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Age (Don't lie!): 15

Location: israel

Do you have skype?: yes

Is your mic of a good quality?: yes

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: i do

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: i do

Why do you want to join?: Ive been playing with my friends for since april but they stopped play a month ago when we got teleported to cherno so im looking for a group of nice people to play with

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Age (Don't lie!): 15 almost 16 in a few months

Location: Eastern US

Do you have skype?: Yes will PM if accepted.

Is your mic of a good quality?: yes

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: I would like to join because I'm looking for people to play with who have experience with the game.

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Age (Don't lie!): 28

Location: Texas, USA

Do you have skype?: Yes

Is your mic of a good quality?: It works. I haven't been told of any issues with it.

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan? Yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join? I've been playing solo somewhat and realized there isn't much to do without others. Watched too many Youtube videos of groups having tons of fun.

Edited by AudioFenix

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Age (Don't lie!):17


Do you have skype?:I do indeed!

Is your mic of a good quality?:It is indeed!

Secret word 1:Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:I do!

Secret word 2:The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:Of course.

Why do you want to join?:Not exactly a experience DayZ player, but an experienced ARMA:2 player. Want some people to roll with, basically. Hope you accept me! :)

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Age (Don't lie!): 13

Location: New Jersey

Do you have skype?: Yes

Is your mic of a good quality?: Pretty good, sometimes it gets messed up after using it for a couple hours (5hr)

Secret word 1:Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: I do,

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: I swear my loyalty to the TCA Clan.

Why do you want to join?: I had a group of friends but they all decided to play WarZ <_< and I am tired of the lone-wolf act .

Edited by Mike561

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Age (Don't lie!):15

Location:Scotland (uk)

Do you have skype?:yes, Futto85

Is your mic of a good quality?:Yes

Secret word 1:Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:Yes.

Secret word 2:The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:Yes

Why do you want to join?:I'm looking for a good clan to play with using teamwork. i have very good gear and experience already and would be willing to help you guys out straight away. Thanks Tom

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Age (Don't lie!): 15 turning 16!

Location: US

Do you have skype?: Of course! (IamNotJakeHempel)

Is your mic of a good quality?: Yes, it's a Razer Carchierias (Or however you spell it)

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:Yes!

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:Yes!

Why do you want to join?: I am tired to traveling solo (I've been doing to for awhile now) and I've been searching for some sort of group that would watch my back and I can watch theirs. Also, I like how it isn't a bandit group that will not kill unless directed to do so, I generally do not enjoy firing upon others and ruining their day (Unless they are Bandits, then I kill them to prevent others from getting killed, cheesy I know but I get a sense of satisfaction from that), but in an environment like DayZ, I feel like I have no choice but to be edgy and potentially hostile towards others, but if I am traveling in a group, bandits generally choose not to engage, which is why I'd like to join your group! Not to mention, I'd like to have a good community of players that can just enjoy the game and each other's company!

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Age (Don't lie!):14


Do you have skype?:yes

Is your mic of a good quality?:yes

Secret word 1:crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:yes

Secret word 2:the

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:yes

Why do you want to join?:i want to part of a equiped force and stand over those who kill for the sake of it.

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Age (Don't lie!): 24

Location: USA

Do you have skype?: Yeppers

Is your mic of a good quality?: Hope so payed alot of money

Secret word 1:Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yea

Secret word 2:The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: I swear that I will upload the clan to the best of my abiility

Why do you want to join?:Looking for a group to play Dayz with that has strategy and teamwork

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Age (Don't lie!): 15 (very soon 16)

Location: Denmark GMT + 1

Do you have skype?: Yes! (doc.garlic)

Is your mic of a good quality?: Professinal Mic: t.bone SC 440

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: I Accept!

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: I swear my full loyalty to this clan and all it's members.

Why do you want to join?: I have always enjoyed DayZ alot more with friends but all my friends are terrible at the game ressulting in never doing anything usefull. Being in a clan have always been a huge thing for me and finally achieving it would be huge for me. I also really like the idea of being commanded by others. It makes things more easy.


- Jonas "Kayvoo" Præstegaard

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Age (Don't lie!): 16.

Location: Denmark (GMT +1).

Do you have skype?: Yes, yes I do.

Is your mic of a good quality?: Never heard any complaints.

Secret word 1: Crooked.

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes, sounds great.

Secret word 2: The.

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Indeed I do.

Why do you want to join?: I'm just a semi-bambi who is getting sick of having to kill on sight or be killed, it's not my style. And playing with a group only have positives imo B)

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Age (Don't lie!): 23

Location: Canada Ontario

Do you have skype?: Yes ( TemperFire )

Is your mic of a good quality?: Always

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Fully

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Playing alone has become boring, I want to start having fun again! Been playing sinse June.

Edited by TemperFire

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Age (Don't lie!): 18

Location: Isarel

Do you have skype?: Yes.

Is your mic of a good quality?: Should be.

Secret word 1: crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes.

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: I Do.

Why do you want to join?: kinda bored, so new experiences are great :)

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Age (Don't lie!): 18

Location: Bulgaria

Do you have skype?: irko17

Is your mic of a good quality?: It's decent

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes, of course..

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes.

Why do you want to join?: Because I'm tired of playing alone and it's rather boring.. Plus I wanted to join an active group of people that I can play with also that required a mic..

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Age (Don't lie!):16

Location: United states PA

Do you have skype?:yes

Is your mic of a good quality?:yea on teamspeak and ventrillo its good on skype just some backround noise but not alot

Secret word 1:crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:yes

Why do you want to join?: Ben in a few organized clans/guilds and they ended up getting disbannded so i need a new one. pretty experienced.

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Seems like the OP hasn't visited in a while. My guess is the clan has gotten pretty full and they are not recruiting anymore. If this is the case please say so. Thanks.

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Age 15

Location Indiana

Yes I have skype

Good mic quality


I accept


I swear loyalty

Tired of playing solo

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Age (Don't lie!): 19

Location: Germany

Do you have skype? (If yes, please provide skype name for immediate contact): Majibrot

Is your mic of a good quality?: Im using a Studio micorphone for talking

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Of Course I do otherwise I wouldnt write this

Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for a home in DayZ

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Age (Don't lie!): 17

Location: Belgium, Cenrtal Europenan Time GMT +1

Do you have skype? Yes (tim__kaiser)

Is your mic of a good quality?: yes

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:Yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Don't want to be a lonewolf anymore...

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Age (Don't lie!):16 but act 21

Location:berkshire , west london , UK

Do you have skype? (If yes, please provide skype name for immediate contact): jamie.powis1

Is your mic of a good quality?:my mic is amazing quality (better that blue yeti)

Secret word 1:Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:Yes i fully understand

Secret word 2:The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:i swear to 110% loyalty

Why do you want to join?:i would like to join because i am a very serious player and wish to be part of an organisation of people who take and understand the game seriously

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Age (Don't lie!):15

Location:North Carolina,United States of America

Do you have skype?: Yes @ jackpuck099

Is your mic of a good quality?: Yes

Secret word 1:Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes

Secret word 2:The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yeeeeeeeeee

Why do you want to join?: I am looking for a good deciated DayZ clan to particpate in

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