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Today there was a very embarrassing incident with the game and get Battleye.Ya now gone to a server that would just check the night or day .. After about 2 hours because I wanted to go back to the server, and I wrote this post is here "You were kicked of game. (BattleEye: Global Ban #***).I do not know what to do, go to the Russian punched the message server gave out, punched the other wrote the download and nothing more. Please do not tell me the bow and what to do.

And yes, I forgot to add that I do not use return cheats, scripts, etc.

I played fairly and properly. That did not happen even once, everything was just fine before this ban (

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Fact: Hackers cannot cause you to be banned.

Fact: DayZ does not issue the bans.

Fact: No script generated in game could cause this ban.

Rocked please read this:

Fiction: Hackers cannot cause you to be banned.

Example of what happened to me today on Dayz RU 3;

I was packing my tent and for some reason I suddenly found 8 mags SVD camo extra in my inventory. Strange I thought maybe because I packed the tent and someone put it in there. Then i dropped the stuff and my weapon changed. I had a Cz550 in my hand dropped it and my character changed it to a SVD Camo. This was very strange, but it gets better. Few seconds later my inventory was empty!!! Everything (including my tent) was gone except for my BP. I reconnected to be sure it wasnt a loading problem. A few minutes later I suddenly got a M107 TWS in my hands!!! I noticed the chat and I wasn't the only one with this problem.

I read this forum post some time ago, people got banned for having a forbidden weapon in their inventory, this is exacly what happend to me today. Now the reason why i post this is because I don't want to get banned because some hacker flushed everyone's inventory with forbidden weapons!!

So please have a look at this exploit and don't start banning people because the log says a player has a forbidden weapon.



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I understand your fustration Paranoid, but please read Rockets post before posting your complaint. "HE Has Nothing to do with you being banned, Its Battle Eye. The poor bugger has enough on his plate at the moment and his long dedicated hours of providing a game free to the community has been sabotaged by a bunch of narcissistic kiddies! and there scripts. You must also understand this is a Simulation, and i emphasis simulation and not a game as it was originally designed for the military and not the gaming community, so was therefore designed on the purpose to be modded. So to put the blame on Rocket for hundreds of hours of dedicated work to put a selfless smile on your/our faces is pretty damned unfair considering the engine he has to work with, quite frankly i think hes been a bloody hero to the gaming community for doing this! (Typical of kiwis! being one myself). Yes mistakes are made, yes decissions will be right and wrong but just shows that we are still human. What is wrong is those that get the kicks out of seeing others in missery, and the best anyone can do for his bloody hard work is to support him a little more rather than go for his jugular when something doesnt work out right for you! I am also an admin of a server and literally as im typing this im watching in real time the logs on our servers as our servers have been hacked 3 times in the last 4 hours with nukes, planes etc. My time spent (18 hours of the last 24) to make sure people are enjoying themselves. Why bother you say! Well thats because its the kiwi mentality, we dont give up!

So please post your complaint to Battle eye and let rocket get on codeing to put the selfless smiles on everyones pork chops!

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Just to make things clear, I'm not banned, maybe I won't get banned at all. I made this post just to anticipate on possibility I receive a ban. I don't want to make a complete scene, and beg for an unban when it does happen.

If people are curious what happened, I recorded the whole scene. There is a lot of russian chat, maybe the hacker(s) are talking to eachother, who knows? Anyways I could upload it.

I'm not trying to complain, I just got worried because of some posts in this tread about people receiving global bans for having forbidden weapons (I don't believe these bans were battleye bans).

I know he is very busy and spends a lot of time reading forums and coding, etc which is really good. I deeply appreciate all the things he has done and server admins like you do.

