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Female DayZ players, lets talk and ask questions.

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How do you feel about females playing DayZ or other games in general?

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, games aren't made for a specific gender. (I'm fine with it btw.)

Do you go out of you way to help/kill suspected female players?

I go out of my way to help anyone who isnt a bandit no matter what gender they are and so long as they ask nicely lol.

Do you think girls can hold their own in games?

Yes, I don't know why they wouldn't be able to.

Does it scare you when a girl gets behind the wheel in a Ural?

Honestly, it scares me when anyone but myself gets in the drivers seat of a vehicle I am inside.

People accidently crashing and blowing up vehicles has happened to me way too much.

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Here's my POV on this.

I don't play with women.

I don't even play with men.

I play with people.

They are genderless to me.

I hold no associative distinction between players beyond Really Good/Good/Moderate/Normal/Below Average/Bad/Really bad.

The only place where this doesnt hold itself true is when I know the player on a more personal level.

I do this for a simple reason: I'm neither a misogynist nor a misandrist. it's easier to hold an all encompassing policy than to place distinction between player before I know them well enough to pass better judgement.

As for experience so far, I have many gripes with players but only one that exist between me and players of the feminine disposition.

It's the inferiority complex some of them hold.

Ladies, if someone is being rude to you, please don't respond with a hearty "Is it because I'm a woman?".

It very well might be their reason, but you are only reinforcing your role in their eyes by placing yourself where they expect you to be.

Also, some might genuinely not like you for reasons other than your sex.

As a result, most women I did meet while playing vidya I have come to dislike.

They made a duty of themselves to point out their gender for no other reason as to put themselves in light unnecessarily.

You want personally, as an individual, more respect from the playerbase? Don't debase yourself, don't sexualize yourself and don't step up on a podium unheeded asking for recognition where none is needed. I ask this not because you are a female but because you are someone I might play with. I ask nothing different from the other gender.

Edited by Axelord FTW

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  On 10/17/2012 at 2:21 AM, KatieKillz said:


  • How do you feel about females playing DayZ or other games in general?
    The more souls the merrier :)
  • Do you go out of you way to help/kill suspected female players?
    I'd go out of my way, this due to my experience in other games when meeting female players, they tend to be more friendly so I'd have no fears approaching a female player in dayz
  • Do you think girls can hold their own in games?
    Yup, no doubt.
  • Does it scare you when a girl gets behind the wheel in a Ural? lol jokes.
    You kidding? With the desyncs in vehicles!? I'm terrified with anyone besides me behind the wheel!!

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  • How do you feel about females playing DayZ or other games in general? 

    - Honestly, I'd like to see females playing games more than i do, i appreciate working in a group with girls it seems to be a lot easier especially when there's a stage of trust built as (I personally have found this) in games Women are more likely to appreciate your judgement in situations, they're a lot more understanding and will actually fucking listen to the plan XD

  • Do you go out of you way to help/kill suspected female players?

    - I personally go out of my way to help anyone, i'm perfectly willing to go out of my way to help anyone under the right circumstances.

  • Do you think girls can hold their own in games?

    - Undoubtedly iv'e met two Women in my time on DayZ and for the most part they seem to concentrate more than a lot of males i have met.

  • Does it scare you when a girl gets behind the wheel in a Ural? lol jokes.

    - Only if they say "wheres the brakes" :P


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  On 11/5/2012 at 11:52 PM, AG-D.Wright said:

How do you feel about females playing DayZ or other games in general?

Its common knowledge that not some, but all women belong in the KITCHEN. So you can imagine my displeasure with the notion of women playing video games. It takes nearly half an hour to run from one end of the map to the other. Probably longer than that but I've not timed it. Think of all the food you can make/prepare in that time. Its completely unacceptable for women to be playing these games.

Do you go out of you way to help/kill suspected female players?

Absolutely. Me killing a female player increases the probability that she gets up from the computer and does something constructive.

Do you think girls can hold their own in games?

Absolutely not. Decreased reaction time and lack of general skill that men have.

Does it scare you when a girl gets behind the wheel in a Ural? lol jokes

Its ALSO common knowledge that women can't drive. So yes. No jokes.

Maybe you should quit playing so many video games. Might drop below the 300 pound mark. Possibly find a job. But hopefully no woman would put up with you, and if she does then gives you a good bitch slap on her way out the door.

And nope, not a woman. Not even grown.

I'm 17 but obviously I have a better understanding and appreciation of women than you.

Oh and nice necro guy above me

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  On 10/17/2012 at 3:30 AM, run4way said:

I'm think they should return to kitchen.

