Slyguy65 499 Posted October 28, 2012 I heard the temperature is actually important, also that there is some scifi gun and that there "broken equpment" that you have to repair with scrap there anything else that is special about the map.? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timmymachine109 (DayZ) 235 Posted October 28, 2012 I didn't really like it...lotsa open empty space and forest without many towns. I don't think it makes a very good DayZ map...I like the creepy sound effects though, things like that should be added into the main game!! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BwobBwub 660 Posted October 28, 2012 Namalsk has the atmosphere dayz needs and it has new scenery 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topsm 11 Posted October 28, 2012 namalsk is awesome loool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Glass1 6 Posted October 28, 2012 It's better because you actually have to move to survive. You have to find food, you have to find water. You can't just make a super camp with your friends and then head to cherno to shoot bambis. Namalsk makes you actually play the game. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jdz (DayZ) 238 Posted October 28, 2012 Play the campaign, I dare you. Freaken scary! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slyguy65 499 Posted October 28, 2012 ...ok no response was....uhg.I was trying to ask what else makes namalsk special? Besides the temperature, hidden gun, and needing to repair equipment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CombatWombat (DayZ) 63 Posted October 28, 2012 It's really fun for a start, with a new secret weapon (railgun) and various other things (Broken GPS, NVG's and Radio's) and also Warm clothing, so you look like a badass russian. I'm not so sure about this needing to repair equipment, but basically it's focused not so much on survival against zombies, but more against other players (with the masses of military loot) and also the environment. I hope that answered a few questions, but you can also just check out the official Namalsk thread or changelog. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx 53 Posted October 28, 2012 It is so much funner. First off the abundant amount of military camps makes finding weapons a piece of cake in the game. On the other hand food is really rare and many people will often cry on side chat asking for some spare food as they starve to death. Other times the weather is against you on a cold rainy night your temperature will go on and if you do not keep warm you are bound to get sick. Just yesterday I came across 3 friendlies around a camp fire and join them to trade my akm with 2 mags for 2 cans of beans and a coke.Also it may just be me but I find there is a lot more friendlies on the map because are as afraid to lose their weapon and gear knowing that it is easy to find another gun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joemiken 16 Posted October 28, 2012 I've seen some MLG Q_Qing about that railgun. I asked one guy what made it so OP and he just said "everything". lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieBrotmafia 79 Posted October 28, 2012 How can I repair equipment??!?!?!Found some NVgs and they don't work, would love to get them working again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Askar 177 Posted October 28, 2012 I didn't read the thread to see what everyone else has said, but I like Namalsk for a few reasons.First, temperature is important. Without heatpacks or the elusive warm clothing item, you will need to make a lot of fires and such or you'll get an infection quickly in addition to shaking when you're cold (which is most of the time.) Making fires isn't easy, since matches are highly sought after and rare as well. And, frustratingly, the best places to find warm clothing (which makes you immune to temperature afaik) are atop the tallest, coldest mountain which infects most people before they reach the peak.Secondly, food and water are important. Soda is uncommon enough that many kill for it, and canteens are worth more than assault rifles. Food is often even rarer, and matches are highly sought after even though animals bigger than rabbits are also uncommon. Many times I've been reduced to wiping out waves of zombies with an assault rifle in attempts at getting a can of food off of one of them as I'm starving.Equipment is rare. Sure, knives/hatchets/watches are common depending on where you are, and to a lesser extent so are toolboxes. The other gadgets though (matches, compass, especially map, GPS, and NVG) are incredibly rare. I recommend playing Namalsk without an outside map for your first few tries, as it makes the map much more fun in my opinion. I only started using one once I roughly knew the land by heart and had acquired a map in-game. GPS and NVG are usually found broken, but I shockingly found a working GPS from a tower last night, so they're out there. The best way to get gadgets is to reach the huge city, which often is sadly full of snipers.Which brings up another point. It's hard to get a backpack on this map. Hard enough that you can't really do much with your limited inventory space, so you're encouraged to team up with someone else for their inventory space alone. It's happened numerous times to me so far, where an equally desperate and spaceless survivor and I pair up to take on the world. However, as always, there are still assholes who will shoot you on sight, even if you're a fresh spawn who just made the 20 minute jog to the city. There's still assholes that will pretend to be friendly only to shoot you, and all other forms of dickery. It's still DayZ, afterall.The ambiance and environment are excellent for the game setting, better than Chernarus by far in my opinion. There are a few annoying bits of ambient sound, but the rest is gold.I've been trying to think of dislike for this map