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I'm about to buy a new tower with playing this game in mind. The one I'm about to get has a Twin 3.2GHz Intel Xeon processor. Optimum req says 2.8GHz Intel core. I have no idea what the difference is between Xenon and Core so my question is Would this new tower run it?


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Why are you even buying a dual socket system? It won't give you any real benefit for gaming.

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Core simple means cpu core. Its not a type of processor like Xenon.

Just build your own pc. Get something like an i3 and a 120mm fan heatsink like the coolermaster 212 EVO and overclock it.

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Looks like they might actually be selling it but it's kinda shitty. 3.0GHz Xeon could be any age (looks to be 5+ years), only has a 1GB low profile graphics card by the looks of it.

Is refurbished meaning it had to go wrong, be returned or recovered in the first place. Read: Old

That "brand new" graphics card can be purchased for £20.

160GB HD? That's beyond tiny nowadays, Arma 2 itself will likely take 10% of that straight up.

This isn't really a gaming system, it's an ex office system/room based server that is old. It's been changed up to make it better and more appealing to gamers but I wouldn't buy it for anything other than putting some VMs on or hosting some web services.

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The graphics card is not a gaming card, it's a mid-range desktop card. Arma2/DayZ will run like utter crap on this, if at all.

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Xeon processors are meant for servers. A computer with one of those is almost definitely not going to be meant to run games.

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I do have an old tower that i did use for gaming a few years ago. it's not working too great at the moment due to software issues


Intel pentium 4 3.2GHz

2or4 Gig Ram (can't remember)

ATI Radeon 9250 graphics card

used to run medievil total war 2 fine on high graphics, would i be better of fixing this up and buying some new shiz for it?

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Scrap that computer completely. You can't upgrade it, you would literally have to replace everything besides maybe the tower or PSU (but given how old the rest of it is I wouldn't trust the PSU either)

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Castle speaks wise words of truth - The only thing you can realistically salvage from such an old machine would be the harddrives (as temporary storage - these things break as well) and possibly your optical drive (they also wear down)

Assemble a new one from scratch or buy a prebuilt one.

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Sounds like a complete waste of time. Build an Ivy Bridge system' date=' slap a decent cooler on the CPU and overclock the hell out of it.


I'm not convinced that overclocking will help ArmA performance unless you have an incredible graphics card and a really shit processor.

I've just overclocked my i7 860 from 2.8GHz to 4GHz with a net gain of 0 FPS paired to a GTX 285.

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AMD athlon 250 3.0GHz duel core


1TB Hard Drive

ATI Radeon HD 6450 1GB

Sound good?

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Not very good. Quad core processors are incredibly easy to come by now and should be preferred over dual core. HD 6450 is a low-mid end card.

It would run DayZ, but likely very poorly.

I'm not convinced that overclocking will help ArmA performance unless you have an incredible graphics card and a really shit processor.

I've just overclocked my i7 860 from 2.8GHz to 4GHz with a net gain of 0 FPS paired to a GTX 285.

That means your CPU wasn't the bottleneck in this case.

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Well this is just over my budget so I could always upgrade to a quad next pay day right?

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Well this is just over my budget so I could always upgrade to a quad next pay day right?

You could, but it would be a hassle and cost a lot more overall if you do.

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Last one:






That's as high as I can go. You guys are killing me.

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I can live with medium. Thanks so much for your help guys, I'm now officially broke for the next month but at least I get to play this game!

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Welcome to the sad life of a gamer with an average payday. We're all broke bastards. :(

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Just for reference I have a relatively low spec PC by today's standards and happily run on High settings...

Intel Dual-Core E5800 3.2GHz

3GB DDR2-800 (3x1GB, not even in Dual-Channel!)

Nvidia 8800GT 512MB


Everything else pretty basic. Al items except my cooler we're second hand off ebay for very little cash.

Video Settings:

Resolutions: 1440x900

Quality Pref: High

Texture: Very High

Video Memory: Default

Anisotropic: Low

Antialiasing: Normal

Terrain: High

Objects: High

Shadow: High

HDR: Normal

Postprocessing: Disabled

Vsync: Enabled

Just ran a test and average fps is 20. Sounds very low but perfectly playable.

Despite what many people say, you really don't need a high end PC to enjoy this mod.

Hope this is if some help...

EDIT: forgot to say that CPU clock speed is more important than type/number of cores, hence my old CPU, but fast clock speed, cpu copes better than newer, lower clocked cpus.

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EDIT: forgot to say that CPU clock speed is more important than type/number of cores' date=' hence my old CPU, but fast clock speed, cpu copes better than newer, lower clocked cpus.


My Core i5 750 clocked at 4.01 GHz is losing to a Phenom II X6 1090T at 2.9 GHz

That being said, I have 35~60 FPS with most settings on medium or disabled 1680x1050 with GTS 450, Core i5 750 @ 4.01 GHz and 8 gigs DDR3 RAM @ 2000 MHz with the beta patch. Before installing the beta patch servers with large view distance left me with an average FPS of about 20, whereas I'd get about 30 on low view distance servers.

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EDIT: forgot to say that CPU clock speed is more important than type/number of cores' date=' hence my old CPU, but fast clock speed, cpu copes better than newer, lower clocked cpus.


No - a newer processor at a lower clock speed will outperform an older processor at a higher clock speed. You cannot compare generations/platforms directly by just looking at their clock speed numbers. :dodgy:

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