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looking for a private hive with modified loot tables

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I'm looking for a server that has different weapons, vehicles, skins etc. I'm kind of sick of vanilla dayz items as the only weapon on those servers I'm really ever interested in getting is the M16 Acog.

I don't mind a whitelist only server as long as the whitelisting process doesn't take a week only to find out that you aren't accepting more people (happened twice now), or a server where I put an application in and I never get a response.

I play solo and am really only interested in killing zombies, not people. I will defend myself if i get attacked but if I see you before you see me then I'll patiently wait for you to leave an area, or simply move on unnoticed. Note this doesn't mean I'm friendly in any way. If I'm trapped/backed into a corner and you don't communicate with me I will absolutely shoot first if I feel that's the only way to safely get out of that situation. This doesn't happen often, but this is Dayz and we all know you can't leave anything to chance.

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ZOMBIES.NU AS50 and M107 and thermal weapons are removed. A few new guns not overpowered added to replace.

Also has anti-f4 script and you can't go outside the map or you blow up.

Edited by RyanH100

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dayz commander is saying i have a 10k ping there not sure why lol... i'll check it out if there isn't a whitelist.. .if there is where do i put in an application

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