So keep on the good work! :)


Paranoid_Flake (NL)

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Can you clarify this for me? This is how I see the current situation, and please correct me if I'm wrong:

- BattlEye handles global bans

- You have no control over what BattlEye bans

- You have no control over what BattlEye unbans

- BattlEye itself offers no support regarding bans

- New copies of Arma2 aren't free

Now, you seem pretty certain that BattlEye is infallible. But let's say that, as everything that's ever been programmed ever, it's not. Don't you see a problem here? The resulting wrongfully globally banned players have nobody to appeal their ban to. People who bought a $25 copy of Arma2 JUST TO PLAY YOUR BUGGY ALPHA (And have probably endured dying half a couple times trying to prone over a rock or climb a ladder, or losing vehicles that took 2 days to repair 5 minutes later while trying to cross a bridge) have no recourse when they log in to an unwarranted BattlEye global ban message.

Personally, I've been playing for a couple weeks. I've endured lots of bugs, I've also had lots of fun. I've streamed my adventures in your mod for the majority of the time. This morning I woke up, ate breakfast, logged in to continue my adventure with my buddies and was greeted with a Global Ban message from BattlEye.

Obviously, you have repeatedly said you have no control over this. So I'm not expecting you to be able to unban me. But I do expect you to figure out how to fix your process. You can't have an entity you don't control and have no influence over governing your game, or it's going to turn out horribly.

Personally, I don't currently have any plans to re-purchase Arma2. It's not worth risking another hit to the wallet.

Edit: You can check out my stream / VODs here if you're so inclined: http://www.twitch.tv/rrowland . Been streaming for a couple months, picked up DayZ a couple weeks ago. No cheating involved, ever.

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Wablawuablabla I'm innocent.

What is anyone supposed to do? Don't you get that you have to correspond with BattleEye?

Just write them! They have the logs. They can unban you if they see fit. End of story.

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Do not know why and for what I was given a Global Ban, I have never used a cheat program, and I am very saddened by the fact that I have to buy a license zanogo, I would like to know how can I remove something from my Global Bank Account, or all the same to me will have to buy a license zanogo? please be kind enough to give an answer, my PS Sorry for my bad english!

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I was banned by Global ban, unban request because I did not use hacking programs! This is a mistake!

Edited by CCCP_02rus

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Me banned Battle Eye,please unban me.Battle Eye banned me for no reason.I fair player and i not use illegal programs!

P.S sorry for bad English!!

Edited by ExtaZy

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Me banned Battle Eye,please unban me.Battle Eye banned me for no reason.I fair player and i not use illegal programs!

P.S sorry for bad English!!

yo should edit your grammar fails too nugguh

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Зрадствуйте,меня забанило на одном из серверов в Day z.Пред последним денём я играл и вроде бы ничего примечательно не было, но на следующее утро захожу в day z и у меня Global Ban.Я ничего не нарушал,ни прибегал к читам или как там их я низнаю подскажи что делать?

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My advice is to stay well away from any russian servers, I have seen in some "shady" circles claims that a BE ban can be caused, not by communication with BE servers but via spoofing GUID on the server so that when the cheat is detected it bans a different player not the player who is running the hack. I have no idea how that is even possible, but the people who mentioned this are not given to lying about their capabilities.

For whatever reason the Ru servers seem to be the servers of choice for testing their cheats.

And on a side note as has been repeated here many times : BattleEye bans cannot under any circumstances EVER be lifted by anyone but the BattleEye staff, and to date I've never heard of them lifting a ban. Same as VaC / PB (these even state that if your account is compromised it's your own fault and the ban will not be lifted regardless).

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My advice is to stay well away from any russian servers, I have seen in some "shady" circles claims that a BE ban can be caused, not by communication with BE servers but via spoofing GUID on the server so that when the cheat is detected it bans a different player not the player who is running the hack. I have no idea how that is even possible, but the people who mentioned this are not given to lying about their capabilities.

For whatever reason the Ru servers seem to be the servers of choice for testing their cheats.

And on a side note as has been repeated here many times : BattleEye bans cannot under any circumstances EVER be lifted by anyone but the BattleEye staff, and to date I've never heard of them lifting a ban. Same as VaC / PB (these even state that if your account is compromised it's your own fault and the ban will not be lifted regardless).

I have seen that in the management of servers you can get to recover the key of the game.I think it's much more disturbing than what you write how can you be sure? these servers are not official, but private... may steal the key, and use it to their liking O_o this if is real is a problem, I hope Rocket also able to control the server admin, because it makes me much more scared an Admin "thief or ill-intentioned" that a cheater ....

