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Compound bow for the standalone.

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Wouldn't it be cool to have something like this? It would need new animations, but it would be totally worth it.

It would have a few advantages over the crossbow, but obviously a few disadvantages:

The bow is lighter, faster (Takes some time to practice, but it's a damn game) , much more silent and simpler, so if repairing becomes a part of the standalone, it would be faster to fix (Well, unless the string or the bow breaks in half). It also might be harder to aim with.

The crossbow acts more like a rifle, so it's easy to aim and fire. And you also have it loaded all the time, so in some situations it can be a lifesaver. In standalone, it's also coming with a scope, so that's a pretty huge advantage.

Edited by Sutinen
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Pretty sure Rocket said he would like add a bow (has mentioned it a couple of times now I believe), along with the new new crossbow pictured below.


Edited by smasht_AU
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yeah a bow would be sick even if its really loud ide still take one at any chance i got hahaha would just be sick to walk around stalking people/zombies :P

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I think it would be really cool to see things like bows buffed a tonne in the standalone. Things like this should be more common, as opposed to the Lee Enfield or AK.

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Bow IS confirmed as a planned feature for the standalone. "Rocket said"™

Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail

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Bow IS confirmed as a planned feature for the standalone. "Rocket said"™

That's awesome, I didn't even know. Well, then this is my "idea" for the bow.

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Nice! Will he add deers as well? Nothing like going deer hunting with a bow... I've heard! Also, what's with all the "Deer Stands" and no deers? Also, what's with all the driving, and nobody crashing into a deer? I like deers, ok?

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That's awesome, I didn't even know.

Watch at 20:48

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God I love crossbows. I really hope there may be even 2 or 3 kinds of crossbow. Maybe a military grade one and a normal wooden one.

Compound and normal variations would be awesome too.

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if we could make bows, rudimenatry, not the ones used for hunting that are made with high tech stuff.

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I see no one using search functions still around here. Not like this idea is original or anything....

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I see no one using search functions still around here. Not like this idea is original or anything....

Oh man, here we go.

I swear to god I used the search function on the suggestion forum by writing "bow" in there. No threads popped up, because no-one had tagged it. Are you happy now?

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Yes crossbow is confirmed, but I would like to get "regular" compund bow.. would be more awesome, these crossbows are too dull ^^

Or even a longbow.

oh hand differend tips for arrows. (nothing rambo explosive shit..)

Edited by Zeppa

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