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Friendlies only - Anti Bandit group + TeamSpeak3 + Website. (Closed For Now)

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(( Invites are closed as of right now, sorry, we will continue invites some time in the future for now, we are getting organized, putting things together. Welcome all that have joined in the fight for a better DayZ experience ))

I like many other players are pretty tired of the players that play the game solely to kill other players, as it stands, DayZ is a Player survival mod, NOT a zombie survival game, in the future I'm sure that'll be fix or at least I hope it will but in the mean time, a anti bandit group is needed.

( This is not a DayZ PVP discussion thread, so please don't make it one )

Anyways, I'm looking to put together a group that hunts bandits, a group of at least 10 players, the more the better, enough so, if one or more of us go down, we can easily re-gear/recover the lost items and take out the bandits that killed them.

This group is for players that want to show humanity does not go down the drain when a zombie apocalypse happens, it be true or not, this group is for friendlies helping out other friendlies.

Now I'm sure my ideas and thoughts below won't be perfect or solid but that's why I'd like suggestions, to have a discussion in this thread while we get the number of players we need to put together such a group, plus we need a name, unless every one feels, Anti Bandits Group [ABG] is good enough heh, Also, I'm not one to normally try and put together a group so someone that has a good group creating experience will be asked to be a co-leader of the group, there does not need to be just one either.

One thing I'd would like to see this group do, is watch game chat for players rageing about them getting killed when they were friendly and ask the player where they were killed and then go hunting for the bandit(s), kill them, take there gear and either keep it or give it to the player that was killed.

If a group member makes the mistake and kills a friendly, then they are task with the job to re-gear the player.

If you already have a group of 2 or more that'd like to join, a thought I had, is the group would have officers, in charge of there group with in this anti bandit group, officers would be tasked with finding more players in game to join our cause, though wouldn't be required of them.

Now I'm sure there will be weeds to pull in the group, bandits in an another words, this group will have a zero tolerance towards bandit behavior, and group member killing other players just for there gear/items will be removed from the group and be labeled as a bandit and will be added on a anti bandit hit list and will be killed on sight.

Though I'd like us all to keep in mind, this is just a game/mod so take it easy and the important thing is, to have fun and enjoy the game.

Once we decide on a group name, we'll use steam and create steam group and either use steam group voice chat to talk in game or well, setup a TeamSpeak or Ventrilo server.

I'm sure we'll have group members on totally opposite time zones but I guess this will be where officers come in as well, I myself is on -8 pacific time but as a group we will try to stick to one server but again, I'm sure we won't all have the same ping/won't get kicked for high ping so, again, officers, they'll have the job to keep as many of us on one server as they can, hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say. ^,..,^

What'll be asked of players that would like to join this group is,

1. have a mic, now this won't be required but its a lot easier to weed out the bandits over mic, so I'd be much less hesitant to invite a player to the group if they have a mic and chat with the group for a bit first.

2. Be friendly durr.

3. Join the steam group/have group chat open when ever they are in game.

4. Join servers with group members in it, should be obvious but thought I'd say something.

5. Listen to group officers and co-leaders.

6. Respect players both group members and those that deserve respect in game.

7. Have fun, its just a game/mod, we are here to enjoy the game and not get stuck up/get on our high horses.

So yeah, Suggestions...

lets have a mini discussion

and if you'd like to join this group, please post something small about yourself, Ingame name, age, you got a mic or not, ideas thoughts, suggestions .etc

I'd personally suggest Raven's but that's because I have a thing for Ravens, so the group tags would be something like

Normal Member

[R] - Name


[O]-[R] - Name


[CL]-[R] - Name

EDIT: Update

For those that wish to join this group, please in the post you tell a little about yourself, include your steam name, so that I may add you to friends list.

Also, I have made a Temp group, that I'll start to invite players to, sense we do not have a name yet, I simply named it Anti Bandit Group.

Edit: Update June 16

I guess something I forgot to add in this first post, is a bit about myself, sense I ask the same of new members.


I'm known as CrissCrow across all games I play, I mainly play FPS games but been known to play others, I'm generally a relax, laid back gamer, with my spunky moments here and there, I take it easy, generally nice to those that are the same to me, I've only ever killed two players in Dayz but that's because they shot first.

Goals I have in DayZ, Get better gear of course, find a down chopper and get it running, same goes for a bus, better figure a better loot path that's safer, Own my server and get it bandit free, that's where you guys come in, once I have my own server of course :D

Oh I'm 24, 25 in july, I use a mic but only when I have something to say.

Oh, Also, at the moment, I do not have the means to get a TeamSpeak Server up for the group but if a group member has a TeamSpeak server, please let us know, for now we'r stuck with Steam Group chat.

Update: 6/22/2012

We do indeed now have our own TeamSpeak server and forums, once you've join, ask for the info and it will be given.

