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Screw underground bases, barricading is where it's at

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So i google'd the standalone and saw pics of how the insides of buildings are being vastly improved. In this example i point out the house pics, it would be epic if you could turn houses into bases ALA fallout 3/new vegas style. Except for once you should actually think about locking the door and what not since people can rob your house...it's funny i always thought NPC's could rob you in those games...i was a bit dissapointed

Nothing fancy just allow the dressers and cabinets act like storage areas. and for the love of god add the amount in numbers of how much a storage area can hold (tents and cars needs to show what we can hold)

They shouldn't add keys and locks, but well if you guys ever played a little mod called "Zombie panic source" (you talk about hardcore zombie game....ya) ANYWAY

There is a weapon/item that is a hammer and it shoots wooden planks (onto walls of course) so you can build barriers) I think that would be how barricading could work in dayz, that way people would need melee weapons to actually BREAK DOWN entrances and such to people bases (not to mention the other crap like sandbags and barbed wire as well as possible human traps). To be honest all that useless crap like tank traps (seriously...) and other barrier like items are just pointless in the dayz mod simply pointless since zombie ignore the physics of them anyway.

Example of in game base building.

"Oh hey look a house", *walks inside* *finds hammer* (hammer items would be common in residential areas it would be an item, and to build a barricade you would need wood to turn into planks) "well fancy that i have wood too hell ya lets build a base" *starts barricading the windows and doors. Save stuff in the storage areas in the house or whatever structure your attempting to use as a base. Bandit-"Oh look at that a barricaded house better check it out". Smashes the barricaded door down (a fully barricaded door should take at least 3-5 maybe even 5-10 it should not be an easy HACK HACK im in kind of deal. also note they could easily place barbed wire or sand bags to block the opening of the door.)

Now i know what your thinking "well if you barricade yourself inside how you get out" good question, you don't...well not really. You would pretty much barricade all but one entrance and leave that uncovered while your not inside it. Essentially you could keep a base by finding a shelter then barricade it, then go and gather more barricade supplies and put them in the house. Also form traps and other barriers around it (hopefully more traps are implemented not more useless barricades, sandbags and wire fencing is all we need barrier wise the ability to stack sandbags would be nice too)

Now of course you don't need to barricade a house you can always just be a clever little sly person and just put caches around the map say stash some food in this house cabinet here some other stuff in this hospital basement there...no need to make it obvious where you stuff is. Also the tent in the woods is always an option too of course. Also if you have the hammer you can remove already placed planks if you facing the side they were placed on.

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You can have hammering planks, but you don't have to have it in such a silly way as it was in Zombie Panic: Source. Construction is a big thing, shouldn't be half assed.

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Need more attractive storage system other than just tents and cars. Could be really nice to see something like that.

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Great idea. I'm all for barricading houses as opposed to underground bases.

Some homes could already be pre-barricaded with Zeds inside.

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This is a great idea I'd be a fan of reusable parts if you break down a barricade with the right tool you can put its contents into your inventory and make your own set up elsewhere.

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You can have hammering planks, but you don't have to have it in such a silly way as it was in Zombie Panic: Source. Construction is a big thing, shouldn't be half assed.

I understand your logic but the "construction" in arma does not fit the realism it tries so hard to do, using items to barricade seems to be the focus of this mod and it works...granted half the barricades and crap are useless right now since they are nothing but troll devices...

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A great alternative to leaving one door open would be the ability to climb out of an upstairs window with a ladder, then take down the ladder and hide it while you're away.

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I'll admit, I'm in a rush so I skimmed over everything except the title.

But based on the title alone, I wholeheartedly agree. I like the underground areas of Namalsk, but as a player-based construction effort I just don't find the prospect appealing. To me, barricading/fortifying current infrastructure in meaningful ways would be awesome. For instance, having a system in place so that it would be possible to barricade a building against not only other players, but zombies, and preventing zombies from spawning within a certain vicinity. Eventually, perhaps entire towns could be reclaimed by dedicated groups.

I don't know how any of that could be implemented, I'm no modder. But I find these ideas much more exciting than some tunnels removed from the world.

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I love the idea of fortifying a house, hell maybe even a town. But I can't help but seeing a few slight problems here.. namely; What are you fortifying yourself against? Zombies or players? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, but Zeds are nothing to me now. They make for NOTHING more but indicators that players are nearby or in a town.. and also sources of the most annoying zombie sounds I've ever heard, they hurt my ears badly. Why not make them moan deeper and more soothing, huh? But I digress, back to the topic..

Fortifying yourself in would take over one house, and if you were more people, it would eventually take over an entire town. Then what? The town would be "civilized" on that server? Zeds would stop spawning? In that case, wouldn't eventually every town be the same? Would the zombie population be wiped out and society back to how it once was on that server and just become 100% PvP or town vs town? The only way I could possibly see this working out is if towns every now and then got attacked by hordes of zombies wandering across the map, but I just don't see that happening. The only way to keep towns/cities zombie infected is to NOT give players option to alter the existing houses. We're apparently not here to make a change for the better seeing as zombies respawn at an inexhaustible amount, but we're here to survive and make sure the rest don't.

Sure, it could be that only certain houses are able to be fortified, but that would mean that fortifying one would go against it's purpose. It certainly can't be used as storage, because a fortified house would be as dead a giveaway as a car parked in the middle of Elektro, people would KNOW items were in there and likely that it would not be guarded 24/7 and Zeds are too easy to kill to be worth fortifying yourself against.

The only way I could possibly see human players take over residential areas would be if you made a town yourself. Made out of scrap metal, wood, stone and with walls surrounding it. I sure as hell would make my own version of Junktown if that happened.

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We made a beer can wall at the front of a unit years ago, was very impressive. Landlady thought no and unerected it all over the lawn with no thought for our hard work, first having to consume that quantity and then building it while attempting to stand upright. The eviction notice on the door clearly told us the time was not yet ripe for barricades in the suburbs.

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