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FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:
DATE:15.07.2014 06:32:29 GUID:6e71d1b3679b4c36fccc2f34c0a2b4e8 NAME:"KeptChimp"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "DZ_drg_RLact";\nplayer removeAction NORRN_dropAction;\n} else {\nhint "No space left in vehicle";\n};\nNORRN_load_wounded_action = tr"

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:15.07.2014 22:50:34 GUID:294f8984d6671e1c2b63625be2d094ce NAME:"stupiduser123"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:16.07.2014 00:44:28 GUID:37fe529747e9cd2f52c63f2b62f4da0c NAME:"Das1xxx"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "_556x45_Stanag";\nplayer addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";\n\n\n\nhint "Basic bypass default startup file ran."\n\nhint "Adding Vehicl"

DATE:16.07.2014 12:32:42 GUID:4e612d435be54b02fe1af89181ecdea7? NAME:"[DT]SKIFlost"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:16.07.2014 14:16:00 GUID:9a69fc5d4c1a467fa115aa610769919e NAME:"Mike"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:16.07.2014 21:47:43 GUID:b89d8fd5d2da66fa30cc61443ecdf851 NAME:"Vayken"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"P1ayer PID#102(JackTheTurdious) damaged 10.2656 by PID#134(Vayken) with DMR_DZ/B_762x51_noTracer <ammo left:0/0> suspicious from 311 meters at factory [61:131^0]"

DATE:16.07.2014 22:22:53 GUID:c1b0fcb5f72ab3a3616d42bd868be025 NAME:"Mexeo."

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:16.07.2014 22:59:07 GUID:7b6346947275d15a4c4e05c71f9cb198 NAME:"Ryse"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#73 "execVM "\wuat\[email protected]""

DATE:16.07.2014 23:15:26 GUID:c17ac1738ce32c1f9e9fac0d444f9eab NAME:"Wunder"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:17.07.2014 03:33:01 GUID:3c6232736f804d2732b4f80718a183d2 NAME:"Alphayt"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:17.07.2014 18:19:28 GUID:080b03629b882b1d22892eb1247fef96 NAME:"creep_000"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""

DATE:17.07.2014 4:33:01 GUID:f11708a2ab9358e8427c2e13ede0c468 NAME:"Jakob"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#12(Jakob) moving from Polana [108:66^251.7] to power plant [104:127^19.8] (6162m) at speed:30683 dt:0.5"

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:16.07.2014 21:56:26 GUID:55a99e6017353252fac9843288f0a57b NAME:"Bandit Silent"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"HACK no rec0il player UID#xxxxxxx"

Edited by facoptere

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We are celebrating the 2-year anniversary of FR34 and FR129 servers!! Thanks to everyone.

Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:18.07.2014 17:18:35 GUID:e606cd9b1a577134ffc2a3e4ca1423a0 NAME:"le bon samaritain"
SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:["Log building damage",[20f28100# 968797: a_generalstore_01.p3d,"glass",1.84459,B 1-4-F:1 (le bon samaritain) REMOTE,"Hatchet_Swing_Ammo"]]

DATE:18.07.2014 17:34:45 GUID:52d0f44e381beac64ee737c8ab611aeb NAME:"Lyta katka"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "#line 1 "vscripts\Startup.sqf"\nRunSimpleMenu;\n\nhint "Basic bypass default startup file ran."\n"

DATE:18.07.2014 18:03:39 GUID:53d3abe13de00cdae07af8d10b662d38 NAME:"dave"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:17.07.2014 21:06:23 GUID:ce729f76e5e11396b785eee1045ea096 NAME:"RaiiZer"
SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:["Log building damage",[20046400# 262631: a_generalstore_01.p3d,"glass",1.50669,B 1-2-D:1 (RaiiZer) REMOTE,"Hatchet_Swing_Ammo"]]

DATE:18.07.2014 17:50:04 GUID:6ce483215ee09c7652dbaa97d56ee34d NAME:"LPV Vincy"
SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:["Log building damage",[20110f00# 262631: a_generalstore_01.p3d,"glass",1.0495,B 1-1-K:1 (LPV Vincy) REMOTE,"Machete_Swing_Ammo"]]

