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WTF? What's going on here?

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Why you ban my forum account "Th3Z0n3"? What i have said or written that you ban me? :@

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If your account was created in the last few days, it is likely that it was not banned, but rather unfortunately forgotten due to the forum rollback that took place due to a certain hacker.

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It was banned, he was banned because rocket was upset that he might have confused a global ban and a server ban, even I had to comment on the absurdity of it. The funny part is that he was actually correct and got banned anyway.

rocket, digging more and more holes *gets popcorn*

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No, i have postet in this forum just a few minutes ago.


I didn't find Zolddude in the Adminlist.


Why did you ban my forum account? I would like to know what i'm doing wrong.

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We reviewed your post history, and your IP addresses. Please leave, you are not welcome here.

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We reviewed your post history' date=' and your IP addresses. Please leave, you are not welcome here.


The Rocket has spoken.

I'd recommend moving on, OP...

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If i were you dude write an Email to BIS i already have an i intend to write another today Eventually they will do something about it be sure to take screenies of his Rude Post and attach them and let them know it reflects on there company as a whole considering he is an Employee.

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Rocket brought sales up, just off this mod. And works very hard on it. Yeah, you might as well get over it and care bear onward. Ya feel me? Kthxbai.

As someone said, the Rocket has spoken!

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As i have said the customer has spoken what you and your COMMANDER forget is that the people WHO BOUGHT THE GAME to bring those SALES up paid for his paycheck :) now im not saying he will be fired but noone likes getting bitched at and companys dont like getting emails complaining about there employee's for once in your miserable life try to use your brain.

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You are aware he's a contractor with BIS and not an official staff member?

In this domain he is the creator of the mod DayZ, not a representative of BIS, in any way shape or form.

If I make an ARMA2 mission and then in the announcement thread start cussing people, are you going to call BIS on me? no.

This is Rockets place, he calls the shots.

If you feel mistreated, abused or just don't like it here... take a long walk off a short plank, I doubt very much that you'll be missed.

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HE IS AN EMPLOYEE OF BIS not a Contractor so educate yourself before you come at with your stupidity or better yet try to be your own person your cheeks are swelling up and i hear gaging sounds :) might wanna stop while your getting it in the behind.

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HE IS AN EMPLOYEE OF BIS not a Contractor so educate yourself before you come at with your stupidity or better yet try to be your own person your cheeks are swelling up and i hear gaging sounds :) might wanna stop while your getting it in the behind.

Well, you are an obnoxious little twat arn't you. Guy got banned, and is mad. You are 13 years old, and also mad.

Good day to you.

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HE IS AN EMPLOYEE OF BIS not a Contractor so educate yourself before you come at with your stupidity or better yet try to be your own person your cheeks are swelling up and i hear gaging sounds :) might wanna stop while your getting it in the behind.

Write all the emails you want, seriously. People got banned for hacking, its not rockets fault, its not the mod's fault, it's the hackers fault.

Now this mod has been out for quite some time, and hackers have had free reigns to do all their little scripts, spawning in weapons and whatnot. Battle Eye has been neglected for soo long, most servers I've played regular arma on has had their fair share of hackers playing there as regulars, hell even in the clan i was in we had a hacker who spawned in vehicles as "Commanders benefit" whenever we got one destroyed.

Suddenly, the interest in Arma 2 increases, courtesy of the DayZ mod, all the hackers old and new flock to this mod and do their stuff, annoying both the devs of the mod, BIS, and most importantly of all, the players.

Out of nowhere, battle eye is suddenly updated, a glorious smiting of all the hackers who felt safe, because they'd have to be caught redhanded by an admin to get a server side ban. Now they're Global Banned, and now, people like you, and others are crying on the forums of a Mod because you're banned.

Now you KNOW that if you contact Battle Eye support, they'll send you logs of why you were banned, so you wont do that. So you come to the BIS forums, and DayZ forums making up your stories about how you picked up something from a crate you found somewhere, or from a player, and now you're banned.

Seriously SUCK IT UP, stop whining about being banned, accept the consequences (spelling) of your actions. Stop trying to defend the kids who troll around trying to abuse the Moderators and the Devs in here, shut up, fall back in line, buy a new game and grow the fuck up.

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Closing this now, haven't started anything but issues.



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