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Thinking of coming back to dayz, anything changed?

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Hey all,

So i'm tempted to come back to days after having a couple of month break, but wanted to know if anything has changed? Sorry if this has been asked before, my bad. Theres loads of threads on here, so would take me days to sift through them all.

So anyway.

- I presume there are still hackers/ sripters? Im not overly bothered with this one, its annoying yeah but not the end of the world.

- Still unlimted ammo on reloading? I have a feeling thats fixed now,

- Players "duping" weapons n tht in tents or vehicles? This did my head in previously, people say they love perma death, but fight the mechanics of the game to avoid it....

- The dodgy glitches?

- Alt f4?

- Server connections improved? no need to fire 30 rnds into someone before they die?

Cant think of anymore right now

But thanks for any replies.


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Don't listen to those exiled bandits above, they are all caged in a cave on an unmarked island! The tainted they are!

Everything is perfect! We killed off all the zombies and now have a functioning government. It's great everyone is equal, free health care, and we have a picnic every Tuesday! FREE PONIES AND COOKIES MUFFINS!!

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Do not believe a single word Pendragon says.. he is the head of the templar organization and only wants the pieces of Eden in their hands and the Assassin Order to be killed.

On a simpler note:

He's lying

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  On 10/23/2012 at 2:22 PM, Swineflew said:

Nothing game changing happened.

  On 10/23/2012 at 2:22 PM, WolfOneSix said:

All of the stated above just got worse.. for me to say at least

thanks for the replies guys, a tad disapointed, I assumed the bugs etc would have been fixed by now...But i guess most of rockets man power is going into the standalone.

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From the looks of it, they are doing a pretty good job(referring to the screenshots released of house interiors) although they should give a little bit more attention to DayZ..

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  On 10/23/2012 at 2:33 PM, WolfOneSix said:

From the looks of it, they are doing a pretty good job(referring to the screenshots released of house interiors) although they should give a little bit more attention to DayZ..

yeah i've just seen them, looking good :) yeah it would be nice if they did pay attention, but hopefully the standalone wont be too far off!!!

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Find a hevily moderated private hive. The really good ones fix duping and can stop hacking outright or rollback the server if something does happen.

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Private hives is the way to play for secure playing. I play anywhere for the challenges. New maps mean new ways to play so find a good one and use dayz commander to upload ind install the maps.

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thanks guys,

The private hives sound good, whats the crack though, I guess all the data is stored on their on server or whatever, so ya character stays on that server right?

also can anyone set one up? Or do you need to actually own a server? lol sorry if these are dump questions, :)

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Certain server hosters are creating hive groups, but most private hives are only for that one server, correct. Any yes, to make a private hive, you still have to rent a server.

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you need to "host" a server so ya renting is only way to set up a private hive. Then it's on that providers hive so not really "private" but more control. And yes your char stays on that "hive". If you play a different server on a different hive then you start over but your original character on other hive stays the same. I know it's confusing!

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thanks guys, will look into finding a hive,

would be nice if we could host our own games though.

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