coriolis effecting bullets in any meaningful way is total kak-

Edited by Trizzo

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remove the AS50.

i have killed too many people with it and i dont think well all be running around with one when the world ends.

the M24 / SVD should be the best snipers in the game, period.

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I just realised, I've never seen an M24 in DayZ.

koze and Trizzo, I get what both of you are trying to say, you both seem to be making a similar point.

Snipers shouldn't be nerfed or entirely removed, but they also shouldn't be the absolute best weapon in every situation.

AS50 handles far too easily. In CQB it doesn't make sense that a 50 cal rifle can be swung around like it weighs nothing. At range it doesn't make sense that everyone can snipe like a god.

With random, authentic-feeling weather patterns, there would be times when a sniper wouldn't be useful, because you can't see 5ft in front of you. The way it is now, an AS50 would still be preferable at short range.

Hopefully there's some thought going into more accurate weapon handling for standalone. A 41/2 ft rifle weighing over 12Kg should be a bit more cumbersome than a 2ft 9" carbine that only weighs 3Kg.

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I would rather have sniper rifles just be far more difficult to obtain than they are now. The problem with sniper rifles is that they've taken over PvP, making both pvp and pve bland and uninteresting. Scoped guns will always be considered better than AR's etc. because they allow you to kill anyone without any effort and without the risk of them fighting back. So in order to have any form of PVP that isn't airfield camping, sniper rifles need to be a luxury item for bandits.

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Maximum overdone topic (sniper rifles) i have pretty good faith that not too many will running around as50'ing everyone to death soon.

Leroy enfield ftw.

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I dont think nerfing is needed, nor the removal of sniper rifles.

What i do think is required is skill to use one properly. Being able to hit a moving target in the head from 1000m? Total BS unless you were one of the best marksmen in the world - and here we are some bum who washed up on the beach with nothing.

Make aiming harder, dont snap the sights straight back to target when a shot is fired and make wind a factor. Then if you make that 1000m head shot you can be truly proud.

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Hello there

Another factor should be ammo rarity, hi grade ammo should just be damn hard to find. (will need to eliminate duping too)



Edit: yes, the general topic has been done to death, but idea to use the varied weather systems used as a tool to limit sniper L33Ts AFAIK has not.

Edited by orlok

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