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Found 2842 results

  1. Actually, I play on one server, but nice try. As far as the hacking goes, for one, it's alpha. No, that doesn't mean that hacking is okay. It means it's a problem to be addressed by the developers. Not you. Not by changing rules that are in place to prevent admins and their friends from having safe servers to loot. If you can't wait for a fix from the devs, why are you even playing? Again, I repeat, this is alpha. You're here to test. It's a nice side effect that you get to have fun too. Nothing more. All this says is that you have more money than sense and probably don't work for any of it. son! I don't wonder if that's the real solution, but there's problems there too. Private databases can be modified by the host of said databases, which still allows for cheating. However, it would eliminate a lot of exploits like server hopping for loot as well as ghosting in combat. You, sir, are a commendable member of this community and we should all strive to be a bit more sensible and level-headed in our debates as well.
  2. AADiC

    Banned for combat logging

    I feel sorry for anyone that has to work for you, makes one mistake, gets fired. Mistakes are made, this was worked out, and fixed. Will continue with 1st offense = kick, second offense = ban for combat logging and ghosting. Not one person who has received this on my server has appealed so must be doing something right.
  3. paratus

    Easy Solution to Solve Many Problems

    That was kind of hard to understand, but did you even read the thread? I'M SUGGESTING THIS IS AN OPTION FOR SOME SERVERS TO USE, not all servers would go this route and you don't have to play on them if you don't want to. That said, we need the OPTION to play on official Sanctuary servers. The fact that several DayZ mods exist like this show there's demand. If you haven't run into the issue of ghosting and hopping yet, you will eventually find it can be completely game-breaking. You say to let him work on "actual problems" yet in my opinion, server hopping and ghosting is one of the largest problems the game currently faces (duping and hacks aside).
  4. eldritch (DayZ)

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Worst Alt F4, ghosting, noob clan ever. We can't even have a solid clan war with these asshats because everytime they hear a shot they abort to lobby. Guess we'll keep raping your camps on 1569 till you all grow a pair and fight us...
  5. neo2157

    Why this mod is failing

    PvP sure is complex, what with the dupeing, server hopping, disconnectings, ghosting, etc. definately the best out there.
  6. Hawk24

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    In my first 5 gameplay hours of DayZ I became a bandit From the beginning I knew that I would die when I let my guard down The bandit skin didn't help making the paranoia go away either After the bandit skin removal I kept playing this way Never had a problem will "Kill on Sight" If you screw up someone will take advantage of it and kill you, deal with it But one thing: Uhm....yeah Ghosting to flanking position is abuse too btw
  7. sgthl

    Why this mod is failing

    I really like this mod but i don´t see Dayz making it as a succesful "stand alone" at this stage. Now everyone downloads it because it´s free. Paying customers are a different matter. For a game to be commercially succesful there needs to be a proper game. The big free-for-all deathmatch just won´t do it. There needs to be other things to do besides just surviving or killing other players. There needs to be continuity of some sort and there needs to be a "end game". Rocket should have a look at Fallen Earth and games like it and take whats useful into Dayz like missions, safe cities, crafting, trade, vaults, pvp-/pvpfree zones (yes pvpfree zones.. noone likes to be killed by an asshole with a thermalscope or AS50/M107 camping the beaches in the first 5 seconds of the game he just bought). There is a gazillion bugs and exploits to be fixed too. Alt+f4 disconnects in a pvp-fight, ghosting, maphacks, wallhacks, duping, killer trees/doors, the doors/walls/barbed wire not functioning like doors/walls/barbed wire against zombies, breaking your legs for nothing, the horrible inventory system (drag and drop with nothing disappearing into thin air... please) etc. I get the idea behind Dayz but it´s not a commercially feasible game at this stage.
  8. thisisbleep

    So what is being done about teleporters?

