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age: 13 almost 14

location: Central American Time Zone




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I need some guys to role with and want to be a hero again

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Age (Don't lie!):18


Do you have skype?: yes: abziz1

Is your mic of a good quality?:yes

Secret word 1:down

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:yes

Secret word 2:up

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:yes

Why do you want to join?:hate playing solo

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Age (Don't lie!): 18

Location: Ontario Canada

Do you have skype?: Yes, will be given when asked.

Is your mic of a good quality?: Yes very, Turtle beach PX31's

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes i do.

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes, its about time ive found a clan who sees the game and rules as i do.

Why do you want to join?: i like playing DayZ but im always playing alone and tired of being hunted down by bandits ECT. and ive bee looking for a clan for a bit now and finally came across this clan and like the rules and the way they play the game :) hope you accept me

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Age (Don't lie!): 14

Location: Pennsylvania

Do you have skype?: Yes Benjamin.stortz

Is your mic of a good quality?: yes

Secret word 1: crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes i think the clan is set up very well

Secret word 2: the

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Ive been looking for a group/clan of players to work with and build a community with in dayz.. i think i may have found it..?

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Age (Don't lie!): 21

Location: Texas (Central Time)

Do you have skype?: Yes

Is your mic of a good quality?: yes

Secret word 1: crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes

Secret word 2: the

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Just got killed by a bandit squad while having a full loadout... Want to join up with a group before I get too invovled

any other information that is required can be recieved through PM

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can i ask the avergae age of clan members as i am what you may class as a mature gamer being 30+ lol

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Age (Don't lie!): 15.

Location: Denmark.

Do you have skype?: Yes, I do indeed. My Skype Name is johan.guner.

Is your mic of a good quality?: Aye.

Secret word 1: Crooked.

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Naturally.

Secret word 2: The.

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yup.

Why do you want to join?: Mainly because I have a very small amount of friends to play with. And when you have good gear, it's easy to get paranoid when being alone.

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Age (Don't lie!): 21 (1991..)

Location: Netherlands.

Do you have skype?: Aye

Is your mic of a good quality?: mic itself is pretty.. uhm.. messed up. Quality is just good from what I've had as feedback.

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes!

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Absolutely.

Why do you want to join?: Your intentions of playing this game perfectly match those intentions I have :) Plus I played all alone since I started and wanna have the group feeling now.

Hope you hear from you soon. Im free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so it would be lovely if I could join (if my conditions are A-Okay) by that time!

Thanks in advance.

Florus (Skype name: ridgerazor)

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Age (Don't lie!): 21


Do you have skype?: Yes:Ukdarkness1

Is your mic of a good quality?:Yes

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:Yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:Yes

Why do you want to join?:Been playing for around 2 months now and the squad i have been playing with have stopped playing the game so needing a new squad to play with.

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Age (Don't lie!): 28

Location: UK

Do you have skype?: I do now (rsrees2006)

Is your mic of a good quality?: not sure its good but it works

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: Getting bored on my own this will be my first clan on dayz iv geared up and explored alot want contribute to something more than my own character

Edited by rsrees

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Age (Don't lie!): 19

Location: UK

Do you have skype?: yes (luke5062)

Is your mic of a good quality?: use turtle beach headset if tht any gd

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes

Why do you want to join?: always wanted to join a group or clan in dayz as can get boring being on my own, also i like to help others where i can.

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Age(Don't lie!): 21.

Location: UK (Scotland).

Do you have Skype?: Yes (hoodedray).

Is your mic of a good quality?: As far as I'm aware, yes.

Secret word 1: Crooked.

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes.

Secret word 2: The.

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes.

Why do you want to join?: Getting fed up of running around on my own, also could do with gaining a bit more experience, but have a blast at the same time!

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Age (Don't lie!): 18

Location: Texas

Do you have skype?: Yes (PyreBaron)

Is your mic of a good quality?: I'd say 8/10.

Secret word 1:Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yes i do.

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: If it keeps away form banditry and assholishness then yes, i do.

Why do you want to join?: I need a group.

Edited by Pyrebaron

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I have skype tom.frame3

Mic is good quality

Secret word 1:crooked

i accept your terms/ behaviour

Secret word 2:the

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:yes

Why do you want to join?:hate need a active clan in england so i play at the same time as the other in the clan

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Wicked, cheers dude! What is the next plan of action? Have you got a Skype user name I can have to get intouch with you?

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Age (Don't lie!): 15

Location: east coast, us

Do you have skype?: ryan.ob.

Is your mic of a good quality?: yi have one, but just ordered at better one today should be here by wednesday

Secret word 1:crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?:yes

Secret word 2:the

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?:yes

Why do you want to join?: Ive been playing solo for awhile now and thought grouping up would maybe make it better

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Age (Don't lie!): 15

Location: United Kingdom, Leeds

Do you have skype?: Yes, ZaaZir

Is your mic of a good quality?: Very good, very expensive :)

Secret word 1: Crooked

Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Yea, I do.

Secret word 2: The

Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yes.

Why do you want to join?: I'm bored of been a bandit and joining bandit clans, which is why I became a hero to be respected. I also need a group to hang with that is anti-bandit.

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