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FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

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Please check the latest videos from FR34/FR129 players: http://videos.infected.fr

(will redirect you to our Youtube channel)

Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:29.06.2014 22:03:54 GUID:0238f572c903be9e5f689cebd1536847 NAME:"DealerMan"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#64 "["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\infiSTAR_Menu\setup\startup.sqf""

DATE:30.06.2014 00:28:16 GUID:8172118d0576aab4d8f5c2d01d08042f NAME:"remi"

DATE:30.06.2014 15:07:06 GUID:87e10a853dfa9bc0515789bbdbbe6717 NAME:"AfterDarks"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#73 "execVM "wuat\start.sqf";"

DATE:30.06.2014 15:12:14 GUID:95642c898aa81d3277d1da5e96e22868 NAME:"Lewis"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""


27.06.2014 22:48:05: Latchkey ( 10941d93e3b6d5dc04af9a663a7942a7 - #15 "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS" 0:0

29.06.2014 13:16:24: COMout ( 3f6286567e5243637a92de44cd74b4cd - #0 "" 0:0

29.06.2014 15:48:03: Reev ( 994b1e4cbd0d9dedaa5072e3b251aa1a - #0 "M24_des_EP1" 0:0

30.06.2014 18:27:15: Mr.Brown ( e81895cfe4166771130a1935982519be - #0 "M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo" 0:0

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:29.06.2014 17:27:25 GUID:64357386c1b3a330cc96fb19fd1af866 NAME:"Alex"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

Edited by facoptere

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:



DATE:30.06.2014 19:22:42   GUID:38581ade6ee85249543c0bf027070c01   NAME:"Peanuts"
SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#13 "_dayz_mag;\n{veh addBackpackCargo [_x,2];} forEach _dayz_bpk;\n\nhint "box will disappear after 2 minutes....";\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ns"

DATE:30.06.2014 19:46:49   GUID:3c97d515895b198dc498920ea765f38d   NAME:"MushroomMan"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:30.06.2014 21:50:55   GUID:506752d5ea4a05477b0399bda8b991a9   NAME:"[bB] londonirishdude"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:30.06.2014 22:11:57   GUID:b58101dbbf6733f6c5e2e75b07ebf1ff   NAME:"Muxa89"
SOURCE:arma2oaserver   PATTERN:"P1ayer PID#131(Andreas) damaged 22.5547 by PID#79(Muxa89) with MP5A5/B_9x19_Ball <ammo left:1/30> from 64 meters at Chernogorsk [65:129^0]"

DATE:30.06.2014 23:32:16   GUID:18482d23a77a22c9710c33bb61643802   NAME:"Olamba"
SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#8 ""zos\marker.sqf"\n\n\n\nmarker_mapesp = true;\n\nlist_vec = (allMissionObjects "Plane")+(allMissionObjects "LandVehicle")+(allMissionO"

DATE:01.07.2014 16:07:20   GUID:79bb09321b68410144826737f649bf6c   NAME:"Delorian"
SOURCE:arma2oaserver   PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#119(Delorian) moving from airfield [46:56^339.5] to Cap Golova [83:124^10.5] (7783m) at speed:38581 dt:0.5"

DATE:01.07.2014 18:06:16   GUID:da5e965f42abd1c44266d3073c971a75   NAME:"[OPB]SGT DRUGLORD"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"





Building hack (massive destruction)

2014/07/01, 15:57:17 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",21.0119,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball]]
2014/07/01, 15:57:18 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",1.72779,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball"]]
2014/07/01, 15:57:18 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",5.06683,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball"]]
2014/07/01, 15:57:23 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",6.84226,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball"]]
2014/07/01, 15:57:23 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",11.6652,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball"]]
2014/07/01, 15:57:24 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",2.70775,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball"]]
2014/07/01, 15:57:24 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",1.38833,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball"]]
2014/07/01, 15:57:24 ["Log building damage",[24693900# 143923: a_stationhouse.p3d,"dam 1",8.18547,B 1-4-B:1 (Roni_sl) REMOTE,"B_762x39_Ball"]]






