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BattlEye sent a message themselves saying that these bans should have been ignored. Why are people being globally banned now? Seriously' date=' I know you guys don't have power over it, but at least admit that there might have been an error in the system and don't be douches about it. People who were banned for no reason should at least have a say in this. They bought the game and this is what they get back.


Where is taht message and how can we ignore the bans? Why not just remove them? You see how you posts sounds ridiculous.

If there was some error or something (which I doubt) Im willing to apologize but till then Ill gloat and Ill spam and Ill trol you cheaters as much as I can just as you did to regular, honest players in game.

so pics or it didnt happen

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He was still globally banned for it.

Edit: I wanted to apologize if my last post sounded rude. I just didn't expect these types of responses. I'm all for banning the actual hackers, but those who didn't need a say in it.

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He was still globally banned for it.

It was 4 days ago, and how can you ignore the messages if the BE does the global banning?

It doesnt make any sense.

Could that message be sent by the cheaters?

Also global bans started yesterday right? not 4 days ago?

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Global bans don't happen instantly. It's flagged on battleye and then banned eventually.

That message was sent multiple times, even without players in the server. I doubt that it was sent by a hacker.

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I have a question regarding the process to receive a global ban. The Devs have said that BE does not have false positives that result in global bans. While I know absolutely nothing about this process I find it hard to believe that the system is that perfect. I mean logically I just can't believe that. So if someone could explain to me how this is possible that would be awesome.

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I'm not appealing or anything of the sort, I'm just trying to explain that maybe this system ISN'T perfect. I'll go directly to BattlEye to sort out this issue.

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OK let me see if I got this straight.

Battle eye got updated yesterday and than it banned all this cheaters, so far there were no official false positives?

So how is that message in any way related to this? How can you ignore global bans?

It was about game hacks from 18:00 to 21:00, I still dont see any relation to this.

So what's your point? Were you banned too, cause that would suck cause you are an admin.

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No, I wasn't banned. It was a friend. I apologize if any of my previous posts sound rude. However, he was banned just recently and there is no explanation other than this GameHack violation which was performed during that time. All I'm saying is that BattlEye should have ignored it and they failed to do so.

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Global bans don't happen instantly. It's flagged on battleye and then banned eventually.

That message was sent multiple times' date=' even without players in the server. I doubt that it was sent by a hacker.


What you got your hands on their is a picture of a server log. First, all of these perma bans did happen instantly, last night (June 14), when the changes were made to the BattleEye code. Second, rocket has already commented on this picture and said it was the BattleEye system ignoring bans imposed BY a hacker on a single server.

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Okay. So can anyone explain to me why he was banned from BattlEye then? Cause this makes no sense.

Once again, please excuse my rudeness on previous posts. I was...not thinking as clearly.

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Okay. So can anyone explain to me why he was banned from BattlEye then? Cause this makes no sense.

In order to receive a perma ban, hacking tools must be detected on his computer, logged in game, and detected by BattleEye. If you feel as though he is innocent, please file a claim with BattleEye so that they can review his case.

The sad truth may be that your friend hacked, even if he won't admit it.

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Indeed, a claim has already been filed and we await a reply. Thanks for your informative and kind replies, FunkyHermitCrab. It's really appreciated.

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this topic is filled with a lot of win lol!.

Rocket been telling you guys like 100times that if you are Global banned by BattleEye there is nothing DayZ can do about it, and still hundreds of people keep asking Rocket about it while he has nothing to do with it lol.

If you are Global banned i would suggest to just contact BattleEye forum or something, no idea how that works with Arma. but keep asking here is really pointless like Rocket has said

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Indeed' date=' a claim has already been filed and we await a reply. Thanks for your informative and kind replies, FunkyHermitCrab. It's really appreciated.


No problem, I realize that these things happen, best of luck to your friend!

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Sounds like hackers are just whining to make it seem like Battle-Eye has screwed up. Hoping that they reverse the crack down on hacking.

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Global bans don't happen instantly. It's flagged on battleye and then banned eventually.

That message was sent multiple times' date=' even without players in the server. I doubt that it was sent by a hacker.


What you got your hands on their is a picture of a server log. First, all of these perma bans did happen instantly, last night (June 14), when the changes were made to the BattleEye code. Second, rocket has already commented on this picture and said it was the BattleEye system ignoring bans imposed BY a hacker on a single server.

I was banned before when battleeye had the "error". Even talked with their support where they said it was an error. I could post pictures of our email conversation if needed. Anyways I got unbanned then but now I am banned again. Also I know rocket can't do anything about this but I still wanted to make this post on DayZ forums. :s

I know some bans were probably the real deal but I doubt all were real hackers. I got the game as a gift but I guess I can buy it myself if I don't get unbanned, but still this really sucks.. Feels like such a waste, and I would really like it on the same steam account. :-/

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Hell I've not been banned and that's because I've done nothing wrong. I don't know anyone who has been banned. So I'd say the majority are guilty.

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Just finished reading all 25 pages of this thread..

All i have to say is FUCKING LOL! The tears are wonderful and taste extra salty.

Also, calling the people who use hacks "hackers" is actually a compliment, you are implying that the user made the script/hack, Stop calling them Hackers. The proper term is Script Kiddies, or Skiddies for short. A script kiddie is a person who uses a script or hack made by someone else to gain an unfair advantage over other players.

A Hacker is a person who creates the script/hack that can be used by others, or kept private for his/her own use.

On another note:

@Rocket I truly admire the way you deal with trolls, idiots, spammers, and all the people who throw shit in your face. You apear to keep your cool, and reply in ways that make it look like your counter-trolling, but at the same time your being serious and pointing out solid facts and concrete points to make your response a swift kick to the ass.

People have an image of Developers being some corporate flunky who are supposed to act proper and reply to things in a formal way, this is complete bullshit and was brought on by the 'Cookie-Cutter Game Corporations.'

A real developer, like Rocket and his team, acts like they would normaly, and talk to people like would their best friend or family. Look at CCP, the Dev team for EVE Online, the whole team decided to make a song and publish it as the official theme song for the Devs and GameMasters called "Permaband - HTFU" Link:

Seriously guys.. Only the cool Devs act like Rocket, make cool songs, and party with their fans.

Harden the fuck up..

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Man this has been the greatest popcorn thread ever.

Top notch comedy watching all the hackers get an extra ban (dayz forum) for their misplaced self-righteousness:)

My faith in gaming is slightly restored...slightly:P

Keep up the BanHammer, BattleEye!

And keep up with the database bannation, Rocket.

WTG all parties.

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Funny story' date=' got globally banned incorrectly.

Called support, Unbanned.

No flaws huh?


pics of the call or it didn't happen.


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I know that I shouldn't appeal, and I'll probably be banned, but I've been issued a global ban, and I hear it is for mod-apps. But I've never used a mod-app. I"ll totally buy this game again, it's worth it, and I know you can't do anything about it. But I'd just like some clarification for a newbie.

And BTW, it only seems to happen on certain servers. Like I can play on the Bashurverse servers (although I lag) but when I try to join say OHIO 1 for instance, I get the Global Ban thing.

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Sadly, I was only able to read about 1/2 of this thread but I think I got the jist of it.

I think FPS Doug said it best with 2 simple words, "BOOM HEADSHOT!!"

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