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Welcome to the The Crooked Allegiance recruitment page!

The Crooked Allegiance are a group of trustworthy, mature playerrs who frown apon betrayal or backstabbing. Now, you may be wondering "Why the name?", and that's what I'm going to explain next.

We are a Legion, we are everyones Ally. We do our best to help those in need, and obliterate those who have a fancy for killing New-Spawns. We will trade between clans, while fighting to a bloody death against rivals, all in an attempt to gain fame and fortune, and new members. Now, you're most likely thinking "Hm. Allegiance. Makes sense, but why 'Crooked'?". That's a very good question. We're all the things I just listed, but within reason. (The first secret word is: Crooked) Any betrayals, backstabbing, stealing or abuse that goes on between, or towards our clan will be dealt with drastically. No more helping, no more support, we will follow you, we will destroy you no matter how many of our men are lost. We don't forgive.

Don't take me wrong, joining this clan isn't all grudges and fighting, it's teamwork. For example: A clan-mate dies, we grab a vehicle and pick him up before proceeding to gather them some gear, or if a vehicle is damaged, we work as a group to salvage near by industrial areas, sharing the load equally.


The Crooked Allegiance is made up of ranks, they are as follows:

Bambi - The new guys. We'll be wary of your presence until we deem you as 100% friendly. (The second word is: The)

Private - Privates have been in the clan for a while, and know how our rules work. They have helped us out a bit, and are trusted.

Soldier - Soldiers risk their lives for the clan, and join in with combat as much as possible. They are very dedicated.

General - Generals have power over Soldiers, Privates and Bambis. They help to command on the battlefield, and give orders to their sub-group.

Sergeant - Sergeants are the highest rank a normal clan-mate can become. They have complete power over supplies and combat, unluess the Commander (Me) is around.

Commander - Me. I command everyone, and my voice is the last voice. What I say goes, even if it means many will die in the process.

Clan tags:

Please make sure to add: [TCA] to the front of your In-game name after being accepted into the clan.


  • You must play fair.
  • You must play legit.
  • You must not insult clan members.
  • Returning to the clan base after getting excluded will result in repettive killing.
  • You must not use higher ranks in your username.
  • You must accept our terms.
  • You must not shoot on sight (Unluess they shoot you, or a General/Sergeant says so). We are NOT bandits.
  • You must swear loyalty to the clan.
  • You must see Noah (Kingspiral) as a God.
  • You must have the intellect to ignore 9.

Thanks for applying! Happy hunting!


Your clan have the server that bans people if they pvp?

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