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How do I Escape the Zombies?

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Okay, I'm kinda a new player. I can't call myself knowledgeable from how many Day Z video's I watched.The only way I figured out to lose the zombies without a weapon is running into a building and crouching down. Which will lead the zombies to walk close to you, look at you, turn around and walk back out the door. But, most of the time if I attract a entire town, I don't have time to run into a building. So, I usually run to another town with 5 or 10 zombies trailing behind me and not letting up. How do I get rid of them, I have horrible luck at finding weapons except hatchet. But, taking 3 zombies with a hatchet is a death trap.

P.S: Please just don't say, crouch and be a ninja.

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It is all about breaking Line of Sight and not making too much noise if they are still close...

The balls of steel style is to run through some bushes and lie down flat (where you have 0 Visibility/noise bars)

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Crouch and run is much less noticeable than running fully upright. Try to break line of site and zig zag, through bushes trees or buildings / walls. Good idea to get an idea of when you can lie prone and wriggle past too.

Hope this helps, aircav

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Running up hills while zig zagging helps alot or even if you really need to you can dissonect

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Yeah, it's all about line of sight. Through whatever means you need to get either an object between you and the zombie or gain sufficient distance that they lose sight of you. Using trees, steep hills, buildings, fences, rocks etc etc to get some distance and then dropping to a prone or crouch position is the best way to do it. If in doubt just head for the woods. Few zombies can stay with you if you just keep running through the woods.

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You kill them!

Or lure them to hills or buildings learn their mechanics and find weaknesses. Running around buildings so you lose their LOS (Line Of Sight) will more often than not help you lose them. Swimming into the rivers / sea will slow them down also. Piers are places where Zeds can't go, they will just walk around the perimeter.

Best way to Kill them, they kinda stop chasing you after that. :P

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zig zag up a hill, find a long barn, wait for them to come in, then exit the other way. always enter only buildings with 2 exits when chased unarmed and walk away on the other side..the hatchet is really good in taking them down. you should try, go inside a building, fix the range of the swing with the first guy and then keep swinging

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Breaking line of sight is really easy.

Once line of sight is broken, the zombie will go to where they last saw you. Once there, they will bumble around mindlessly as they normally do, unless something else catches their attention. Once line of sight is broken, you want to immediately crouch run and try to break line of sight with the previous place you broke their LoS, just in case they walk in your direction. Keep in mind that noise will re-engage them as well.

Zombies are extremely easy to lose. It's just a matter of getting the hang of their mechanics.

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If you're running like a retard on crack through a big city take notice of houses and fences; try leading them into a yard and use "V" to "Step Over" the fence and leave them behind in another yard. That's my technique and I'm sticking to it!

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or even if you really need to you can dissonect

Perfectly reasonable option for little girls who need to leave the night light on.

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Run round one corner. Change direction. Run around another corner and crouch run.

That should lose them.

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Just remember they also react to sound, if you're sprinting down a street, you'll usually alarm half the town.

If you got a bunch after you, run standing, turn a couple of corners and switch to crouched running.

If you only alarm one zombie, stay in crouched running, to avoid attracting other zombies and either draw the zombie away till you can break line of sight in a bush or shoot him out of hearing range of other zombies.

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Run into some trees or bushes. Or Run behind a house around a corner and hide yourself and crouch away. It helps very often.

Another way is you climp up a mountain and wait for the zombies. Now you ran the mountain down. The Zombies will follow you and die cause fall-damage.

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