No way, cuz female skin != female player.

May be, why not?

We could start a whole new thread called "run4way goes to College" or, so he can understand... !run4way is collage going>to$ You literally made me spit out my drink so you got the Beans Run.


Good for you Katie, don't take no shit. If I see you in game, I'll say what up, then probably pop you if you look at me too long. GL.

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  • How do you feel about females playing DayZ or other games in general?

Honestly, I'm Pretty much Indifferent. Frankly, I can't say I've ever seen a bad female gamer though.

  • Do you go out of you way to help/kill suspected female players?

As long as it ain't Dread Master Bestia then No, Do I actively participate in Hunting and killing of other players. Perhaps, but the fact that they could be female is of no consequence.

  • Do you think girls can hold their own in games?

Does a Bear shit in the woods? Lol, one of my friends is an amazing shot in DayZ. And She Happens to be female.

  • Does it scare you when a girl gets behind the wheel in a Ural? lol jokes.

Heh, I've seen some bad drivers and pilots in my day. the Majority of them are guys.

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Nothing wrong with female gamers.

The issue is when 14-17 year old boys find out your a female gamer.

Gaming is for everyone. It's a pass-time, a hobby and a interest that has no sexual biased. It's the kids who play games are the perpetrators of that.

I've met quite a few female gamers on DayZ and even more in the wider gamig scene.

There are at least two on my regular servers (DeadCell). There are probably more but many like to keep their sex a secret.. And it's not hard to see why.

There is a certain anonimity and lack of repercussions for people on the internet that give them a urge to be toxic and be insulting.

I was on a server before where we were at war with another group. As always in DayZ there was back and forth insulting and slagging. However normally the case is that it's all males and most insults are generic.

What I mean is that when all I know about my rival is he's a guy who plays games online and that's all he knows about me... Then the insult material is a bit weak.

However if it's a girl they have something that sets the person apart and they can bash on the stereotype.

we had a girl in our group named kalideo. The group we were at war with new she was a female and so when it came to "shit talk" she was always the victim. They would hammer on her.

I know there are many female gamers now but they are still outnumbered.

I would have to imagine that if the opposite were true and women outnumbered the men then the opposite would likely occur.

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I am a female Dayz player and am looking for other females to play with and start a crew with :) If anyone is interested please reply 

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I forced the only female player I met to put on a tanker helmet that I gave her and then tested its protection effectiveness by shooting a bullet to her head from 2 meters away using a pistol (it was either a FNX or a CR75). She lived so I bandaged her, gave her some food and left. Would've done the same with a male player, so I guess the conclusion is that the gender doesn't really matter to me.

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I met like 5 female players in dayZ during my 700+ in the game. Female in video games same as in real life, bring different vibes to the experience, sometimes forcing different aproach to situation that you wouldnt handle in the same manner by yourself or with male players. As a male whenever i encounter a female, and if she does need help ill try to help (every man wants to help out a lady i think thats mans nature and instinct, in some sense). Girls definetly can hold their weight in video games, although it depends from the person, some people are naturally more or less adept in certain activities so that applies for males and females both, thats why some females can pull their weight some dont, but same thing might be said about males. Talking about ural jokes, they always tell me me to drive, so that kinda answers themselves. Out of 5 girls i met in game i ended up playing for months to come, you just gotta treat them like you would treat them in real life and dont feak out about girl online. (OMG ARE YOU ARE GRILL? wild grill appears and you see like 12 bambie bodyguards running around her trying to prove theyre white knightness to her, i think the lack of female numbers are influenced by creepy male players which they encounter in game and in order to avoid those they quit playing video games or move on to the less interactive video games with no voip and such.  Interdasting discussion.

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I know quite a few girls in real life that play videogames. You'd be suprised at how many girls "come out" when they hear guy talking about games in the cafeteria over lunch. Most just does not confess to being a girl online, because they don't want guys stalking them online. Some definetly loves the attention tho. "Hai guyz, imma gurl, just so you know <3" Just the other day I was talking to some friends about games, and some girl started talking about how she plays a lot of XCOM. Some, it's more casual like The Sims or the occasional session of Battlefield. Others, it's CS:GO or MMORPG's.


If we are talking DayZ, the group I usually play with, there is one. I've met one or two ingame as well. I used to play World of Warcraft, and most serious raiding guilds had at least a few girls in them, which often tend to cause drama because there are a lot of lonely neckbeards out there. It wasn't always the girls themselves, but more the fact that said neckbeards would fight over these girls attention. Many a guild breakup has been caused because an e-romance went south, or just pure jealousy.

Edited by anderswhk

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