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Bullet drop?

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Do have to account for bullet drop when using the m24 on dayz server? And would using the zeroing fuction do the same thing if i knew the range to the target?


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Bullet drop affects all weapons. You'll have to learn how to judge distance and use zeroing/mildots.

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Been looking for an oppotunity to re-pimp this:


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the pic is wrong, this is right: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TargetShooting3.gif

and if you are shooting uphill you should do as you shoot farer away: "When shooting on an incline with a rifle that has been zeroed at , the bullet will impact along the incline as if it were zeroed at a longer range ."


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I think it's meant to make fun of BF3...

Nevermind it works fine for a paint drawing.

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no i meant the bullet doesnt fly high after its leaving the barrel...





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Yes it does, on both images and in reality too. :) The effect is just not so big IRL.

Edit: I think I see what you mean, the bullet in Dallas' image is not leaving exactly at the direction barrel is pointing at. The general idea is still right, bullet makes a parabolic path

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this is what I thought how it works.. and calculate with:

s = 1/2 * g * t^2 (where t = time in seconds and g = 9,81 m/s^2)

just some school physics, dunno if it is more difficult in reality.. maybe the bullets "fly" differently.. but I doubt it.. it comes just from the not undertsanding of the physics behind that matters...

"Bullets are affected by gravity whether in flight or not, and, when they leave the barrel, they no longer have any physical support, such as the brass, the box, your pocket, the magazine, the chamber, or the barrel, so they begin to fall. In addition, they are traveling through air, so air resistance progressively slows their flight. On most occasions the barrel is slanted upward slightly to compensate for this immediate drop; thus, for all but extreme shots, since the barrel is aimed slightly upward, the bullet does, indeed, rise slightly after it leaves the barrel, but it bullet never rises above the axis of the barrel."

sry when i am a little pendantic about such stuff as i am studying science.. often its better to be pendantic in the first place to erase all misunderstanding early...

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Details for sniping and mil dot usage for ARMA 2 attached in pdf file below

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