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Reverend Killjoy

how to trick carebears into a death trap

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hey so i want to see some pro tips from bandits ( or murderers whatever the fuck you wanna call it boys)

i will start

1) Best place is the church. first place a gun without bullets on the ground a few meters inside, in plain view. Now go wait behind the coffin looking things on either side of the church. Make sure its a 3rd person server. position so that you are out of site of the front door. Use freelook to get a view of that door bro. Now when you see some guy come in DONT RUSH.. if he is unarmed he will bend to pick up that gun. NOW lean out and nail him. if he is armed do not let him get any further in than the chairs or he will see you on 3rd person also

2) Go into the house by the supermarket in elektro. wait for footsteps in the area or gunshots and now use direct chat to say you need HELP in the supermarket, that you need BLOOD or something. If you are in the rite house you can see into the supermarket from the window.. just be sure you arent dealing with another alphamale who is also going to trick you by going to the same place to shoot into the supermarket!! this happened to me once. if all goes well, they will wander into that supermarket and you have a perfect shot

more to come !!

Edited by Reverend Killjoy
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I love how you call yourself an alpha male. Your some guy moving a fake guy around in a fake world. Like it takes real courage to do what you do. Their is nothing alpha male about what you do, your just a wannabe badass ruining other peoples day. It's not that I don't love the pvp in the game, I just think you should find people in a better in game situation, maybe someone who can actually fight back. That is much more fun. I for one would love to start hunting other pvpers, a sort of bandit bandit. They have all the goods anyway :)

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I love how you call yourself an alpha male. Your some guy moving a fake guy around in a fake world. Like it takes real courage to do what you do. Their is nothing alpha male about what you do, your just a wannabe badass ruining other peoples day. It's not that I don't love the pvp in the game, I just think you should find people in a better in game situation, maybe someone who can actually fight back. That is much more fun. I for one would love to start hunting other pvpers, a sort of bandit bandit. They have all the goods anyway :)

Definitely this!^

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I love how you call yourself an alpha male. Your some guy moving a fake guy around in a fake world. Like it takes real courage to do what you do. Their is nothing alpha male about what you do, your just a wannabe badass ruining other peoples day. It's not that I don't love the pvp in the game, I just think you should find people in a better in game situation, maybe someone who can actually fight back. That is much more fun. I for one would love to start hunting other pvpers, a sort of bandit bandit. They have all the goods anyway


3) Do not roll with a name like The Noob Killer, Ultimate Pyscho, Killer etc etc. How is that going to bode to your advantage in direct comms? Go with Friendly, Looking for Team-mates, Honest Warrior etc etc

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Cant even come up with something original to say to me, you had to us a meme. Next it will be all like "U mad Bro" or some "O RLY?" then you will promptly inform me that "All your base are belong to me".


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Cant even come up with something original to say to me, you had to us a meme. Next it will be all like "U mad Bro" or some "O RLY?" then you will promptly inform me that "All your base are belong to me".




I have to be honest that I am neither interested in reinforcing your search for acknowledgment of your existence by thusly responding, or in by indulging in a discussion about the romanticist view of the post apocolypse, or otherwise as you may see it ... my good man, this thread is for idea on how to trick carebears into a death trap, so get THESE nuts

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this thread reeks of 4chan

go away everybody

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You truly are a witless dumb-fuck aren't you? Wow dude you really tricked those "carebears" good didn't you? All you've pointed out are the oldest, and lamest, camping tricks in the book. People have been camping loot spawns since Doom and QuakeWorld. Not like you just figured this out and are somehow informing us of something we didn't already know from gaming over the last 15 years.

You'll have to go Google QuakeWorld because that's what we played long before you were born.

Parents take note: Please review what your children are doing online. Otherwise your dipshit kids think this type of behavior is actually funny.

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You truly are a witless dumb-fuck aren't you? Wow dude you really tricked those "carebears" good didn't you? All you've pointed out are the oldest, and lamest, camping tricks in the book. People have been camping loot spawns since Doom and QuakeWorld. Not like you just figured this out and are somehow informing us of something we didn't already know from gaming over the last 15 years.

You'll have to go Google QuakeWorld because that's what we played long before you were born.

Parents take note: Please review what your children are doing online. Otherwise your dipshit kids think this type of behavior is actually funny.


Edited by Reverend Killjoy
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Thanks OP. You brought joy into my dull Monday afternoon. Actually, I should say your disaster of a thread did that. You're an obvious idiot, but you make me happy.

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Thanks OP. You brought joy into my dull Monday afternoon. Actually, I should say your disaster of a thread did that. You're an obvious idiot, but you make me happy.


500 views makes for a success, i know that the alphas out there heeded my advises and are now putting them to practice on the carebears :D

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500 views makes for a success, i know that the alphas out there heeded my advises and are now putting them to practice on the carebears :D

500 views do not make a success, they just prove that people like to read your stupidity and have a damn good laugh at your expense, you are not a f'in alpha by any means, if you were you wouldn't be posting such inane BS to make yourself feel better and you would probably have a large amount of supporters ripping apart the people who didn't like your thread.

Damn kids shouldn't be playing this game, I wish some parents would wake up and smell the coffee.

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500 views do not make a success, they just prove that people like to read your stupidity and have a damn good laugh at your expense, you are not a f'in alpha by any means, if you were you wouldn't be posting such inane BS to make yourself feel better and you would probably have a large amount of supporters ripping apart the people who didn't like your thread.

Damn kids shouldn't be playing this game, I wish some parents would wake up and smell the coffee.


maybe alphas dont use forums so much ,,, just out there killing carebears? :)

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maybe alphas dont use forums so much ,,, just out there killing carebears? :)

NOPE I ain't mad, a little insane maybe but not mad in any way shape or form, laughing my ass of at how dumb and childish you actually are, go back to 4Chan or which ever little ass-end of the internet you came from, maybe they'll boost your ego for you

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go back to 4Chan or which ever little ass-end of the internet you came from, maybe they'll boost your ego for you


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I love how you call yourself an alpha male. Your some guy moving a fake guy around in a fake world. Like it takes real courage to do what you do. Their is nothing alpha male about what you do, your just a wannabe badass ruining other peoples day. It's not that I don't love the pvp in the game, I just think you should find people in a better in game situation, maybe someone who can actually fight back. That is much more fun. I for one would love to start hunting other pvpers, a sort of bandit bandit. They have all the goods anyway :)


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