DATE:18.07.2014 18:02:30 GUID:eb7981e735c5d3c79caa04444ff85bd0 NAME:"Main"
SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "" 0:0

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Banned from FR34 for scripting weapon spawn:

Banned: 1b89a2db40ea53a71eeed4eca0eb4270

Banned: 1d171679a8b7088fca325ae543e03f57

Banned: 6a3b80744da1a816c7454cebbb41a38e

Banned: c8ed0ef2466d1abec8af94a0f6b71cd7

Banned: d0f7484243995c82f92b4f6e8f93885f

On FR129:


Edited by facoptere

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Hello, i was playing normally this morning, after little break i tried to connect again and got banned for "BP-Scripts 11"

Dont know what is this, i was jumping between dayz and windows during loading, could be because of that?


Ingame nick Uncle-Albert

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Hello, i was playing normally this morning, after little break i tried to connect again and got banned for "BP-Scripts 11"

Dont know what is this, i was jumping between dayz and windows during loading, could be because of that?


Ingame nick Uncle-Albert

no It's a mistake I did few hours ago. I am fixing it. Thanks!

You should be unbanned.

Edited by facoptere

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:18.07.2014 20:02:00 GUID:7656f419f9ac9fcba3a14d9d95cd2800? NAME:"[FXG]TysonJE"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#76 "execVM "LoganNZL\[email protected]";"

DATE:19.07.2014 01:21:53 GUID:19ca8d5136a56ecfe4157484b686a188? NAME:"German Shepherd"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#0 "player addAction ["<t color=#0000FF'>HAYVAAAAAN</t>", "help.sqf];"

DATE:19.07.2014 11:11:56 GUID:12eca2f33cd0d355344cabf148596a88? NAME:"Zack"


DATE:19.07.2014 16:08:33 GUID:fed1793f883b534a2969f9f88df33869? NAME:"Vulture"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo" 0:0

DATE:19.07.2014 16:44:11 GUID:fe40126e72e5fcfc1b31c4f4069d3182? NAME:"[FFG]JAYJAY"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#64 "execVM "infiSTAR_Black\startup.sqf""

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:20.07.2014 02:45:50 GUID:aaabd3b6b693121ae9aac5e0ca36d9be NAME:"Tempur"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:20.07.2014 10:19:17 GUID:- NAME:"Delta_7"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:20.07.2014 16:38:00 GUID:eb7981e735c5d3c79caa04444ff85bd0 NAME:"Oa"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "#line 1 "Deluxe_97\Customwork\esp.sqf"\nhint "esp activated";\nif (isNil "markPos") then {markPos = 1;} else {markPos = 0;};\nif(ma"

DATE:20.07.2014 19:19:21 GUID:6b72337ffda99acb729ac23e5f5eb731? NAME:"newbalance"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:20.07.2014 20:08:18 GUID:ccca82e984805b24392d737bbb4a2e7c NAME:"Jeppe"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:20.07.2014 21:17:39 GUID:ba6866a7c72713b3cf0f996685ed94fb NAME:"NotTheAdmin"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "AKS_74" 0:0

DATE:20.07.2014 21:44:51 GUID:759d31fa754d1447441b51d13ac820c7 NAME:"Rick Grimes"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:21.07.2014 0:24:18 GUID:25f58af5320bc13922ffee4db5b86366 NAME:"Melinik"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:["Log building damage",[17f99600# 968797: a_generalstore_01.p3d,"glass",4.69577,B 1-4-I:1 (Melinik) REMOTE,"Crowbar_Swing_Ammo"]]

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:19.07.2014 20:31:15 GUID:e34cae0c9f8848087692cb49d71a2ecd NAME:"Morningstar"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

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Public hive is currently down.

I put FR34 in private hive for now.