2014/06/30, 22:38:51 ["Log building damage",[232b0f00# 965688: a_hospital.p3d,"",1.58341,B 3-1-G:1 (Muxa89) REMOTE,"]]
2014/06/30, 22:38:51 ["Log building damage",[232b0f00# 965688: a_hospital.p3d,"dam 5",1.14667,B 3-1-G:1 (Muxa89) REMOTE,""]]
2014/06/30, 22:38:56 ["Log building damage",[231b1600# 967694: tovarna2.p3d,"",3.94664,B 3-1-G:1 (Muxa89) REMOTE,"B_762x51_noTracer"]]
2014/06/30, 22:38:56 ["Log building damage",[231b1600# 967694: tovarna2.p3d,"",3.94713,B 3-1-G:1 (Muxa89) REMOTE,""]]
2014/06/30, 22:38:56 ["Log building damage",[231b1600# 967694: tovarna2.p3d,"",3.96075,B 3-1-G:1 (Muxa89) REMOTE,""]]
2014/06/30, 22:39:42 ["Log building damage",[231b1600# 967694: tovarna2.p3d,"",3.96075,B 3-1-G:1 (Muxa89) REMOTE,""]]
2014/06/30, 22:39:56 ["Log building damage",[232b0f00# 965688: a_hospital.p3d,"",1.58341,B 3-1-G:1 (Muxa89) REMOTE,""]]





Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:01.07.2014 14:41:15   GUID:7a4b3de1e4e77c7ea4a8386f4975e3da   NAME:"ZaSadisTos"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"

Edited by facoptere

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(FR 34)


Great server! Just started playing the other day and I love it. So hard to find a server that has the normal day/night cycle and a good difficulty, etc.. Very nice.


Anyway, loving the server. Thanks!

Edited by angel_eyes42

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Thanks a lot for your feedback.



Latest permanent bans on FR34:


DATE:01.07.2014 19:29:53   GUID:eb5b1a04659f6bb10a039199ba1bf27c   NAME:"[THC] Dame"
SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#0 "#line 1 "TM\menu.sqf"\nplayer addAction ['Toggle Keymenu', '\TM\keymenu.sqf'];\nplayer addAction ['Reset Menu', '\TM\clearvar.sqf'"


DATE:02.07.2014 16:03:33   GUID:1ccef768d54c6f37338eaac3e90771ba   NAME:"Wonng"
SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"


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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:02.07.2014 19:36:33 GUID:6c892498b42ca3541a5cf319f7ae9f69 NAME:"Dima"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:02.07.2014 23:16:07 GUID:cf307aa0323a22343e9a0905aa142c58 NAME:"James D"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "_dayz_mag;\n{veh addBackpackCargo [_x,2];} forEach _dayz_bpk;\n\nhint "box will disappear after 2 minutes....";\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ns"

DATE:02.07.2014 23:26:41 GUID:2874500da777298fb86c4a051e5bafc3 NAME:"ICD4BA7425N00B5"

SOURCE:addmagazinecargo PATTERN:#0 "" 0:0

DATE:02.07.2014 23:49:32 GUID:2b62660e9b99550fe1e2d6d95c8bc7f7 NAME:"Alec Wilcox"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "M249" 0:0

DATE:03.07.2014 10:46:57 GUID:1b55236bcaf2d2a87af8555735254528 NAME:"Roni_sl" - full IP range of his internet provider is banned.

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"HACK no rec0il player UID#xxxxxxx"

DATE:03.07.2014 11:51:57 GUID:97957965b5e9bf71a6ed7b485a213f06 NAME:"ADEPT"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "SVD_CAMO" 0:0

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:02.07.2014 19:07:43 GUID:6c892498b42ca3541a5cf319f7ae9f69 NAME:"Dima"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:03.07.2014 10:56:52 GUID:1b55236bcaf2d2a87af8555735254528 NAME:"Roni_sl"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"HACK no rec0il player UID#xxxxxxx"

DATE:03.07.2014 14:56:06 GUID:e90a188d0f11dd3270c760cdb12a8111 NAME:"anasombie"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#73 "execVM "\wuat\start.sqf";"

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hey there


3 things about FR34


1. I played there for about 3 days now and there are TONNS of vehicles. I haven't played DayZ in quite a while so I don't know whether thats normal now but I found a Ural and a Prada and 2 hmmv's in just 2 days. Is that normal or was I just lucky or have you added more vehicles than normal?


