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What is a Carebear?

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the kind of people who take garry's mod roleplaying seriously, want game-breaking realism, and are scared of conflict and other players

I'm also tired of people like selb and virfortis managing to miss the point so hard while stupidly vilifying a group that doesn't even exist.

the key characteristic of a 'carebear' is someone who wants to play the game in a way that makes no sense considering the gameplay. They don't get DayZ as an actual game, and have unrealistic expectations. Whatever you want to say about bandits, they're simply playing the game to an end that makes sense. Someone who finds a way to cooperate with other players is also being sensible. But expecting everyone to be nice, getting mad at supposed "cod kiddies" for not acting like they're in a REAL zombie apocalypse, and roleplaying to the point of having to take an in-game shit at least twice a day (have to loot toilet paper first!) is missing the point of dayZ as a game

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Carebear gets thrown around a fair bit when PvE and PvP players interact and since DayZ's most interesting feature is the interaction between competetive players and cooperative players, the word is used quite alot.

Two schools of gameplay, often seperated by servers, but not in DayZ.

If you don't like carebears in DayZ you're free to hunt and murder them relentlesly. If you're a carebear in DayZ, you can either immerse yourself in the role as a scared, hunted, goodhearted survivor and try to avoud or outsmart playerkillers, who offer an element of risk and challenge, while our AI zombie friends are a bit too predictable and easy to kill.

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Virfortis, you have almost entirely no clue what you're posting about half the time. It's just wall after wall of gibberish, pseudo-intellectual nonsense. You cite zero sources for your broad sweeping claims, you misuse terminology which has been explained to you by people who understand it better and the icing on the cake is the general stench of assumed superiority in your posts.

You're a bad poster.

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the key characteristic of a 'carebear' is someone who wants to play the game in a way that makes no sense considering the gameplay. They don't get DayZ as an actual game' date=' and have unrealistic expectations. Whatever you want to say about bandits, they're simply playing the game to an end that makes sense.[/quote']

Expecting the last survivals of an apocalypse to not end the human race while calling them faggots all the time is unrealistic? Or is applying myself to the game unrealistic? Am I to totally disconnect with my player and run around a sandbox doing whatever the Hell I want, solely because I have a gun in my hand and the ability to shoot everyone? Should I cease making a rationalization between reasonable hunting and spawncamping for shits and giggles?

That's called dumbing down the medium. Are you suggesting I dumb myself down, shut off emotion and feeling, and play it like every other FPS? The community you insist doesn't exist, does. It exists in the form of spammed memes, obsession over extremes, and what drives the stigma of gamers, which is what game companies pander to. It consists of people with the double standard of lacking evidence, but insisting everyone else prove their side.

Ask yourself: If the generalization of gamers was that they were an intelligent, socially acceptable, creative and free thinking society, would we be getting the same games every year?

Obviously not, so when a developer realizes that there's a small minority of gamer that wants freedom and the ability to experience a world instead of meta-game inside it, don't take the side of the mainstream majority that sets the stigma and tries to play it like a killstreak-based game.

My evidence is simply this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11234&pid=104107#pid104107

If you think that gaming the system is part of the game, then why is rocket even bothering with freedom when you don't have the free-thinking mind to accept it? By the logic everyone who comes against me has imposed, we should just get rid of the "boring" bits like survival, and just have a persistent open world where people load in and have to find gear lying around like a classic gun-game.

Why? Because I survive, but apparently I don't "get" DayZ. I band together with people and build up some means of defense, but I don't "get" DayZ. I've hunted down and killed people for what they have because I was in need, but I don't "get" DayZ. But the people who brag about kills and act macho because they can waggle around a pixelated gun? Those apparently "get" DayZ.

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not sure if serious..

You damn well bet I am. Because at the end of the day I can sit here and say that I'm playing as a gamer, someone who games to play with others. And if/when DayZ caves in to the "hardcore" and becomes nothing more than a combination chat room/shooting gallery for pre-made clans, I can sit here and say I didn't stand by and watch it happen.

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It's a derogatory term for survivors. Similar to calling an African American a nigger, or a mentally disabled man a retard.

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I played EVE for 4 years so Im well aware of the term carebears. The only people you can call carebears in DayZ are the ones who do not want PVP, they want to be able to team up, loot the cities and only worry about zombies not other players.

I've only been playing a week and so far have avoided other players like the plague, if I come across another player I will not shoot on sight, but that doesnt make me a carebear, it makes me a survivor. The whole reason this game is fun for me is the threat from other players, take that away and your left with LFD on a big map.

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I have no idea what the walls of text above is getting at, but to me a carebear is:

Someone who specifically chooses to play solo, goes out of their way to avoid any player confrontation, whether it be good or bad and play solely to get the best gear to show off.

They either not get involved with the community at all, or excessively vocal about how harsh the game is and are especially vocal about their ideas on how to have it dumbed down so that they can get gear easier, for the sole purpose of getting more gear.

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I was always under the impression in EVE that Carebears where PVE focused players who'd whine on the forums anytime they got involved in pvp and would constantly make suggestions that would make pvp less common.

Basically, anyone in DayZ that gets mad anytime someone kills them and whines on the forums because of it would be a carebear in my mind.

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I think carebear is a term used to describe anyone over the age of 12.

Used by those under 12.

Them at 12 are too busy wanking to type.

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Carebear is ued to describe someone that does not need a game to electrocute the users balls upon death to gain enjoyment.

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*resists to post all the facepalm demotivationals he knows*

That we are even having this discussion about "what a carebear is" *laughs*

Call players any names you want. All they aim for is to humiliate another play style you don't like.

Play how and what you want. Roleplay this brilliant mod or just rush with your unlimited lifes. Trust others, shoot them in their face or be paranoid. This is legit as long as you have fun. :-)

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I'm personally a "Carebear" by definition because I play for PvE. I find no fun in PvP in the DayZ mod because I can get enough gunplay in vanilla arma. I play the zombie mod for the zombies.

I don't get the point of going to the airfield (which is really a hit/miss when it comes to surviving that trip), getting an M4, map compass, all that stuff, just to PvP with people.

I mean come on, I could just play a regular Arma mission, start with the M4, and run around capping clan buddies in a PvP mission in cherno.

The charm of DayZ (for me) is raiding farms/villages for food and shotgun shells to survive the next day. I want my short life to be a depressing lonely experience that gives me a better feeling of desperation then Fallout or STALKER ever could. I am a carebear because I have no interest in other players outside of these forums, and the only thing seperating me from other carebears is that I won't be found complaining about a playstyle I have no involvement in.

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AAAAAALrighty then.

I have a question.... what is a Carebear? So far, BL1P has made a single statement that fits what I at least THOUGHT was what sort of referred to as a "CoD Kiddie". (....are too busy wanking to type.) That said, I think I have a decent handle on "CoD Kiddie". Hell I played CoD for a very short time. I could be wrong, but back to the point.

What I've seen so far, is just about every angle of description you could throw at a player, as a reference to "Carebear". I can only assume that a "Carebear" is simply someone who plays the (a) game in a way in which said describer doesn't like.

So we've established that "Carebear" (and possibly "CoD Kiddie") actually describe the same thing, regardless of that persons style of play while being dependent upon the describers idea of proper play (highly subjective).

I like "Fuckstick" for a derogatory term. I save this moniker for someone who's obviously exploiting the game at the expense of others.. for their own jollies. Failing to use the most remote degree of common sense (with regard to the intent of the game) is right on the edge of Fuckstickishness, but one must consider some people, are just stupid. Shoot on sight generally fits.... not always, but sometimes. Sniping the coast for no other reason than doing so is a definite. Sorry if I just earned one of these descriptives but hey, what do I care? IE: I sort of was one the other night... I got completely turned around (no compass) and thought I was somewhere I wasn't and shot some poor guy who'd likely just spawned in... sorry Antwoine Whoever). I was embarrased, not something a Fuckstick would ever be. The worst of it is, these folks are completely aware of who/what they are. They've been around since the beginning of MMOG's (I was there) and used to be referred to as a "Griefer" by us old guys, You know, back in the day.


P.S. Oh, a most definite are those who server hop, kill.. rinse & repeat. These clowns should be permabanned. Just sayin

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May be an opposite term should be used ;P like "Crocodile".

Actually the opposite of 'Carebear' is 'Cunt'.

Yep' date=' Cunts vs Carebears.


I lolz so hard at that :D

Its funny because its true.

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Expecting the last survivals of an apocalypse to not end the human race while calling them faggots all the time is unrealistic?