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Both servers are temporarily on a same private hive. Public hive is still down.
Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:21.07.2014 20:13:15 GUID:66df4e43583c8bc34d52fdf592e17f9a NAME:"Austin"
SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#2 "ItemRadio" 0:0

DATE:21.07.2014 22:31:07 GUID:a85e4b7a6aba77e4bb76ce520477e951? NAME:"Montgomery James"
SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:["Log building damage",[19baa400# 968797: a_generalstore_01.p3d,"glass",1.28292,B 1-2-H:1 (Montgomery James) REMOTE,"Hatchet_Swing_Ammo"]]

DATE:22.07.2014 00:08:53 GUID:add9b7777d3ef5f0f1e80dd69bcd1741 NAME:"Mr.President"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#0 "{true} do\n{\nif (_idx == -1) then\n{\n_idx = (vehicle player) addAction ['<t color=''#f7ff12''>Scroll Menu</t>', '\infiSTAR_Menu\se"

DATE:22.07.2014 00:51:29 GUID:0a7b6ba0a32ecdec281f0cc070cc028d NAME:"Roger That"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "DZ_drg_RLact";\nplayer removeAction NORRN_dropAction;\n} else {\nhint "No space left in vehicle";\n};\nNORRN_load_wounded_action = tr"

DATE:22.07.2014 10:35:50 GUID:26167007913c1c911ee9bf7a7231d4a3 NAME:"[s.A.S]Pvt.Coco"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#79 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""

DATE:22.07.2014 22:59:09 GUID:9060c9213a02ad951fd7aa8e2b39dc43 NAME:"Reass"
SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "BAF_AS50_scoped_Large" 0:0

DATE:23.07.2014 08:35:51 GUID:9490b63e01425bc9abb5dbd6a1d927f4 NAME:"Rick Grimes"
SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#2 "ItemRadio" 0:0

DATE:23.07.2014 16:49:45 GUID:0a310c5a15b0138c416d3d4a58039f21 NAME:"Rekkamees5"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:23.07.2014 17:42:31 GUID:2fd1e6a58b07cc4f958963497f8c25cd NAME:"Devil"
SOURCE:addmagazinecargo PATTERN:#4 "1200Rnd_762x51_M240" 0:0

Latest permanent bans on FR129:
DATE:21.07.2014 23:21:29 GUID:1ae58daf93f8d35ccfc68fa66a8bbd6a NAME:"Sasha"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:22.07.2014 21:04:56 GUID:5251a81452d7feb03daf128bbff446cc NAME:"Jasmine"
SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT" 0:0

DATE:22.07.2014 23:17:10 GUID:022f0b3aec6c2d1a33bce9f5bf8ef889 NAME:"AndreyQos"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "DZ_drg_RLact";\nplayer removeAction NORRN_dropAction;\n} else {\nhint "No space left in vehicle";\n};\nNORRN_load_wounded_action = tr"

DATE:23.07.2014 05:02:57 GUID:2fd1e6a58b07cc4f958963497f8c25cd NAME:"Devil"
SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT" 0:0

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Facopter im not sure if you can do anything but I was banned today, named 'Matthew' when I opened a box I found on the shore and it contained a load of weapons. I grabbed one and when I went to drop it I was booted and I now cannot join. This server is one of my favorites and im not sure if anything can be done but I appreciate your time!

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Facopter im not sure if you can do anything but I was banned today, named 'Matthew' when I opened a box I found on the shore and it contained a load of weapons. I grabbed one and when I went to drop it I was booted and I now cannot join. This server is one of my favorites and im not sure if anything can be done but I appreciate your time!

you are unbanned.

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I have just updated dayz commander to the latest patch. Now I cant join any servers that are on my favourites list. I join on this server and my authentication times out..... Can anybody help me??

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I have just updated dayz commander to the latest patch. Now I cant join any servers that are on my favourites list. I join on this server and my authentication times out..... Can anybody help me??


"authentication timeout" = you are using a Steam version (not one of the legacy beta patches) of the game.

I think that I should update the server since more and more player are using Steam to download patches.

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 Can anybody help me??


I updated the servers. You should be able to connect using you steam account.

If the servers do not appear in the steam list or the dayzcommander list, you can still join them manually.


Host : IP are

for FR34:    fr34.infected.fr  2302

for F129:    fr129.infected.fr  2302

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thx for the update :)


i found items i never saw before:



"Hose-Clamp" (which was huge, like 50cm diameter)

and Czech Vest Pouch has 12 item slots.

also loot seems pretty high, 5 items per pile not uncommon.


i'm not sure if these are regular things, just wanted to let you know.



e/ i played on FR34


e2/ read about the increased loot, definitely too much for me.