2. I just found a vehicle with a gun on it. Is that normal in vanilla dayz now too or just on this particular server or was it a hacker.


3. I joined the mumble server to report said vehicle but I can neither switch the chanel nor text anybody so the mumble server is kinda useless imho.

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hey there


3 things about FR34


1.   there are TONNS of vehicles...  was I just lucky or have you added more vehicles than normal?


2. I just found a vehicle with a gun on it. Is that normal in vanilla dayz now too or just on this particular server or was it a hacker.


3. I joined the mumble server to report said vehicle but I can neither switch the chanel nor text anybody so the mumble server is kinda useless imho.


1. I think you are lucky because there is no tons of vehicles. However, vehicles are spawned by the server and not by the hive, the vehicle count is done at each restart and wrecks are recycled to spawned vehicles in the same time. Maybe you are comparing to vehicle maintenance  done by the hive, where half of the vehicles are always missing because they are spawned with 15-day delay... or never.


2. I count 9 guns in all vehicles. I don't know whether it's normal or not. Could have been worse.


3. Mumble is for voice, you can join some public rooms. Most of the rooms are private because some mumble users are disturbing regular players. I can set up a room for you if you have a clan.





Latest permanent bans on FR34:


DATE:04.07.2014 08:45:23   GUID:b69bd822cb4c98a216093931def2e4a2   NAME:"Nevski"

SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:04.07.2014 16:01:25   GUID:4bc0f60f22ebe7d73829d4f92967eeb6   NAME:"Jacob"

SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#17 "[]execVM "\epoch\epochaddthemenuactions.sqf";"

DATE:04.07.2014 16:42:01   GUID:56ed8f295145ed523eae12ca7fbe4305   NAME:"Gregory"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver   PATTERN:["Log building damage",[21748800# 261252: a_generalstore_01a.p3d,"glass",1.01388,B 2-2-H:1 (Gregory) REMOTE,"Machete_Swing_Ammo"]]



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Latest permanent bans on FR34: 

DATE:04.07.2014 19:18:56   GUID:737c7806a551a6fbbf2eb5ce8b8f34b5   NAME:"Folk"SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"DATE:04.07.2014 19:51:31   GUID:7131822299e518af425524779567c238   NAME:"Mag"SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"DATE:05.07.2014 11:49:04   GUID:7ea23ecf20a8ebe2fa1f46a25cdb9a4e   NAME:"Florgenplorp"SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#0 "{true} do\n{\nif (_idx == -1) then\n{\n_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFd900"">" + (" *** Zeus menu *** ") + "</t>"DATE:05.07.2014 11:49:50   GUID:f44c0683e9fda56f225fe37a4bce7a5f   NAME:"KelpKelp"SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#0 "{true} do\n{\nif (_idx == -1) then\n{\n_idx = (vehicle player) addAction [("<t color=""#FFd900"">" + (" *** Zeus menu *** ") + "</t>"DATE:05.07.2014 13:57:54   GUID:ed51aec3b820c68529ba89bdc930c29c   NAME:"HardCoreBear"SOURCE:arma2oaserver   PATTERN:["Log building damage",[2029e400# 223435: a_castle_bergfrit.p3d,"dam2",1.06875,B 1-1-B:1 (HardCoreBear) REMOTE,""]]DATE:05.07.2014 14:53:48   GUID:02c7051ee03c984df3ef459786793d9f   NAME:"***x"SOURCE:scripts   PATTERN:#13 "n {if (isnil "pm") then {pm = 0;}; if (pm == 0) then {pm = 1; hint "Player Markers ON";} else {pm = 0; hint "Player Markers OFF""DATE:05.07.2014 15:14:52   GUID:0dd085065f52cb9df942a24aa394461a   NAME:"menize"SOURCE:arma2oaserver   PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#100(menize) entering at Nizhnoye [128:65^8.2], a local vehicle UH1H_DZ"DATE:05.07.2014 17:01:18   GUID:bb694738c099fa8b272ede830d1c48ae   NAME:"PlutonowyJelen"SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type picea"
Latest permanent bans on FR129:
DATE:04.07.2014 22:55:01   GUID:976fa20263ddb149b10cbcc1ce9b1a1e   NAME:"dasdasd"SOURCE:publicvariable   PATTERN:#7  "Plants texture hack for type prunus"
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Hello, my ingame name is Che.  I have been enjoying 129 on and off for a few weeks now, but today I received an 'Admin Ban'.  I can only think of two things that may have caused this: 1) reconfiguring my keys ingame (I wanted quick access to the 'salute' key!); or 2) a minor PvP incident where I found a backpack but couldn't equip it. I am new to the game so I logged out to check the wikia for instructions. When I logged back in the backpack and other items in the building were gone.


