22 Posted October 27, 2012 (edited) INTRODUCTION:Hello, and welcome to my guide on how to use an Xbox 360 controller for DayZ.I have put a lot of time into making this profile, and hope that other people can find this useful.Highlights of my Xpadder profile are:No swapping between button sets when entering/exiting vehicles.Very little key-mapping required.Easy to understand controlsFeature packed - Uses advanced techniques to incorporate more commandsIf you have comments or suggestions, please let me know.UPDATED:8/11/13 version 1.3:MOVED Lights and NVG to RIGHT D-PADMOVED Fire Mode to HOLD X BUTTONMOVED Compass to HOLD LEFT D-PADCHANGED Leaning; You will now stay leaned if the stick is pushed full, nudge to unlockADDED Zeroing to LEFT TRIGGER + D-PAD UP/DOWN (Zeroing still on +Action set)ADDED Weapon Swap to Y BUTTONADDED Spacebar(Command) to HOLD Y BUTTONADDED Helicopter Autohover to LEFT STICK CLICKIMPORTANT INFORMATION:Original thread on Xpadder.This profile works fine using default controls with minor tweaking; if you're having issues, go into the control settings and reset to defaults.Xpadder has to be run with Administrator privilege to work with ArmA 2.Make sure controller support is disabled within ArmA 2.Sprinting will not work until "Fast forward" remapped to Up Arrow.Aircraft will not work properly, you will need to remap flying controls within the game to what is shown below. Reveal hidden contents Nose Up and Down are linked to Mouse Y Axis setting. I play inverted(as shown), so you'll need to swap the Nose mappings if you play regular. Left/Right Pedal need to be configured to Left Stick. Map with Xpadder disabled to prevent interference. Items with a "+" indicate a hold function; hold the button to access this action.STANCE has three modes:CLICK - StandPRESS - CrouchHOLD - ProneScope Zooming: while holding LEFT TRIGGER, click or hold RIGHT STICK to toggle Zoom IN(OUT) "Action" is a modifier and changes to set 3(Actions)HOW TO SETUP:These will be basic instructions, for more in-depth help visit the Xpadder Walkthrough.Purchase Xpadder if you haven't already. It is well worth the money.Install Xpadder.Download, or create your own controller layout.Get profile data from below and add it to XpadderIf copying the text, paste it using this drop-down: the "Abc" button in the corner of Xpadder will show you the button labels.Find where you installed Xpadder to, right click on it and choose PROPERTIES.Under the COMPATIBILITY tab, make sure run as administrator is checked.Apply and OKFully quit Xpadder, then restart it.Load up ArmA 2 and go into OPTIONS then CONTROLS.Remap the controls to what is shown above, under "Important Information."From the CONTROLS menu, goto CONTROLLER.Select the Xbox Controller, and choose DISABLE, you should no longer see button prompts for navigation; if you do, verify it is disabled.The controller should now be functional!It's probably a good idea to familiarize yourself with the controls with one of the singleplayer showcases.If you want to invert the controls or adjust the speed, do so using the in-game mouse settings.PROFILE:Copy all text from box below, or download the file. Reveal hidden contents ;--- Xpadder Profile Data ---DataType=ProfileVersion=2013.07.18Name=ArmA 2 by CatBox BETAKeyTapTime=5Set1Name=DefaultSet1StickDeadZones=77,64Set1StickDiagonalSizes=35,70Set1TriggerDeadZones=28,28Set2Name=Slow AimSet2StickDiagonalSizes=35,55Set3Name=ActionsSet3StickDiagonalSizes=30,45Set4Name= Set5Name= Set6Name=Made bySet7Name=CatBoxSet8Name=v1.3Set1Button1Name=Select/+VaultSet1Button1Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Enter,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,HOLD ZONE 0.31s,VSet1Button2Name=Gear/+Binoc'sSet1Button2Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,G,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,HOLD ZONE 0.31s,BSet1Button3Name=Reload/+F-ModeSet1Button3Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,R,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,FSet1Button4Name=Swap Gun/+CMDSet1Button4Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Semi-Colon,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,SpaceSet1Button5Name=Target/+ActionSet1Button5SetSelect=2Set1Button6Name=Head LookSet1Button6Slots=AltSet1Button7Name=Esc/+ScoreSet1Button7Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Escape,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,ISet1Button8Name=View/+VoiceSet1Button8Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,NumPad