I have to say' date=' Virfortis, my favorite part about your nonsensical, misguided contributions to this forum are these little gems. The times when you realize you have absolutely nothing of substance whatsoever to contribute to a conversation, so you just start inventing phantom evils that your opponents are apparently guilty of in this fucked up little black & white fantasy world you have concocted in your head where it's you and all the "true gamers" versus some kind of horrid, decrepit horde of half-humans who are out to ruin your fun and give you herpes. Like the other night when you accused me of "bigotry" mid-thread with, like, no lead-in and no follow-up. Still super interested to hear your basis for that accusation, or for that matter any of the ridiculous mental diarrhea you regularly sploosh out all over this forum.

As to the OP, if you want a definition of "carebear" that probably fits the community norm, I would advise you to peruse post histories of people like vanilladragon, Virfortis or chickychickson. All good examples of people who think that all DayZ needs is a little dose of love and tenderness and it will be an amazing gaming utopia where everyone crowds around eating beans, singing campfire songs and giving each other slow, methodical hand jobs without ever breaking eye contact.

I don't [i']personally like to use the term, but if it applies to anyone it applies to chuckle-heads like them.

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.....no really. I don't get it. Carebear? I remember there was a cartoon way back when. What's that got to do with anything... did the cartoon Carebears whine allot? Does using "Carebear" as a derogatory slur establish one as a "hardcore" gamer? You fuckin carebear!! Viola' date=' I'm a badass at cartoon gaming!! That it? I'm not sure how to use it. Awww, you're such a Carebear, would you care to massage my turnips? Is it a nice way to insult someone? Maybe I have it all wrong. Does Carebear mean you're cool, just kinda slow? When I see someone use the term "Carebear" in a gaming forum, I immediately think they spent their childhood actually having to WATCH some pansy cartoon, as opposed to stuff like Bugs tricking Daffy into tripping off a mountain side. All PC pussified and shit.


If i didn't know better i would assume it has to do with caring about things alot. Ppl have this tendency to believe that whatever they think, is the ONLY way to go. hence they care alot on forums, often in a rather negative way. Most of them have a seriously bad way of presenting their point of view and can't string a sentence together without cursing left and right. Calling ppl noobs and "carebears", and i assume they believe they are the "hardcore" players". I think this is the gist of it.

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Awww.... poor Mikkall raging in the forums because someone called him a carebear HAHAHA how sweet...

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Awww.... poor Mikkall raging in the forums because someone called him a carebear HAHAHA how sweet...

...uhm, who called me a carebear and when? I do not recall.

You however, just became a Fuckstick.

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Carebear is a derogatory term (much older than Eve) to deride people who want controlled, restricted or absent PvP. It's because the PvP fans tend to be motivated but less numerous and thus fairly aggressive in defending their play-style, or just think they are innately more hard-core. Of course they also gain from having lots of targets so they don't really want barriers between the two type of players. I'd assume "Griefer" is more or less the opposition term.

Carebear = "Can't handle it, would enjoy PvP if you didn't suck at it, wimp, need a care-bear hug"

Griefer = "just enjoys ruining other players gaming and ambush, no-challenge kills"

The debate generally comes into play when PvP is non-consensual. In a game where you can flag yourself PvP or choose to enter PvP zones it's generally not too much of an issue. In a game where you can be shot 5 seconds after spawning as a new player it generally is.

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A carebear is someone who complains and whines that the game is too hard. A survivor just shrugs and deals with it.

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Ok, well... given the explanations, I'm beginning to believe the "Carebear" is one who enjoys strategy, realism and (god forbid) following the storyline. Like hey, this is a sim/game/mod whatever, dealing with a post apocalyptic zombie infested (imaginary though it may be) world. I'm going to get in the game and try to survive. I may kill someone when I see them or not, as the situation warrants. Find food/drink,gear, fend off zombies and deal with other players as needed.

The "other than carebear" appear to be those who prefer a insta-respawn, point-&-click "deathmatch" with little or no regard for actually surviving longer than a couple of PvP encounters or two. "CoD Kiddie"?

Generally Speaking.

Yay? Nay?

If so, and given Rockets explanation as to what this game is about... why do the "Cod Kiddies" (for lack of a better description.. I mean really, apparently you are one or the other) get so pissy when "carebears" attempt to call them out? What is the attraction to a playing a game in a way that is entirely inconsistent with "survival"?

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