Aside from this I have done very little other than crawl around looking for a weapon for hours!


Thanks for your time,


Lewis (Che)

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If it's a bare "Admin ban" without any reason after these 2 words, don't worry, it's a Battleye bug.

You should have been already unbanned (unban is done a couple of minutes later).

Don't stay in the lobby during the restart. The server restarts very quickly, and is up before the timeout on the player side.That's why you get banned once you start joining.

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:05.07.2014 21:47:46 GUID:bce17d4f45b1710f4a49a99260f6128c NAME:"miso"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:05.07.2014 22:49:40 GUID:69df447e07e300b8491948039e8eaa1f NAME:"CHECHENETS"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "adg2iu2da == 0) then\n{\nESP_infiSTAR_a2zhgdadg2iu2da = 1;\nhint "ESP ON";\nwhile {ESP_infiSTAR_a2zhgdadg2iu2da == 1} do\n{ "

DATE:06.07.2014 10:58:30 GUID:f174dbb1ff195556613df3fd45d92f2b NAME:"Damce"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#1 "pons;\n{ for [{ b=0 },{ b < 10 },{ b = b + 1; }]do{_agent addMagazine _x;}; } forEach _magazine;\n\ncutText ["Bandit Box Spawned"

DATE:06.07.2014 13:01:57 GUID:2a49ae7355946c3e920e14cfdd8bbcbf NAME:"r3v"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:06.07.2014 13:04:37 GUID:6f850d6e069b7f8eccab37a9454c6ec4 NAME:"Anarchy"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:06.07.2014 13:05:23 GUID:99c759d63a2ac1c4359b1f857b236ad0 NAME:"fersingt"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"HACK no rec0il player UID#xxxxxxx"

DATE:06.07.2014 14:41:32 GUID:e9daa6cbcbc7ecb9a3ef01ec4b84204f NAME:"[Ez]iChris"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:06.07.2014 16:56:57 GUID:2fdf26a41c985318aa7a6d5993de9190 NAME:"Mihail"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "M4SPR" 0:0

DATE:06.07.2014 17:42:07 GUID:fd355f61837ebee396991930a6cc2aa0 NAME:"Bruger"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:06.07.2014 17:58:50 GUID:4be3abde4c953c048878af661aa72049 NAME:"gumfight"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:06.07.2014 14:06:42 GUID:8f0e9a389304dbfdac94d87c81941408 NAME:"M A N S O R Y"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo" 0:0

Edited by facoptere

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:06.07.2014 20:33:03 GUID:4cdb274dcfb5e741a3bdb9f079a89964 NAME:"Kostik"

SOURCE:addmagazinecargo PATTERN:#0 "" 0:0

DATE:06.07.2014 20:37:58 GUID:766d6465579fe51d4dcf1d3bd00bb970 NAME:"Heatwave"

SOURCE:createvehicle PATTERN:#5 "USBasicWeaponsBox" 82:28 [9299,1922,10]

DATE:07.07.2014 12:00:50 GUID:f45d1b049e4129c12b183e0fdd2805ef NAME:"Kumar233"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:07.07.2014 14:44:05 GUID:b82480e8164e9d67c5e2ee7249350c03 NAME:"4yBa4KoK"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type prunus"

DATE:07.07.2014 18:44:08 GUID:9b3f4963fc323deed11aee1bbada067b NAME:"[Cl] ReAPEr"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type acer"