Enter,RELEASE ZONE 0.20s,HOLD ZONE 0.21s,Caps Lock,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,PAUSE 0.10s,Caps LockSet1Button9Name=SlowSet1Button9Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Left Shift,PAUSE 0.01s,Left Shift,RELEASE ZONE 0.19s,HOLD ZONE 0.20s,Left ShiftSet1Button10Name=(+)StanceSet1Button10Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,C,RELEASE ZONE 0.20s,X,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.50s,ZSet1DPadUpName=Menu UpSet1DPadUpSlots=Mouse Wheel UpSet1DPadRightName=Light/+NVGSet1DPadRightSlots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,L,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,NSet1DPadDownName=Menu DownSet1DPadDownSlots=Mouse Wheel DownSet1DPadLeftName=Map/+CmpsSet1DPadLeftSlots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,M,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,K,PAUSE 0.01s,KSet1Stick1UpName=Forward^SprintSet1Stick1UpSlots=W,DISTANCE ZONE 85%,Arrow Up,WSet1Stick1RightName=RightSet1Stick1RightSlots=DSet1Stick1DownName=BackSet1Stick1DownSlots=SSet1Stick1LeftName=LeftSet1Stick1LeftSlots=ASet1Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move UpSet1Stick2UpMouseSpeed=100Set1Stick2UpMouseMode=CursorSet1Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move RightSet1Stick2RightMouseSpeed=100Set1Stick2RightMouseMode=CursorSet1Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move DownSet1Stick2DownMouseSpeed=100Set1Stick2DownMouseMode=CursorSet1Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move LeftSet1Stick2LeftMouseSpeed=100Set1Stick2LeftMouseMode=CursorSet1TriggerLeftName=Zoom/ADSSet1TriggerLeftSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)Set1TriggerLeftSetSelect=1Set1TriggerRightName=FireSet1TriggerRightSlots=Left Mouse Button (1)Set2Button1Name=Select/+VaultSet2Button1Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Enter,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,HOLD ZONE 0.31s,VSet2Button1SetSelect=0Set2Button2Name=Gear/+Binoc'sSet2Button2Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,G,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,HOLD ZONE 0.31s,BSet2Button3Name=Reload/+F-ModeSet2Button3Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,R,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,FSet2Button4Name=Swap Gun/+CMDSet2Button4Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Semi-Colon,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,SpaceSet2Button5Name=+ActionSet2Button5SetSelect=2Set2Button6Name=Head LookSet2Button6Slots=AltSet2Button7Name=Esc/+ScoreSet2Button7Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Escape,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,ISet2Button7SetSelect=0Set2Button8Name=View/+VoiceSet2Button8Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,NumPad Enter,RELEASE ZONE 0.20s,HOLD ZONE 0.21s,Caps Lock,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,PAUSE 0.10s,Caps LockSet2Button9Name=SlowSet2Button9Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Left Shift,PAUSE 0.01s,Left Shift,RELEASE ZONE 0.19s,HOLD ZONE 0.20s,Left ShiftSet2Button10Name=ZoomSet2Button10Slots=NumPad +,CYCLE STOP,NumPad -Set2DPadUpName=Zeroing UpSet2DPadUpSlots=Page UpSet2DPadRightName=Light/+NVGSet2DPadRightSlots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,L,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,NSet2DPadDownName=Zeroing DownSet2DPadDownSlots=Page DownSet2DPadLeftName=Map/+CmpsSet2DPadLeftSlots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,M,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,KSet2Stick1UpName=ForwardSet2Stick1UpSlots=W,DISTANCE ZONE 85%,WSet2Stick1RightName=RightSet2Stick1RightSlots=DSet2Stick1DownName=BackSet2Stick1DownSlots=SSet2Stick1LeftName=LeftSet2Stick1LeftSlots=ASet2Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move UpSet2Stick2UpMouseSpeed=50Set2Stick2UpMouseMode=CursorSet2Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move RightSet2Stick2RightMouseSpeed=50Set2Stick2RightMouseMode=CursorSet2Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move DownSet2Stick2DownMouseSpeed=50Set2Stick2DownMouseMode=CursorSet2Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move LeftSet2Stick2LeftMouseSpeed=50Set2Stick2LeftMouseMode=CursorSet2TriggerLeftName=Zoom/ADSSet2TriggerLeftSlots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,NumPad 