    Cheating stems from the core Arma II game, so it is down to BIS to deal with blocking scripts but I doubt they will be effective at it because they have already had years to fix this. As for other exploits such as running from combat, ghosting etc. there are things which Rocket will include to stop or punish this, but you need to be patient. Alpha mod = not complete and still needs features to be added.
  9. Let me ask you a slightly different question in return: What would you accept as "proof"? I mean if I see someone spawning something and therefor ban him from my server that is - and I think we all agree on that - right, but not a bullet proof reason if he complains about the ban. I actually dont know if there would be any hard evidence in the server logs about what just happened on the server...and I kinda doubt it, because if its easily spotted by simple server logging BE would've noticed it too (well...probably I guess). I'm not running around recording everything, and in case I'd have some recording tool ready to use and start recording after some "non normal" event happened there is still a chance that I wont be able to witness anything else - either because he teleports, kills me, or something else. So basically, yes your assumption is right, though some hints about what would be accepted as proof would be nice. Otherwise it would be just the admins word against that of the accused player. **Edit: I just wondered if it would be possible for DayZ to recognize a passworded or locked server and either disable loot spawn on the server, or reject saving changes to objects from that server on the hive as long as the password/lock is on that server. As I've stated I would've liked to do that during the server configuration process, and I know that for example Vilayer detects passworded/locked servers right away and shuts them down...so my guess it that it should be possible to do something engine wise to allow locking/passwording without letting someone take advantage of it item wise. And as a second - kinda optional - thing: I guess you are also aware of the problem with broken tents - either the ones not working, or the ones getting bugged at some point in time. It would be nice to be able to swipe the server, getting rid of those tents permanently (as well as the always respawning barbed wire, even after you've removed them with a toolbox). I have to admit I'm not entirely sure about the despawn mechanics as there have been some changes to them without any note in the changelog. But being able to trigger some sort of cleanup to get the server straight after someone messed around with duped tents/wires/tank traps would be nice as well. What I'd like to do, or rather be allowed to do - resembled in rules - would be to: 1) Ban players for 1-4 days if they use ghosting (and by ghosting I mean real position change during a firefight, like moving 300 meters on the top of a building on another server, not 30 meters because of a small lag or something). 2) Ban players that are obviously hacking (spawn items, call in airstrikes, teleport themselves or other players, etc) permanently from my server 3) Password the server after setup/during configuration changes (e.g. put a password up for 15-30 mins) 4) Trigger a cleanup to remove broken/bugged items
  10. My entire clan was banned from Seattle 104 Freeside server for apparently ghosting even thought are clan is a non ghosting/disconnecting clan. We attacked Devils Castle i killed 2 of them died and then i was accused by one of the members for ghosting (He spawned where i spawned). Anyway afterwards they banned me and my clan who were still at the castle. Ive heard stories before of these types of things happening on the freeside server.
  11. KField86

    UK 25 is run by cheaters

    He's an asshole for ghosting to get an advantage. You're an idiot for banning a player with server hopping as an excuse. You as an admin know it's not on the list of bannable excuses. If he was hacking, that's one thing and I've banned hackers(verified the scripts) on more than one occasion. I've also kicked ALT F4ers and shamed them in global chat afterwards which usually made them leave the server on their own. I banned ONE time for someone ghosting, and I took the ban off a couple of hours later. Sort of as a "time out". And to prevent him from using that exploit to get an unfair advantage on my squad at the time. Myself, and two others of my squad were killed on our own server today by people server hopping in behind us. We were pissed. And one of them didn't leave the server right away when he saw that he had killed an [HGC] member. I called him out on global, told everyone to look out for him because he's a server hopper, and he promptly left the server and never returned. People don't need to be banned to stay off the server. Once they see their name called out in the open for 25+ other people to see, they tend to shy away :P. Either way, OP: His server isn't going to be "blacklisted". What happened here is a classic case of misunderstanding server operation combined with some buggyness of the game's alpha state. Shit happens.
  12. Also: some more threads from people complaining http://dayzmod.com/f...35-wdu-clan-19/ From this thread: LOL the irony. Oh god my sides hurt. http://dayzmod.com/f...heatinghacking/ And also our thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...d-for-ghosting/ Yeah its not like 30 people are complaining about admin abuse from this server, nope, nothing to see here folks, move along.
  13. Yep, They love to do this shit. They banned our group too because we raided there camp (different location). This was a couple weeks ago though. Thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/26821-admin-abuse-us35-banned-for-ghosting/ So basically we killed all of them, took there Ural that had a bunch of shit in it, took it to the coast because all but one of us died, looted it, and we all got banned. And right after that they restarted the server to get there shit back. Even though no ones posting screens or videos (kinda hard when you get banned and can't reconnect), the fact that 20+ people are complaining about THIS server locking/restart abusing/banning anyone who kills their clanmates, is proof that it needs to be looked into. Tried connecting today to see if they ever removed it, lolnope. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/NJyI1
  14. tophercook (DayZ)