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Zradstvuyte, me banned on one of servers in day of z.Перед last afternoon I played and, it seems, anything it was not remarkable, but the next morning I come in day of g and at me Global Ban. I broke nothing, resorted to couples or how there I don't know them prompt what to do?

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OK so after trying to log into a server tonight I get connecting failed on a few.

I got in once and moved into a different position. it was a US server.. dont remember which one.

All I did was move away out of electro to a quiet place to log out, no one around.


I got a popup that looked like a global ban. "Battle eye Global Ban" no code or anything... no nothing.

Ive done nothing wrong, The only thing I can think of is I took out revenge on some hackers recently in the last few days and stole their loot.

Ive also publicly accused some hackers on this forum and some admin abuse.

But thats all ive done.

Im confused if im banned or not because most of the attempts to connect are "connecting failed" the last one I just tried connected and I did not get kicked.

It looked like it was on hive and I have "battle eye" turned on in the filter.

I have since been getting alot of failed to connect's and another server I just got on was fine.

so.. glitch?

Scary glitch if so, Now I just don't trust the system.

How the hell can I feel safe playing when the system trying to protect us is also glitching.

Co-insidently, I found a shit load of mallware and nasty infected stuff on my system on the last scann.

It screwed up afew things on my system.

Edited by moofactory

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A little update on my situation. BattlEye replied to our inquiry saying that his GUID was caught hacking and the ban will not be lifted. That's all they said. I know for a fact that he is not a hacker. For BattlEye to say this without even giving more information is just wrong. Everything about our situation is wrong. Obviously, I'm all for banning the people who actually hacked. But my friend doesn't even stand a chance. Sure, I can't prove anything. But to me, this seems extremely unprofessional. He bought the game two weeks back just to try out DayZ. We bought our own sever. We even played the actual campaign and whatnot. He has no reason to hack and never had one. Now, he's globally banned for basically an error.

This is not right. Go ahead and troll me and post memes all you want, but all I have to say is that it's not right.

Dont trust that friend of yours.....if you want a friend you can trust not cheating...get a dog....

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Bean King,

There is definitely a flaw in your scripted global bans. I have an idea how they work as I used to be in Support for Blizzard Entertainment. I was in a Novy Sober when I heard a bus come in. I started unloading at the window and a guy hopped out of the bus. Unfortunately for him he didn't know who he was screwing with and I mowed him down. They took off on the bus and I looted his body. He had a M4 Acog rifle and that was pretty much all I looted from him other than mags and a military flashlight. My buddy found a motorcycle ditched in the woods about 5 minutes later and roughly about 20 minutes later after we filled it up and got going, I received a global battle eye ban. I do not hack whatsoever and do not have any other programs running in the background.

Now is it possible that the gun I looted was created by the hacker and when it exchanged to my hands your Battle Eye system ran the script and gave me the ban, that is what I am leaning towards. My buddy killed a player just before and he was all decked out, maybe the admin and he thought I was my buddy (same clan tag infront) and he banned me? I was talking in direct communication voice chat and that is also something I am suspicious about. Every time I have done that I receive a ban shortly after.

It did say Global Battle Eye ban, any thoughts on this?

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I've read the first couple pages of this thread, and it seems to me all of you people who were banned are complaining to the wrong people. DayZ staff has (I THINK!!!) just made a mod for the game Arma2. The DayZ mod is still completely merged with arma2, and all of the arma2 ban systems or hack systems monitor dayz(I THINK!!!). I just bought this game through steam a couple hours ago, and the Arma2 C.O. is still downloading. I'm super stoked to play this game. What I'm getting at, is maybe you guys who were globally banned should go to the arma2 forums?

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I don't understand how it is that people do not understand that BattlEye is not affiliated with DayZ. Rocket (and others) say it over and over and over and people still post stuff about how Rocket's BE system is flawed. It's not his ffs. These people need to go here if they need BE support.

Edited by Particle

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