but I can only think of two really.First, decent weapons are too common. Every 100m you're likely to bump into an AKM, often better. In a strange reversal, low tier weapons are actually much rarer than their powerful counterparts. I've only seen one winchester, five double barrels, two crossbows, and three lee enfields. Compared to countless AKMs and AK74s, with occasional sniper rifles and NATO weapons thrown in. I did find the supposedly awesome ER7 RFG gauss rifle, and spent about five hours finding a mag of ammo for it, but I got betrayed by a 'friend' I had been traveling with for hours the day before when he saw the weapon, so I never got to try it out (story of my life, never fired a sniper rifle, always get killed shortly after getting one.)The second gripe is relatively minor, in that light sources act weird near a lot of the assets in the map. It makes playing at night doubly hard inside of certain towns and facilities, where your lights may have no effect. There are a few bases in the map where chemlights, flares, and smoke grenades (possibly frag as well?) will fall through the ground into the 'secret' facilities below.All in all, I think it's a great map. Challenging and it does promote teamplay, although most people are too dickish to accept it. I have formed several groups of companions because of the difficulties of this map, as is evidenced in a post I made in the 'Namalsk stories' thread the other day. I'd say you should give it a go and find out what you like about it.Sorry for the long post, in a rush but I wanted to get everything I felt was important down before I left! 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommes 331 Posted October 28, 2012 You can bathe in soda and find more than enough Vorkuta. Just not anywhere else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nicraM 137 Posted October 28, 2012 From the video of it I saw, it looks about as fun as getting my ball hairs pulled out one by one by a pair of hot tweezers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DieBrotmafia 79 Posted October 28, 2012 Ok, got scrap metal, toolbox and broken NVGs. How do I repair? Right clicking in inventory doesn't do anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr-Zer0 62 Posted October 28, 2012 Namalsk is very special since it allows you to focus on a more realistic way of survival. The map has so many military spawns, it's crazy. You can get firearms easily. Catch is, that food, drink, and other equipment is super scarce. Hypothermia is also a big factor, since the area is FREEZING, you'll have to rely on making fires and using heatpacks to survive, or if you're lucky, you can find warm clothes (Special Outfit exclusive to Namalsk that prevents colds). The enviroments are spectacular and unique, including an underground laboratory that you can find another exclusive item, the ER7 RFW (A rail gun basically, it's a 1 shot kill weapon that suffers no bullet drop, it utilizes a high-zoom scope.) Giant bridges, large cities, several military bases that are all unique in appearance. One giant Hospital complex, meaning there are several buildings that are combined to look like a single hospital. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Askar 177 Posted October 28, 2012 Ok, got scrap metal, toolbox and broken NVGs. How do I repair? Right clicking in inventory doesn't do anything.AFAIK, you don't. I could be wrong, but everything I know about them says that they're unfixable, you've got to be lucky enough to find the working versions like I have, which is even rarer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad_mojo (DayZ) 1204 Posted October 29, 2012 To me, Namalsk felt like COD for DayZ. Military loot was EVERYWHERE and everyone was hostile. I was shot twice before finally being killed, got shot at and had to run about 5 other times.Not my thing, but to each their own. The actual map looked nice tho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michaelvoodoo25 3120 Posted October 29, 2012 I Have played this map since it came out for DayZ, I enjoyed it, then I changed my mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hank_scorpio 41 Posted October 29, 2012 I love the way broken urals have loot spawn around them like crashed choppers its great !! And the sound effects are dope ! That little girl screaming for help : D put shivers downMy spine first time i heard it ! And the howling wind reminding you your not in sunny chenarus anymore your going to freeze to death very soon ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joemiken 16 Posted October 29, 2012 While playing yesterday, I noticed a distinct lack of hospitals and supermarkets too. Food is really scarce if you avoid Vorkuta. I haven't seen anything bigger than a chicken in the wild, so hunting is kind of a moot point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 86 Posted October 29, 2012 While playing yesterday, I noticed a distinct lack of hospitals and supermarkets too. Food is really scarce if you avoid Vorkuta. I haven't seen anything bigger than a chicken in the wild, so hunting is kind of a moot point.Hatchet+Matches+Hunting Knife are your best friends.For some odd reason i fond most of the animals around military bases -_- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spliff (DayZ) 24 Posted October 29, 2012 i got a cold while being near the two big military bases on the hills in the south for too long. i died. i loved it. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hawc 63 Posted October 29, 2012 Yeah cold is really not that dangerous. I climbed the mountains a few times with only a few heat packs and I never got sick. Once i ran out of heatpacks and was shaking for about 10min and nothing happened.I like the rare food and drink but military spawns are just too common. It's just another map, not really better than original dayz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites