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Friendly??? Really????

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Made a comment about this in another post but don't understand.

Guy says I'm friendly - I reply I'm friendly - lay down - put down gun I just found to prove it. Turned my back to pick up more supplies and he attacked me from behind.

Really???? Come on!!!! Give me a server with only zombies. I see why people attack first. But I just don't want to do that - I want to play the game without it.

If you attacking someone who could or say attacked. That's the game I guess - But unarmed - in the back??? Losers!!!!!

By the way, I even typed on all channels Friendly!!!!

I guess I will run next time.

On the bright side - I did locate Electro with the external map - in game - using ctrl-esc to exit game (after hiding) - and using the city it said I was near to the right of screen at start of session. Located market. Then was attacked from behind.

No retaliation - I will just run next time and come back later. Living in the mountains does seem nicer and nicer. Just get supplies QUICKLY and leave city.

Oh, and I still was on the smaller server. Maybe 4 people at most and myself - actually 3 people - 1 loser - and myself.

Yes I am bummed!!! Start again tho!!!

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This game would be dull if there was no PvP or risk from other players. If you want to coop play then maybe try to get some friends to play with or a little group.

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...

What you said!!! I wish the game would not just say Selmack died or what ever. It should say "Loser0001 killed Selmack!" Then you would know who to watch out for next time.

I do realize name can change but I am guessing if I go back in it will not change that quickly. Also, other players could watchout for that person.

How about - "Loser0001 shot Selmack in back and killed him" Then people would have a much better idea of the person. This would be better as I know there are times to defend yourself - I am not that cautious.

Just venting!!!!

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try our private hive - roleplaying rules and no kos - still much pvp - just give it a try

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...

One last post here - A noob is not a noob forever. What goes around - is so true!!!!

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it was a bad death that you had...but next time i suggest you to

1)keep your gun

2)don't turn your back to unknown people (this is for real also)

3)you can play friendly but when you have to shoot, shoot

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As the guy above me said, never turn your back on a player. I just had a guy in a bandit skin tell me he was friendly, yeah right. I fired a couple of shot in the air but in his direction then took cover in a house. I was the camo clothing kit on and an AK kobra so maybe he thought I was a badass and made a run for it. What he didn't know was that I suck and was just bluffing.

Edited by Mudpuppy

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I don't know why players immediately trust a random stranger because they said friendly, you have much to learn.

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I don't know why players immediately trust a random stranger because they said friendly, you have much to learn.

Agree'd, only people i can trust these days are who are on my TeamSpeak... bar that every other individual is hostile sorry to say.

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Perhaps if names can not/should not be displayed, method of death shown "handgun, hatchet, assault rifle (US or RU), hunting rifle, sniper rifle, "badluck"(for random-bugs, falls, zombie-meal, hit&run, etc) "

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Hi! You must be new here.

1) Don't get attached to your gear.

2) Don't trust anyone.

3) Don't turn your back on anyone.

That's a good start.

Edited by Trizzo

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As the guy above me said, never turn your back on a player. I just had a guy in a bandit skin tell me he was friendly, yeah right. I fired a couple of shot in the air but in his direction then took cover in a house. I was the camo clothing kit on and an AK kobra so maybe he thought I was a badass and made a run for it. What he didn't know was that I suck and was just bluffing.

Now this is funny and good. I am just trusting by nature. Had no idea I would get hit in the back. But I am learning and won't do it again. Like in the quote I am horrible with guns at the moment. I am playing the arma 2 gun simulations and losingon badly also. But practicing and will get better.

Off topic - how do you remove a body or hide it so it can not be looted. I found myself by accident and wanted to life myself out and get stuff but have only seen in on videos and san not find command on google - thanks!!!

I have another question but I think I will post it seperate with the above question again.

Thanks - I do like the smaller towns and mountain life. At the moment it is not boring. And I am watching much closer for players now. I located a place that spawns everything I need - Even another larger pack. Still need a knife and I guess a hatchet - Can get axe to chop wood - but do have matches and setting up a stuff so I have a lot of everything. If others use it - great - I will get more. Just trying to hide better now.

Thanks for advice!!!!!

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It sucks. Lying is the lowest form of banditry.

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wanted to life myself out and get stuff but have only seen in on videos and san not find command on google - thanks!!!

Not too sure what this means but I think I answered the hide-body question in your other post.

Also, take note: Some people are bored as hell and are just leaving tents with meds and odds and ends near coastal areas.

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All saying friendly means in this game is you don't want to be shot at.

It is possible to not kill people and survive in the big city, it just takes some skill and patient. Stay in cover, check corner, never stop moving. When interacting with another player, try to be the one to see them, then if you need help/would like to help, take precautions. Request guns be lowered (ctrl x2) before revealing yourself, meet in buildings if solo, outside if you have an overwatch, and if he raises it and aims in your direction gtfo.

If you get seen and they don't shoot at you but make contact, use your best instincts. What are they asking you to do? What do you have to lose if you die? What do they have to gain from killing you? Do you see an easy escape route? If they ask you to turn away from them and you wish to comply, be sure to alt + look so you can keep your eyes on them in case they raise their weapon.

The one time I have been seen and they talked instead of shooting on sight, I ended up having to put him down. I was in the office building of Elektro, new spawn, only hatchet for weapon. A guy with a Makarov was on the 2nd floor in the center room. I forgot to check it and moved down the hallway to the right. I hear him saying that he's friendly and to stay still. I duck into the room at the end and say I'm friendly and I can help. He asks what I have, just food, drink, and meds, no guns I say. Tells me to come out slowly, I comply and he starts firing on me. I was prepared for this. With him blocking my only exit, and not wanting to have to linger in the building after gunshots, I zigzag too him while he's still down iron sights. Sweep the the legs and attempt to knock him out and patch him up after, but he dies after a few hits. My one an only murder of the game. I definitely learned to be even more careful and plan my looting routes to always have an exit, but it still could've been avoided and I feel guilty about it to this day.

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DayZ is the most intense gaming experience I've ever had. I almost have a heart attack every 5 minutes and I love it. There's nothing else like it. The PvP is so intense and you have to use actual military tactics to have the upper hand.

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