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Don't want to hijack thread or anything, but if this group forms (I personally love the idea of hunting bandits) perhaps it's members should pressure the DEVs for creating specific BANDIT skins? Right now it's all great COD style ghillie suit, pmc or camo etc (yeah fun, lets accessorize everything) but the side effect is that it's impossible to tell bandits from survivors, which I think is essential for such a group.

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I think i would be interested in joining.

IGN- Ben

Steam name- Da_Reapa1

I am fairly good with a Medium-long range rifle, i currently use an M14 AIM. I only have a few days of experience but I know how to survive. Also i hate bandits... one took my head off with a revolver when i was sneaking into the elektro supermarket for a can of soda...

EDIT: bye bye my amazing m14... you will be missed... but at least you killed 35 zombies in that last stand...

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I'd be pretty interested to join !

Steam name : steveco95

My name is steve and i'm fed up with getting killed for ma beans !

I am an ArmA 2 enthusiast atm so i love the game and the idea of shooting bandits sound great !

Add me on steam so we play together !

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IGN- Elliot

Mic- yes

I HATE BANDITS... and im in central standard for US so i can really play whenever add me on steam

Steam id-Sachianator(elliot)

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Me and the lads will look forward to hunting you all.

Remember to make sure if your prey is actually the prey, and not the hunter...

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Glad to see people interested, I should of thought of that, steam name haha, well it was late when I typed the above, up, I'll edit the first post to ask for steam id.

Though if any one has a suggestion for the group's name, please feel free to suggest, once we have a name, I will create a steam group and begin to invite players to it.

Well for now actually I'll create a simple group, just until we decide on a better name ^^

Indeed it is, that'll be the hardest thing for this group to do, tell bandit from friendly/normal player, I don't expect us to be perfect on this, simply because its just not possible with the way the mod/game is setup, so all I expect the group to do is there best and if they make a mistake, that they'll fix it simple enough.

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Me and the lads will look forward to hunting you all.

Remember to make sure if your prey is actually the prey' date=' and not the hunter...


Watch your back fella...

Oh and can you make sure you have plenty of food, water and M24 ammo on you?

Thanks x

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Hey, sh1f (aka Casper) here, 27-year-old mic-possessing Atlantan. Let's weed out some bandit trash. Sent you a PM.

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Wow there is a lot of people named Sh1f or Aka Casper and or Casper, could you describe your profile picture?

Oh never mind, I now see the PM

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Best of luck in hunting bandits such as myself. I'll be sure to keep my rifle close and my beans even closer.

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Come on all, the sooner we get at least 10 members, the sooner we can actively go hunting for Bandits, currently we are sitting at 4 to 6 members.

Also I'd like to add, members that join won't be asked or required to join in the active bandit hunting, if they simply want protection and just wanna loot and explore the DayZ world, then there more then welcome to do so.

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Sign me up! I hunt bandits by myself right now, but i'm always looking for some people to hunt with me.

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Sign me up! I hunt bandits by myself right now' date=' but i'm always looking for some people to hunt with me.


is Qu1nn your steam name as well or?

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Best of luck in hunting bandits such as myself. I'll be sure to keep my rifle close and my beans even closer.

Maybe we should create our own Anti Bandit Hunter group? We could hunt the supposed 'hunters' and kill anyone we see on the way.

I vote that we call ourselves...The Sausage Warriors!

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Hey just started playing this mod and I think its a great idea you have.

I want to join in and help out however I can.

I'm 24 years old living in japan right now but originally from sweden.

My steam name is the same as forum name "nemesis8727"

Please send a friend request or add me to the steam group.

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Glad to see more people joining the group, I've sent invites to all, currently we are at 5 members with a possible 3 more on the way, once we hit 8 or 10, we'll attempt to group up and begin our hunt, of course our first mission will be to get every one geared up.

Then the real fun will began.

Can't wait until we got vehicles.

Oh! I suppose I should mention, we are probably going to be joining 1.7 to 1.7 beta servers so make sure your Dayz mod is up to date or at least 1.7

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I'm very interested in joining, somewhat new to dayz but I'm familiar with arma and I am a long time FPS player.

SteamID: 2slow4you

IGN: 3litesnip3r

Want to join to hunt those bean thieving buggers

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Just started my own group on steam called the United Survivors of Chenarus. It's the same thing-- hurt those who hurt others, protect the weak. I've always wanted to do something like this but just made the page today, came here to feel out what others are doing. Do you have a clan tag for your group so I can add it to my groups 'friendly' list?

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I'm very interested in joining' date=' somewhat new to dayz but I'm familiar with arma and I am a long time FPS player.

SteamID: 2slow4you

IGN: 3litesnip3r

Want to join to hunt those bean thieving buggers


There is like 15 people with that same name, could you describe your profile picture?

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Invite sent

hmm, never received it, is your steam id the same as your forum username?

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