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Lance Lindsey

Steam Has no "Launch as Combined Operations" Option.

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First of all, I've had no problems running DayZ with DayZ Commander. It's just that I would like to run it through steam so I can still have my Steam overview to see messages, web browser, etc. I set the correct launch options for Combined Operations to run DayZ and tried to launch Combined Operations, and for some odd reaason, there was no option to run it.

Things To Note: This is my first post, I'm pretty computer literate, and I almost NEVER play ArmA II/ArmA II: Combined Operations.

Here's a print screen of my error. Thanks for any help y'all can provide!


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I think right clicking on OA will bring up another option for it, if you haven't already tried.

And doesn't DayZ commander have the Steam overlay option as well?

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Just tick the boxes under settings in DayZCommander to launch with steam.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Haha. I realized that as soon as I posted this. Sorry for the dumb question and thanks for the obvious answer. :)

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You can also add DayZ commander as a non-steam game, launching it from you library will give you the overlay.

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actually steam has removed the option to launch combined ops completely. you used to get the option when you double clicked, now all you get is "launch OA" "reinstall battleye" or "launch in windowed mode". it doesn't bother me as I use custom cmd files and don't like dayz commander, but I wonder why it was removed. How do people who don't use DayZcommander and aren't cluey enough to edit cmd files even launch Combined ops anymore since they removed it? very strange and it's all since this "converting files to a more efficient format" thing happened.

PS: Before anyone tries to tell me it's just me, it's not. http://steamcommunity.com/app/33930/discussions/0/882963520829447302/

Edited by Irenicus
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How do people who don't use DayZcommander and aren't cluey enough to edit cmd files even launch Combined ops anymore since they removed it? very strange and it's all since this "converting files to a more efficient format" thing happened.

I'm stuck in that boat right now-I don't like DayZcommander either but I don't know what changes I need to make to the cmd files. Can you help me?

Edited by ArchAngel.8

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