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worst mechanic..

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Hi there,

Respawn not where you want to be?

1) Find something to jump off of

2) break your leg

3) hit esc

4) click respawn.

Not where you want to be now?

Start over at 1)

Broken leg = respawn button active.


Edited by -JMP-

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DayZ - permadeath is important! It gives this game the reason that makes it so good! Death sucks because it is meant to. You should learn that every decision can lead to death and respect, as in real life.

I personally think that you should not be able to loot your own corpse. Death should be, well - final. Furthermore gear should be damaged or destroyed on shot up bodies - based on weight of bullet and number of hits - a fifty cal round won't leave much useable.

When u see a player - u should hide and think. U should pause and check your situation. Are they alone? Am I flanked? Will I gain anything from this? Is it worth the risk? If you engage and lose - well you lose everything, as it should be.

On your predicament - strategy and tactics are for amateurs, professionals talk about logistics. You Sir are failing at all of them.

Tactics - don't get shot, don't loose, learn and adapt and win.

Logistics - your clan is failing to get resources into combat - I would suggest your clan works on a logistics network. A tent with gear and transport nearby (bike or vehicles) to get the fallen back into combat ASAP. One base is doomed to fail. Plus you get to defend and raid your and other logistic networks too - now there is more fe

Play for you! Why not have a dedicated pick up/ ferry vehicle? Swap who gets to pull logistics duty? They also get to be the cavalry.

There is nothing wrong with the mechanic, if fact it needs to be tougher!

You need to learn, adapt, plan, and then win :)

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I was about to say.. but pretty much half of the people here already mentioned it. Dying in DayZ is supposed to give you a big penalty. while I can imagine the frustration behind it when being in a clan war. I'd be awfully discouraged to buy the standalone if they had a feature to set a home location in the game. in my eyes that is complete bull and would ruin the entire concept.

I actually like the fact that you'd spawn like at least 5km away from your corpse at any give time. being able to reloot your body in general is something that troubles me already, sure it is convinient to be able to retrieve your loot when you happen to be close by and it would be highly frustrating when you couldn't just when you had a character with high end gear but hey, what would otherwise be the penalty of dying if you'd be straight back to your character and be able to reloot it? being able to store your stuff and gear in tents and vehicles should be beneficial enough if you ask me.

PS: I'm side tracking here because you probably are aiming to be wanting to get back to the action rather than just being able to reloot your corpse.

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DayZ is a Zombie (infected) survival simulator. You are renting your characters life, when you re-spawn you are then renting a different characters life.

I think that maps should be bigger and you should spawn at the opposite side to where you died. This would place more importance on staying alive and actually suriving. True teamwork should then show through by your mates/clan retreating to regroup with you and giving you equipment/supplies and then moving forward again.

Half the immersion factor of DayZ is the time invested into your character and the fact that you should (hopefully with standalone and no duping) really work for what you have.

My 2c anyways.

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DayZ is a Zombie (infected) survival simulator. You are renting your characters life, when you re-spawn you are then renting a different characters life.

I think that maps should be bigger and you should spawn at the opposite side to where you died. This would place more importance on staying alive and actually suriving. True teamwork should then show through by your mates/clan retreating to regroup with you and giving you equipment/supplies and then moving forward again.

Half the immersion factor of DayZ is the time invested into your character and the fact that you should (hopefully with standalone and no duping) really work for what you have.

My 2c anyways.

I couldn't agree more. Well said!

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It would be funny to have a hardcore server setting somewhere. That if you die, you get banned for a week or so.

That would be funny, and then people will think twice about ending their lives because they broke a bone or two.

You will think about death a lot more, and try to avoid doing stupid things a lot more.

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