DATE:07.07.2014 19:01:39 GUID:53f85e2b4389ae158c44958885901f22 NAME:"Gendalf"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#157(Gendalf) entering at Komarovo [37:131^5.5], a local vehicle SUV_TK_EP1"

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:07.07.2014 19:14:37 GUID:4349f61f326d5c594105b92df8973230 NAME:"Jake From State Farm"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "";\nplayer addMagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";\n\nRunSimpleMenu;\n\nhint "Basic bypass default startup file ran."\n"

DATE:07.07.2014 22:12:22 GUID:5d778c0bb74d202573244a3c7881947f NAME:"[DIAB] Gynther19"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:07.07.2014 23:17:46 GUID:18dd7edf280dd12204f27f3b9f5cdce6 NAME:"Jason"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:08.07.2014 00:19:21 GUID:8ebdb0d09ccb8d7b5c0de6bea831e3e7 NAME:"Helltex"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#0 "{true} do\n{\nif (_idx == -1) then\n{\n_idx = (vehicle player) addAction ['<t color=''#0000ff''>Tools Menu</t>', '\HarknessHaX\setup"

DATE:08.07.2014 12:34:21 GUID:ffa041b5bb3744d99955f1c5a817c20b NAME:"spooderman"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "_dayz_mag;\n{veh addBackpackCargo [_x,2];} forEach _dayz_bpk;\n\nhint "box will disappear after 2 minutes....";\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ns"

DATE:08.07.2014 14:36:05 GUID:65801594cfddd9b3eb532018f6c3004e NAME:"Walter White"
SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"HACK no rec0il player UID#xxxxxxx"

DATE:08.07.2014 15:01:47 GUID:1fc4e5d318ebdbdf2dad8108d5cb7e4a NAME:"Tze Terminator"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#76 "execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]";"

DATE:08.07.2014 20:21:23 GUID:97b650197010c658da6f43e6b34b62d7 NAME:"Dubility"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#0 "player addAction ["activate", "help.sqf"];"

DATE:08.07.2014 22:17:04 GUID:330bf2cf37eb1b3d80256f7671f35164 NAME:"James"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:08.07.2014 23:48:47 GUID:2f380a8482850390abfb97b383c808ae NAME:"Iron Maiden"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "hint "Ready";onMapSingleClick "_setPos = _pos;(vehicle player) setPosATL _setPos;";openMap [true, false];"

DATE:09.07.2014 00:20:44 GUID:68ad31e1bd0c9a429d7f63f29049fcb5 NAME:"u_Shlepok"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:09.07.2014 16:19:16 GUID:eeab148b0a937d1d74e7470c00e7e305 NAME:"Jason White"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "DZ_drg_RLact";\nplayer removeAction NORRN_dropAction;\n} else {\nhint "No space left in vehicle";\n};\nNORRN_load_wounded_action = tr"

DATE:09.07.2014 18:06:39 GUID:7bc919e2b0e90afcfe3083a2cc8b5fcf NAME:"Cpt.Jacob"
SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#0 "SVD_CAMO" 0:0
Latest permanent bans on FR129:
DATE:07.07.2014 23:05:10 GUID:ffa041b5bb3744d99955f1c5a817c20b NAME:"spooderman"
SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "_dayz_mag;\n{veh addBackpackCargo [_x,2];} forEach _dayz_bpk;\n\nhint "box will disappear after 2 minutes....";\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ns"

DATE:08.07.2014 18:36:02 GUID:78483de4478422daeccab72b23731633 NAME:"Confused Object"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:09.07.2014 19:09:10 GUID:d393ab6e7e10a968e279ee693ae808ab NAME:"Ali"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "hint "Ready";onMapSingleClick "_setPos = _pos;(vehicle player) setPosATL _setPos;";openMap [true, false];"

DATE:09.07.2014 19:49:38 GUID:c7f362612380dc4e6688b01d1c4d9ff1 NAME:"Supreme"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:09.07.2014 19:50:45 GUID:ecf70ab8c37af13e68a90fb84282c00f NAME:"sosikachan"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:10.07.2014 0:51:17 GUID:9a08f80760b809ff5d8fef7ecc10ff75? NAME:"totesnothaxor"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#204(totesnothaxor) moving from Krutoy Cap [136:112^8.5] to Prigorodki [78:123^-0.2] (5998m) at speed:30171 dt:0.5"