    Preventing server hopping

    So , ghosting seems to just be a part of the game then aye? So frustrating to be an honest player and get into fight after fight only to have fool after fool (or pussy after pussy), Disconnect after being shot or you kill half the crew and the other half logs out so they can ghost behind you or into your camp etc.... absolutely ridiculous.. Samuel L Jackson, JM, Crst, Zeb,this is your warning : we will eventually remember to turn on FRAPS and we will catch you cheating lil bitches on camera... count on it. side note: five of six of these lil girls died during their lame ass cheating attempt last night on US 559, no proof but remember the names, they run together (about six of them) .. video proof will be added once obtained.. sorry for the bitch fest I am fed up with lil girls who can't aim, can't fight, whatever who feel they have to cheat to accomplish anything in game... God only knows if you wear lil pink panties in real life as well...
  15. tophercook (DayZ)

    IMPORTANT: Central Server was Dropped

    Tell me this will fix the assholes that feel they have to ghost into a camp when their lame ass attempt at an assault (literally four guyz in a sedan {JM, crst, Samuel L Jackson, Captain} and one guy on an ATV (name not remembered}) is completley foiled because our crew rolls smart... we don't enter anywhere without our snipers keeping an eye out. LOL Anyways , awesome hope it helps with the hacking, BUT now we gotta fix the ghosting, d/cing shit... lil pussies like Samuel L Jackson and his crew just can't resist cheating.....
  16. Danneh (DayZ)

    Looking for a team to join.

    Communitcation is key to DayZ, mainly on vet servers! Check us out, we are a non duping/hacking/ghosting clan and we never shoot unarmed or other players in 'spawn' towns without trying to make contact!
  17. Harshe

    hackers in us 316

    Just happen to me, in the hills above elekro. Had a guy ghosting me no more than 5-10 feet away but could not see him. 10 minutes later everyone gets teleported to the main road below mount doom ( the big hill just west of elekro) and the slaughtering begins. US 316 has the hacks for sure...
  18. rules are basicly if you get caught ghosting players, ie listening in and killing them, or hang around get cozy then kill people i will ban your ass. Thats basicly it other than that when you come in you will get a dayZ newbie tag then after a while you will get a dayz regular tag its just so people know whos been around a while and who hasent.
  19. Ghostwhisper

    US 397 (need admin)

    So im trying to contact the admin of US 397. Me and my buddies were running and we find a player we were nice because we out geared him and he just freashly spawned (we dont kill freshly spawned people). Well I was waiting for my buddies to catch back up to me and he looted my sniper out of my alice pack and started running well we took chase...all of a sudden he disapeared and waited in the lobby...Well he spawns again and we find him and move to get to a better possition and he disapeared again. The name of this person Goomba. Please I would like you to look into to see if he was just ghosting or anything to get away from us. We did take a couple shots at him (not sure if we hit him) but like I said he just kept disapearing. I know theres nothing you can do to give me my M107 back but please ban him or something if thats what he was doing to get away from us. Thank you Ghost.
  20. Charlizard

    Possible admin abuse on server US198

    Ahhh, I was hoping for this condescending response. I think a quote from Ander is need here. "2. Negative, although this is considered an exploit it carries the risk of being applied too widely since it's very hard to police and verify we dont do this at the moment. A solution to this will probably make it in at a later time. I have myself gotten kicked/banned on occasions when entering a server and the server admin was way too paranoid about new players joining in. Updated 17th July: Please file a ticket to support.dayzmod.com with your evidence about people who DC to avoid death. This should preferably be accompanied by playerlogs, timestamp." His response in this forum. http://dayzmod.com/f...-able-offenses/ Ghosting is an exploit, just like combat logging. Send your evidence to the DayZ staff and let them ban them. And a response to "I'm fairly sure that if you had been banned by an admin it wouldn't say "Battle eye banned" I've seen someone "Battle eye banned" and the explanation for the ban was "smells." I don't think that is an explanation battle eye would give. Also, if he was battle eye banned, it would be global.
  21. Charlizard

    Possible admin abuse on server US198

    Well, Bambi. I'm pretty sure the only evidence he needs is a screenshot of his ban. Because I am 123% sure ghosting isn't a bannable offence.
  22. I posted what i thought was a decent solution to this problem in one of the other many threads on this subject: http://dayzmod.com/f...server-hopping/ Posted 29 July 2012 - 03:07 AM I thought a good way to stop ghosting might be to give servers a 15-20 minute "memory" of every player who leaves, and their last location. If a player rejoins within that deadline and their location from the hive doesnt match the server record then that player is forced to spawn in that last known location, which is then updated back to the hive again. After the deadline has passed the record of the player is deleted. Would prevent ghosting being particularly useful in a combat situation, but not prevent people circumventing cordons (i dont particularly agree with cordoning off whole areas though).
  23. i also haven't found a 'consistant' server to play on, i think i've only ever visited the same server like 2-3 times total, and that was on the same day when i found a tent packed with goodies. most evenings, a lot of the servers are either night time or full. therefore it's extremely hard to frequent the same server. how does it link to 'server hopping'? well firstly the worst type of server hopping is when you have someone cornered, and they hop to another server to effectively move to a better position and flank you - then rejoin your server and use l33t 'teleported to a new location' skillz to blind-side you. the second form, which is also kinda cheap, is farming loot spots such as barracks, fire stations, control towers, supermarkets, deer stands etc. this is cheap, but to be honest it doesn't really bother me in the slightest because it doesn't effect me. as long as the guy is not hopping server in order to kill my character via ghosting, it's tolerable. it's tolerable because you need to be some distance away from the building (not sure how far) otherwise nothing will spawn, ergo you still need to expose yourself and 'approach' the building every time. but it's obviously cheap due to the faster than normal loot speed. i think playing on 2-3 different servers every session is pretty normal... i just personally wouldn't even think of hopping servers in order to get a better position over another survivor, but people can (and) DO that crap... and it totally sucks. especially as there's no way to tell who you're up against - do you take the guy for a legit player or do you take him for a cowardly server hopper?
  24. Ghostwhisper

    US 397 (need admin)

    So im trying to contact the admin of US 397. Me and my buddies were running and we find a player we were nice because we out geared him and he just freashly spawned (we dont kill freshly spawned people). Well I was waiting for my buddies to catch back up to me and he looted my sniper out of my alice pack and started running well we took chase...all of a sudden he disapeared and waited in the lobby...Well he spawns again and we find him and move to get to a better possition and he disapeared again. The name of this person Goomba. Please I would like you to look into to see if he was just ghosting or anything to get away from us. We did take a couple shots at him (not sure if we hit him) but like I said he just kept disapearing. I know theres nothing you can do to give me my M107 back but please ban him or something if thats what he was doing to get away from us. This happened around 5:30ish pm eastern time zone (it was around there since i made this post around 5:51). and i had to make an account. Thank you Ghost.
  25. Yeah! These are some solid rules and I agree with all of them. I think people are just suggesting adding one or two more reasons for banning people, like when someone's ghosting around the map every time they see a player or are shot at. Oh, and possibly to do something to defend all those players from being teleported to one spot and being mowed down by a weapon that they spawned in. It's not an awful thing to ask for. Well ok, maybe it is when it's asked for about 1000 times but who's fault is that really?