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Am I a coward?

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I posted a topic a couple days back, talking about how I logged out super-quickly because the server was mass-teleported. In the replies to it, I was called a coward, a combat logger, an Alt+F4er, and a couple of other things. I don't know why, but that just kinda stuck with me. I figured that maybe in my quest to become a hero, I'd become a combat-logging coward. I'm gonna list a couple examples below of my past actions, and you guys decide if I'm a coward or not.

1. I was showing a couple of my buddies DayZ because they had never heard of it before. I logged on into a barn with my M16a2 and some other gear. The first thing they wanted me to do was shoot a zombie. I went out of the barn and shot at one. As soon I shot, the zombie charged me. At any other time, I would have stayed on, but all of the sudden, there was a massive amount of lag. I'd never experienced a lag like this. Everytime a zombie moved (keep in mind that I'd never experienced this kind of lag), my game practically froze, making it impossible to aim. I logged out right as my leg was broken.

2. I had just re-spawned on a server. After collecting the basic survival kit (the game glitched and spawned me with literally nothing) from an abandoned trap, I heard gunfire coming from the distance. I realized no-one was shooting at me, so I moved along. I came upon a big hacker trap. It was a boat on dry ground, surrounded by six dead bodies and a hack box (you know, one of those boxes with every time in the game in it.). I ignored the hack box and looted the bodies. Suddenly, everyone was mass teleported to to a small island by hackers, who quickly started shooting everyone.. I logged out quickly and kept the gear I got from the bodies.

3. I logged out when zombies were chasing me because of a family meeting.

4. I logged out when zombies were chasing me because there was a barn nearby and I could easily lose them in it.

5. I saw a player and watched him for a bit but had to log off because of a family meeting.

6. I met up with some random players and hung with them for a while but had to log off because of real-world reasons.

Other than that, I've never logged out when someone attacked me or zombies attaacked me or when I saw a player.

So thanks for your answers guys. If I am a coward, I'll try to do better.

Edited by colekern

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Logging out because of IRL issues is different. But I suppose as long as it wasn't to only get away from another player or zed, you're fine.

As long as it wasn't from me, I don't give a shit.

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Why do you care so much what a bunch of strangers on an internet forum think of you or the way you play a PC game?


Who gives a sh** about why you disconnect in game? Only a bunch of grieving whiners, is who.

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Why do you care so much what a bunch of strangers on an internet forum think of you or the way you play a PC game?


Who gives a sh** about why you disconnect in game? Only a bunch of grieving whiners, is who.

Part of my reasoning is that if I've wronged someone, I wanna make it right.

As for your other question, pretty much everyone. If you were in a firefight with someone, and he logged out right before your eyes, then he logged back in at another location and shot you in the face, wouldn't you be mad?

And finally, I want to be a true hero in this game. If a "hero" is logging out everytime someone shoots at him, or is cowardly, I wouldn't consider him a hero. So this is basically a morality check for DayZ.

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Part of my reasoning is that if I've wronged someone, I wanna make it right.

Wronged someone? By disconnecting? You worry too much bud, way too much.

As for your other question, pretty much everyone. If you were in a firefight with someone, and he logged out right before your eyes, then he logged back in at another location and shot you in the face, wouldn't you be mad?

Been there, died that way. Was I mad? Sure. I then got over the whole thing and started again. Why? Cos there is absolutely no point in grieving about it.

And finally, I want to be a true hero in this game. If a "hero" is logging out everytime someone shoots at him, or is cowardly, I wouldn't consider him a hero. So this is basically a morality check for DayZ.

Your in game morality may not be my in game morality. We are all different, thank god. I still don't understand though why you had to write down the 6 most recent reasons of you logging out and why you care about what people here think of you. You wanna be a hero in game, be a hero in game and stop worrying about the forum. What are the chances you will ever see anyone of us on the same server you're on anyway?

Edited by SquishyBear

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I wouldn't say so, no. Hackers are an exception to the Alt+f4 rule in my opinion; if they can cheat the game and spawn in items, then you should be entitled to disconnect when they are trying to shoot you with thermal AS50s (or whatever the fuck they have). Normally I would say DCing from zombies is not really cowardly, more of a way to just get rid of them quicker. Still, it shouldn't be done, as it is an exploit. All of your examples were mainly due to IRL causes (those don't count) and the one where you got heavy lag (I wouldn't consider this to be cowardice, although some might yell at you to, "Grow a pair!" :P). Don't worry about it.

Edited by Excision

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I combat log and then try to act like I am not a pussy on the internet.

There I fixed your comment to say what you really meant.

To the OP, if a person is not shooting at you no need to worry. With zombies you should not log, but it reminds me of the question "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around does it make a sound?" Not really hurting anything since those zombies are unable to enjoy the gear anyways, but if pushed I would say it is somewhat of a sissy move. As far as hackers no one is a coward for logging when a legitimate hacker does something (not the guy who thinks everyone who walks up behind him had to teleport to him, more like your original story of the server being teleported). I will stay sometimes for the fun, but other times I do not want to lose my gear to cheaters so not problem there.

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With all problems and concerns, combat logging is just that, logging off from combat, exiting the game for getting shot at. Your reasons are potentially valid (mixed feelings based off the first scenario), but will all due respect, I only alt+f4 in case of emergencies, like hackers or an immediate real life reason (which I usually just abort from).

Logging off in a gun fight is shameful and unreasonable, let alone unfair to the one who had shot you. No excuse in the world will make you alt+f4 in the middle of a firefight. I remember one time, playing on a Panthera server (great map), me an a buddy found a truck with a LMG hitched on the roof, so we took it out on a spin. We headed to the western airfield, and looked for a helicopter (found two, with a Huey armed with miniguns), in our quest for fuel and jerrycans, I heard some gunshots coming from the hillside. I notice some player with a Enfield trying to snipe us at our elevation. He just lied there, hoping we wouldn't be seen. Me and my buddy pop in, and we go in guns blazing, him firing that LMG and me heading full speed at him. We got him knocked unconscious, and were about to finish him off...

...poof, disappears.

Shame, pure shame he should have felt. Killed him fair and square, and really, he had nothing to lose.

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Combat logging is disconnecting with the express reason of avoiding death, If you are logging out to avoid death from a hacker or hacker related actives this is fine.

On a related note to this any ideas why my body vanishes after I die? am I logging out too quickly or is this just a bug?

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On a related note to this any ideas why my body vanishes after I die? am I logging out too quickly or is this just a bug?

Is it possible someone finds it before you do and hides it?

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