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Could someone direct me to a good US private with NO side-chat?

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My friend doesn't have a computer powerful enough to run DayZ, so when he comes over I let him play it. Anyways, long story short, he searched for a private hive for a long time. He never found a good one. Anyways, I've come here looking for help. What I need.

A good private hive with decent hack prevention.

The server's I.P. address.

Preferably an incorrect time-zone. I have to play at night most of the time, so if a server keeps up with my time, it will always be night. My friend hates DayZ night.

Preferably a server close to Arkansas that doesn't kick for ping over 250 (350-400 ping should be okay though. My internet isn't high-speed.

And, most importantly... no side-chat.

Thanks you guys.

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Look in the Private Hive Forum.

Make a choice.

This is the DayZ General Discussion section.

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