DATE:10.07.2014 15:20:16 GUID:c583269e2bd5521643b27d368457dded NAME:"Big Kahuna Burger"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:10.07.2014 16:03:13 GUID:0c3abeb1aa9d1a59ff9213da71e85ebf NAME:"Fagface Mcgee"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:10.07.2014 16:03:41 GUID:be6c02c88e1af07089e3e8ff3b2613a2 NAME:"Wild West Bambi"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

And also 'bb_frukt' for script hack (banned manually)

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Loving this server again especially with the volume of players. Two things though.....


1. What is with FR34 being locked quite often so you cant get it.

2. Any chance of all the bear traps around town being removed?? They have been put there I think to stop loot spawning. I think this as I had to pick up 3 bear traps from the Elektro power station just to get loot to spawn.... its really irritating.

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Loving this server again especially with the volume of players. Two things though.....


1. What is with FR34 being locked quite often so you cant get it.

2. Any chance of all the bear traps around town being removed?? They have been put there I think to stop loot spawning. I think this as I had to pick up 3 bear traps from the Elektro power station just to get loot to spawn.... its really irritating.

Thanks for your feedback.

1/ the server is locked only during 5 minutes before restart, just to prevent incoming players to join for few minutes.

2/ do you mean that some traps are set around building entrances? Or that there are too many beartraps as loot? If this is the first case, I just checked and existing traps have been set by very different users, so I don't think someone cheated. After that, it's much more a hive problem since old traps should be removed regularly. Maybe the hive maintenance is not done properly for traps.

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All the new traffic to FR34/129 where did it come from?!  


:P  :P  :P




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All the new traffic to FR34/129 where did it come from?!



It came from a server far far away, which passed away to join the Steam realm.

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The traps have all been set around entrances. It just seems like way to many to have been legit finds as I dont remember ever finding a bear trap before. Its just annoying as they do seem to be stopping loot from spawning.

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Its just annoying as they do seem to be stopping loot from spawning.

There is no link between loot spawns and traps, you should have some loot in the buildings.

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Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:11.07.2014 23:01:10 GUID:4401a53388041d60bcdbeee9ac92ff3f NAME:"Sean"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:12.07.2014 13:25:36 GUID:abe1008424a930976341a2ffbe6071b2 NAME:"BITCHES"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:12.07.2014 15:02:24 GUID:5590040c543528654faeb9d7427ef6c8 NAME:"Schoos"
SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

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The exact same traps I moved from the power plant in elektro were back in the exact same place......surely something is not right there?

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The exact same traps I moved from the power plant in elektro were back in the exact same place......surely something is not right there?

I will have a look.

Latest permanent bans on FR34:

DATE:12.07.2014 19:13:26 GUID:c31d34fbe9adf317d30b155a498fc14f NAME:"Depa"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:12.07.2014 19:39:50 GUID:8f2e9b9f8b24f43cff4507434e10c8f8 NAME:"matt"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:#2 "ItemRadio" 0:0

DATE:12.07.2014 20:36:22 GUID:2968549620e3e7733ddd21391fc783fe NAME:"Grich"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"P1ayer PID#92(Yoba) damaged 24.0882 by PID#148(Grich) with BAF_AS50_scoped_Large/B_127x99_Ball_noTracer_BAF <ammo left:4/5> from 658 meters at Chernogorsk [67:125^0]"

DATE:13.07.2014 11:04:42 GUID:3af9611128d051fa2fac094d801e6039 NAME:"SniperElite"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#7 "igFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x);\nif (_isOK) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\n} forEach _wpns;\n};\nhint 'Spawn weapon an"

DATE:13.07.2014 13:15:52 GUID:995bd96acb365e1b2a9b683724f43bc2 NAME:"Lt.Arjan"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:13.07.2014 14:58:50 GUID:b493d7912dbaa08ba4882e6bedaa403b NAME:"rokk"

SOURCE:addmagazinecargo PATTERN:#4 "15Rnd_W1866_Pellet" 0:0

DATE:13.07.2014 15:45:47 GUID:1736478521d4d88874ea8d9952798e87 NAME:"Green"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:13.07.2014 16:10:16 GUID:55a99e6017353252fac9843288f0a57b NAME:"Chaotic Silent"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#11 "_freddiesobject addWeaponCargoGlobal["DMR_DZ",1];\nsleep 1;\n\ncutText ["Spawned items", "PLAIN DOWN"];\n\n_fredsArrow = "Sign_arrow_"

DATE:13.07.2014 22:03:10 GUID:d73a7895922d8581957aaa3e8ae9c401 NAME:"GAIAH"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#37(GAIAH) moving from Novy Sobor [69:78^284.5] to Kabanino [53:67^333.9] (1911m) at speed:485 dt:1.25"

DATE:13.07.2014 23:16:18 GUID:49312054d11212f903688544e818fa50 NAME:"Nud"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:["Log building damage",[190b4800# 262631: a_generalstore_01.p3d,"glass",1.0143,B 2-1-K:1 (Nud) REMOTE,"Machete_Swing_Ammo"]]

DATE:13.07.2014 23:22:05 GUID:394a47945e41db4c1bc0e901ae0e4a39 NAME:"Subaru"

SOURCE:addweaponcargo PATTERN:Count Restriction "m16a4_acg" 0:0

DATE:14.07.2014 14:30:21 GUID:3ec46895441c7f20147bef2400d2624b NAME:"OlOleg"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

DATE:14.07.2014 15:30:38 GUID:cb97e9a2ab9b8d7dde04e01764ff0279 NAME:"Bradley"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "re hacks here: xxxxx.xxxx.com/xxxxxx", "PLAIN DOWN"];\nhint 'Thank you for purchasing! Check the site to see if your vers"

DATE:14.07.2014 15:45:08 GUID:a7a025080f3870a6dcbc099fe516a13b NAME:"Major.Obvious"

SOURCE:publicvariable PATTERN:#7 "Plants texture hack for type picea"

Latest permanent bans on FR129:

DATE:12.07.2014 20:04:54 GUID:f59c71ff7c648c7f4759e3dac316c5eb NAME:"Xx Zombie Slayer xX"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#7 "mWaterbottle';\nplayer addBackPack "DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1";\nplayer addWeapon 'ItemHatchet';\nplayer addWeapon 'ItemKnife';\nplayer add"

DATE:13.07.2014 02:07:48 GUID:bf75e77fd761d2da4c8a6f7ad7207de7 NAME:"[PMC] Pawel"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#76 "private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"onload"] execVM "\LoganNZL\[email protected]""

DATE:13.07.2014 12:35:35 GUID:3af9611128d051fa2fac094d801e6039 NAME:"SniperElite"

SOURCE:scripts PATTERN:#13 "[] spawn {(vehicle player) setDamage 0;\nhint "Iam ok now";};"

DATE:13.07.2014 13:05:11 GUID:c68a78268c08d46344ed1d78d0b38301 NAME:"Lock"

SOURCE:arma2oaserver PATTERN:"ATP HACK PID#26(Lock) entering at Old Fields [76:55^419], a local vehicle UH1H_DZ"

DATE:13.07.2014 23:23:08 GUID:3a52b5ebc0d94e9ab962f75d9b88e7e1 NAME:"Finger my Boo Boo"

SOURCE:addmagazinecargo PATTERN:#0 "" 0:0

Edited by facoptere
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Heya. The server was lagging just a while ago, We were driving around Elektro when suddenly I lagged and died. Most players on the server disconnected at the same time. All of that is fine (enjoying the server alot) but funny thing is that after me and my friend logged back in and he accidentally drove over me with a car I got banned for teleporting.... I'm curious how that is even possible, did the antihack system bug out because of the lag and ban me?


My ingame name is Admiral Boom : )

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Heya. The server was lagging just a while ago, ... My ingame name is Admiral Boom : )

yes the server lags before the restart. Maybe I should restart more often. There is some issue with antihack when everything is lagging, specially anti-TP where instant speeds are computed.

You are unbanned. Teleport bans last 1 hour only.

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