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Forever Loading... (UK Based Servers)

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I don't know if it's just me but I appear to get the forever lasting Loading screen when I try to join UK servers only, no matter what version I try.

I have the latest (stable) Arma 2 Beta but I just can't connect to a UK based server... even though I am in the UK and the latency is below 35.

Anyone else having this issue with UK based servers?

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Anyone getting infinitely stuck at loading screen now due to Beta 93825?

I've tried 8 different servers - 4 x Beta 93825 and 4 x that were Beta but below 93825 - in the last half hour = all fail. all got stuck at loading and I had to end process.

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Yes' date=' but it seems to be fixed now. Try UK 7. Worked well for me.


Nice, i'll give it a go.

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dont bother uk7 isnt working atm you get kicked with a script restriction #16

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Anyone got a fix for this yet? I'm having the same issue.

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Thing's seem wonky, but I've been able to join several servers (UK 7 at one point, can't remember the others off hand). I'd say either revert back to 701 or try different server. Or keep trying the same one 'cause it does seem to work some times. :P

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I used to see you in the UK7 chat all the time. Sometimes I miss side chat :( I'll just wait it out. 825 has to start working at some point... *touch wood*

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Forever Knight ...I mean' date=' Loading.


I managed to get it to work, I don't know if it's just coincidence but I ran CCleaner with the default scan settings, followed by a defrag and a restart. Worked first time, and several times after that.

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