Edited by phL

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also loot seems pretty high, 5 items per pile not uncommon.

I increased a lot the loot level because all players are starting from zero because of the Steam switch.

All item you see have been modeled by the devteam or are parts of ArmA.

I will lower the loot level in a week. I hope though that the public hive will be restarted meanwhile.

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to vanilla values?

I will set to normal, same level as before Steam.

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Thanks for the quick fix. Just playing on fr129. Its nice not to be a bandit anymore. On the hive my humanity is like -160k after I went on a rampage with an as50 ages ago......... At least now I can try get a hero skin.

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:23.07.2014 20:04:18 GUID:ea2b9fbdf5a9340acd815750c8759c56 NAME:"Ned"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:24.07.2014 00:13:27 GUID:291927bed280160dc78d92bd065cc5bf? NAME:"Matthew"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT" 0:0

DATE:25.07.2014 12:30:28 GUID:8034e1276edbd3c694ddc187af3e86b0 NAME:"Kolovrat1488"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#62 "execVM 'dayz-injector.sqf';"

DATE:25.07.2014 20:06:51 GUID:b23bea41f51273cc062cc3de46ee6a1b NAME:"The Red One"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#127(The Red One) entering at power plant [104:127^7.3], a local vehicle UH1H_DZ"

DATE:25.07.2014 21:27:15 GUID:ccc9d6e121612ba5b40c207e73c3385b NAME:"BECAUSE IM HAPPY"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#67 "execVM "infiSTAR_SEVEN\setup\startup.sqf";"

DATE:26.07.2014 10:54:38 GUID:- NAME:"Delta_7"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:26.07.2014 22:58:17 GUID:0ed222f3c01ad92115f237a5bb2363b2 NAME:"Alex Rushly"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#76 "private execVM "\wuat\start.sqf";"

DATE:27.07.2014 13:34:12 GUID:6e2660b9a27045a2d80b45f9e13bffba NAME:"Tom"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:27.07.2014 21:01:22 GUID:aca2f71f7cdc0933f80ef818fc4f1d5c NAME:"NiGGA"

SOURCE:remoteexec PATTERN:#0 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

DATE:27.07.2014 22:27:03 GUID:6ebdb9b72100c3cd595d81af4387ebf5 NAME:"LocalG4M3R"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#79 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:24.07.2014 15:49:41 GUID:0476e49f346135aa45973df3af5ba097 NAME:"Samorez"

SOURCE:createvehicle PATTERN:#5 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 11:111 [7223,2559,4]

DATE:27.07.2014 09:52:18 GUID:fbac619b9ac5a4f24d2c1302a26d9b6d NAME:"ZzxYiz#sZs"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:27.07.2014 12:20:36 GUID:b1e8de4777a906e18cb0cb9aba2a9185 NAME:"Psyco_ZA"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:28.07.2014 12:28:42 GUID:ba635c44409277756b9327637fe1bfd0 NAME:"maZAFAKER"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#7 "igFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x);\nif (_isOK) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\n} forEach _wpns;\n};\nhint 'Spawn weapon an"

DATE:28.07.2014 12:58:37 GUID:ea53ddf77ff4b79ca358d15a157ea0b8 NAME:"denis2001"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:29.07.2014 09:41:24 GUID:b5edb2723f3af4d9c8c422f5b99c5dea NAME:"StormyGamers"

SOURCE:createvehicle PATTERN:#5 "AmmoBoxBig" 22:17 [5909,2040,3]

DATE:29.07.2014 14:32:44 GUID:18dae30dd8245b60d2278523ee6d091c NAME:"Juliet"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"HACK no rec0il player UID#xxxxxxx"

DATE:29.07.2014 15:42:35 GUID:68253ad678610fcd22fdeccc8adc2af1 NAME:"GeneralBoom"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "";\n(findDisplay 12) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";\n\nhint "Systems Online";\n\n\nMY_KEYDOWN_FNC =\n{\nswitch (_this) do\n{\n\n"

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Its insane how many people are still getting banned.....

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