0,RELEASE ZONE 0.19s,HOLD ZONE 0.01s,Right Mouse Button (2)Set2TriggerLeftSetSelect=0Set2TriggerRightName=FireSet2TriggerRightSlots=Left Mouse Button (1)Set3Button1Name=Select/+SitSet3Button1Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Enter,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,HOLD ZONE 0.31s,ApostropheSet3Button2Name=Gear/+Binoc'sSet3Button2Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,G,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,HOLD ZONE 0.31s,BSet3Button3Name=Reload/+F-ModeSet3Button3Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,R,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,FSet3Button4Name=Swp Gun/+SaluteSet3Button4Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Semi-Colon,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.30s,Back-Slash[US]/Hash[UK]Set3Button5Name=Target/+ActionSet3Button5Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Tab,RELEASE ZONE 0.20sSet3Button5SetSelect=0Set3Button6Name=Head LookSet3Button6Slots=AltSet3Button7Name=EscSet3Button7Slots=EscapeSet3Button7SetSelect=0Set3Button8Name=View/+VoiceSet3Button8Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,NumPad Enter,RELEASE ZONE 0.20s,HOLD ZONE 0.21s,Caps Lock,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,PAUSE 0.10s,Caps LockSet3Button9Name=SlowSet3Button9Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Left Shift,PAUSE 0.01s,Left Shift,RELEASE ZONE 0.19s,HOLD ZONE 0.20s,Left ShiftSet3Button10Name=(+)StanceSet3Button10Slots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,C,RELEASE ZONE 0.20s,X,RELEASE ZONE 0.29s,HOLD ZONE 0.50s,ZSet3DPadUpName=Zeroing UpSet3DPadUpSlots=Page UpSet3DPadRightName=Channel ->Set3DPadRightSlots=DotSet3DPadDownName=Zeroing DownSet3DPadDownSlots=Page DownSet3DPadLeftName=<- ChannelSet3DPadLeftSlots=RELEASE ZONE 0.01s,Comma,RELEASE ZONE 0.30s,HOLD ZONE 0.31s,CommaSet3Stick1UpName=ForwardSet3Stick1UpSlots=W,DISTANCE ZONE 85%,WSet3Stick1RightName=Lean>HoldSet3Stick1RightSlots=E,DISTANCE ZONE 95%,PAUSE 0.02s,ESet3Stick1DownName=BackSet3Stick1DownSlots=SSet3Stick1LeftName=Hold<LeanSet3Stick1LeftSlots=Q,DISTANCE ZONE 95%,PAUSE 0.02s,QSet3Stick2UpSlots=Mouse Move UpSet3Stick2UpMouseSpeed=75Set3Stick2UpMouseMode=CursorSet3Stick2RightSlots=Mouse Move RightSet3Stick2RightMouseSpeed=75Set3Stick2RightMouseMode=CursorSet3Stick2DownSlots=Mouse Move DownSet3Stick2DownMouseSpeed=75Set3Stick2DownMouseMode=CursorSet3Stick2LeftSlots=Mouse Move LeftSet3Stick2LeftMouseSpeed=75Set3Stick2LeftMouseMode=CursorSet3TriggerLeftName=Zoom/ADSSet3TriggerLeftSlots=Right Mouse Button (2)Set3TriggerLeftSetSelect=0Set3TriggerRightName=FireSet3TriggerRightSlots=Left Mouse Button (1)Set8Button7Name=Thanks forSet8Button8Name= Downloading! Edited August 11, 2013 by InTheCatBoxAgain 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 29, 2012 This is great, good job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted October 29, 2012 (edited) Well done, would you like this to be merged with the Helpful Threads Xbox Guide..?EDIT :OK, I see we have a problem somewhere, let me check. Edited October 29, 2012 by Boneboys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted October 29, 2012 (edited) On 10/29/2012 at 7:54 AM, Boneboys said: Well done, would you like this to be merged with the Helpful Threads Xbox Guide..?EDIT:OK, I see we have a problem somewhere, let me check.What's the problem?Also, I don't really want this merged with another thread. Edited October 30, 2012 by InTheCatBoxAgain 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mucwa 68 Posted December 19, 2012 Awesome! It's great to see another Xpadder profile out there; I'm gonna give set-up a go and see how it feels. Thanks for putting this up for others to see! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted December 19, 2012 Thanks! Let me know if you find anything that needs fixing or any suggestions you have.Bugs I know of are the abort function not working, and voice getting locked-on if used too frequently, but I believe that can be fixed by disabling the double tap in-game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mucwa 68 Posted December 20, 2012 Well I gave it a test run last night and so far it works really well! I did some minor tweaking to the profile like adding an auto-run and changing sprint to double tapping up on the left stick. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but I've found that when I was using the head look button too frequently that it would stay locked on. The work around to this is just to double tap the button and it would snap back to normal. Overall this is a great tutorial, I really like how easy it is to set up. Great job InTheCatBoxAgain! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted December 20, 2012 A lot of functions in ARMA can be locked in the on state if double tapped, which is what you were experiencing with head look. I believe this can be disabled in-game.What do you mean by auto-run? Sprint is configured for pushing left stick full-forward.I appreciate the feedback! You're the only one I know of that's actually used my profile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mucwa 68 Posted December 22, 2012 By auto-run I mean that I can have my character run or sprint forward without having to hold down any buttons. I find it really helpful when I'm running for a long distance. In xpadder I changed the right button on the d-pad to "W" and added the toggle function on it to make this happen. Then I moved whatever key that was originally on the right d-pad (I believe it was the compass key) over to holding the left d-pad for 3 seconds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted December 22, 2012 That's a neat idea, though I don't think I'll implement it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sandsquid 8 Posted January 14, 2013 I have xpadder 5.6 and the file wont load with it - it was free a few years ago when I got it and really it should be free to anyone who is disabled and needs this to game so is there a newer version thats free that will work with this file? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sula 1205 Posted January 14, 2013 Does sound like a good idea. I hope there's a free version available. Good luck, mate! :thumbsup: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted January 14, 2013 On 1/14/2013 at 9:54 AM, leftkidney said: I have xpadder 5.6 and the file wont load with it - it was free a few years ago when I got it and really it should be free to anyone who is disabled and needs this to game so is there a newer version thats free that will work with this file? Unfortunately you'll need the latest version of Xpadder, which is v2012.12.31.Not sure if you're disabled, but I am, and this is money well spent. Also, you get access to a vast library of profiles that other users created. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted April 6, 2013 I have finally updated it!Feedback is appreciated! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UK#1 Bud 87 Posted April 7, 2013 This is great, i usually use xpadder for games like NFS, etc. But i'll give it a go, at least for driving/flying! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted April 7, 2013 If you're just going to use a controller for vehicles, I would suggest sticking with the native controller support. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deebz1234 243 Posted May 29, 2013 just a question regarding AS50 zoom,does this have a map for + and - buttons while looking down scope?I can range fine, but with the DMR you just hold L trigger and it zooms. Not the AS 50..thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted May 29, 2013 On 5/29/2013 at 4:42 PM, deebz1234 said: just a question regarding AS50 zoom,does this have a map for + and - buttons while looking down scope?Yes.While holding LT, you can click RS to adjust the zoom level. Each time you press RS it toggles between + and -, so keep that in mind.Example for using the AS50:Tap LT for ADS,Hold LT for steadying, and precise aiming,While holding LT, click and hold RS until fully zoomed, and release,While holding LT, click and hold RS until zoomed out.Hope this helps! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deebz1234 243 Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) AMAZINGi was avoiding using the AS50 cause i had to reach up to the keyboard lol...lazythis is an amazing profile, flying heli is so good with this.thanks for the hard work! Edited May 29, 2013 by deebz1234 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted August 5, 2013 (edited) I have an updated version that I'll post soon. If I don't, someone remind me. Edited August 5, 2013 by InTheCatBoxAgain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 22 Posted August 11, 2013 Updated. Probably the last one, too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites