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Kicked from server: Script restriction #16

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After I installed the hotfix ( I am getting a "BattlEye: Script Restriction #16" whenever I join a server.

-Anyone else getting this?

just a heads up.


Edit: I searched the forums and the last time this error was observed was a while ago. Anyone have a fix for this most resent one?

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Fresh reinstall of latest Beta (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9314),

with fresh reinstall of battle eye through steam (not their website, so right click arma OA install battleye option),

fresh install and non forced update of latest hotfix patch from 1.7.1 through updater (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2001)

and launching through the premade launch options .cmd (found in BETA thread and Download it from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?tju0d6s5md6y8r6) fixed this for me on joining servers that had the right beta patch and dayz patch hotfix running.

Spent hours being kicked regardless of what I did post patches but that particular combo worked for me if anyone else is willing to try.

The order I went was; Beta patch, Install tool download / reinstall, Update DayZ patch through updater (mirrors were down at the time), updated Battleye through Steam while the updater was still downloading and then launched through the premade CMD with the default launch options for OA as discussed in Beta thread forementioned.

Hope this helps a couple of you with the problem who are willing to try and get the alpha up and running instead of hoping things fall from the sky once you make a forum post etc.

Better performance than ever before once I did all that once in game as well.

P.S. This also fixed my hanging on loading issues I was having pre being kicked from server constantly issue.

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Today I suffered from the same issue, right after picking up a Ghillie while looking for food (there is no food in the entire city of Vybor btw, please fix!) I was kicked. Ghillie gone. Anyway, I just reinstalled Battleeye within Steam and now it seems to work for me.

While testing I had to shoot a Survivor because I needed food very badly. Luckil yhe had 1 can of beans and 1 cooked meat. My first kill for beans. :|

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I stand correted. On some servers it seems to work, on others I get kicked. I am a bit clueless here, due to the fact that it seems ot be ok on some servers, I guess it's a combination between client and server setup.

Any hints?

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This is the most frustrating thing in the world. I am not able to get on about 80% of the servers currently up and running with this new beta patch. I either get stuck at the Loading Screen, or I get the Battleye Restriction #16 and get kicked. Does anyone have a hotfix or workaround other than rolling back the beta for this?! Please....

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Still getting kicked when running beta ending in 825. From what I gather this is a server side problem, right?

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Strange, my issues somehow vanished with the hotfix.

Well, I lost most iof my gear, including both weapons and stuff in my main inventory, other than that I haven't been kicked lately for any reason.

It's a weird issue.

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Not able to join any server, running retail version of ArmA2.

Tried updating beta and battleye, but now stuck on loading. Reinstalling mod did nothing.

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Now I am getting it again after not seeing it for 2 days. Received script restriction #1(couldnt find any info on that one) then saw 3 #16s in a row. i have the current patches. anyone else still getting it?

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Just updated to and now I'm getting kicked with the #16 error. Beta 825 here too.

edit: definitely seems like a server issue. Some servers I'm fine on, some I get kicked immediately. Some just sit on "loading" for ages, but that's not new.

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Where do you download the new scripts.txt?

No one knows? What's with all the download new scripts.txt talk in this thread?

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