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  1. I've heard that vehicles are extremely fragile. One guy was bitching that his hatchback was detonated by tapping a washer machine while trying to creep around it. I've yet to see a working vehicle yet though.
  2. Lady Kyrah

    Map is too big?

    The size of the map doesn't really matter to the arma engine, what matter is the number of entities around, players, zombies, loots, vehicles. That's what is really costing something to the server.
  3. As per the topic I was wondering if there was a way to remove locked servers from the Hive for the duration they where locked. The reason for this is that I have noticed a trend where admins will lock a server with there friends and do what ever they want on the server, this could be for only one reason and that is to farm good gear and vehicles because the only people that should be doing server side testing is rockets team. Proof is the screenies
  4. Airsoft

    Chat replacement

    So I find that the current Arma chat is a bit of an immersion breaker, I'n the main game it is meant to recreate a military radio network, but I feel that this mod can do better. My proposal would be to remove text chat and replace it with a voip server, this would be based on proximity. There would be three options to start, a talk option and a shout option Whisper: you can be heard 5 meters away, zombies can hear you within this range Talk: you can be heard 15-20 meters away, zombies hear you 30 meters away. Shout: you can be heard by players 60 meters away, zombies can hear you 80 meters away. This would create a far more realistic atmosphere, whispering to your friends and moving through towns silently. I would also add Radios to the game, this could either be just simple walkie talkies that can be tuned to a specific channel or a more complex system. Radios could have varying ranges, with more complex military grade radios needing to be repaired before use (like vehicles) these could have a global range with the possibility to encrypt signals. you could even include relays to make large radio networks. This would add the ability for small groups to coordinate, and a goal for larger groups to strvie towards. Vehicle mounted radios could have a far larger range. For bandits out there you could find a radio and tune into a frequency to spy on other players, adding new tactical depth. This would enable far greater team play, and an emphasis on creating a base of operations. Anyway that's just my idea to add greater realism and atmosphere to an already great mod. What do you all think?
  5. Yep basicly! You would have to compete for the loot with other players. After you competed with said players you can server hop back to your "Home"-server and stash your gear... And spawned fixable vehicles should absolutely go under the same rule! It seems you are scared of players in a multi-player game
  6. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    OP updated once again with more vehicles.
  7. Hello! I'm just wondering if anyone knows the spawn locations of different vehicles? So far during all my time i've been playing i've only found one car. GAZ, spawns infront of the TEC building in elektro, close to the docks. That's all i know so far, i'd love to know more spawn locations if possible!
  8. Felix (DayZ)

    Change loot quality after server population

    So when I'm playing on my server at 5am and there's 8 other people online I should be forced to go to a server without my tents or vehicles just so I get something besides tin cans? That's a stupid idea.
  9. grezvany13

    Unofficial wiki: www.dayzwiki.com

    I signed up and willing to help out. Although I'm not a DayZ pro (not a lot of ingame time due low server count). I guess the first thing which needs to be done is creating templates for all kinds of stuff (eg weapons, vehicles, other items) to make a better and more understandable structure. I can start tonight/this weekend with some structure stuff which can be used by others to easily fill out the whole wiki.
  10. balumba

    couple of aikers

    hi all, Last time i got bullet in my head while trying to fix uaz, i came up with couple of ideas i`d like to share with you. 1. We need a place where bandits cant stalk survivors (on 40% of servers game become a form of deathmatch and nothing more every one shooting everyone) My idea is to place some where in black mountains RU military base (because on map it`s bordering with ru) have bmp`s or t72 guarding the perimeter. untill the baricade\group patch can we get a box in a well guarded area witch can be player id connected (you see only what you put in not other people stuff) 2. If your humanity is High why not give new skin as a prise? banditos have one. 3. "vendor`s" who will buy vehicles and loot from you at that safe spot from 1 st 4. missions to rescue civil npcs (uninfected) who will add to the player based safe-houses (doctor, mechanic, carpenter... etc) ones you need to get out of zombie hands and get to your base to improve it. may be only 1 of each speciality, dies - respawns somewhere, to reward the explorers - no clues to where it respawned 5. add leftovers of supply trucks convoys with goal to get the truck to the base or to npc camp *. John Carpenter`s soundtracks ^_^ j-k i think those will not increase load much but will add to the game, what are your thoughts?
  11. Timberfox

    Day for others, night for me.

    Was experiencing this, 99% sure it was a US2 server problem. When ever a player would relog, his time would always begin around 5pm, aka daylight, and this persisted for hours. Saving was not gaurenteed(despite unsaved counter acting normal); players who relogged would log back in with their character set back several hours. This was not happening to everyone, all the time. Eventually the server stopped spawning zombies, and then items. Server reboot fixed all above mentioned problems, and luckily vehicles persisted \o/
  12. First let me start this by saying I am from a CSS community known as ESEA, along with others we play this mod and enjoy it very much (over 20 threads with 300 post we love it) a ESEA'r got a server recently, his name is maggot (hes offline right now) He made it private for us ESEA'rs to enjoy awhile together. Long story short a guy with a clan tag of OSK Pzero's had a stream on twitch TV, of him cheating with this kid named kittkittypewpew (hes 15 from norway) He even recorded the kid spawning him night vision goggles, M4s with lots of clips..EVEN spawning vehicles... It fucking takes the fun away from this game when you have douchebags like these... Here is his twitch TV right now, They are "Trying to play legit* but the shit they have right now was ALL spawned. Look at their kills.. NOTE THIS, ONLY PZERO AND KITTYKITTYPEWPEW are the cheaters, everybody else seen in the video is a victim and was not wanting to be apart of it. They had no idea he was cheating. http://www.twitch.tv/trevorr2004 I made a post on the esea.net forums This is it. "So after raping them, p0s threatens bringing in a cheater he met last night, I note that I will have maggot ban him, 10 minutes later Kitty Pew pew joins in spawning behind people, trying to kill everybody but failed 10 times..But kills xerian twice. After being called out, they got quiet for hours, if you want proof http://www.twitch.tv/trevorr2004/b/31771... <-- MUST WATCH (He just deleted it, somebody showed him this thread) The video of him meeting the cheater. http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/4488/lolntw.jpg The cheater in mumble http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/528/15647996.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/441/findingthecheater.jpg/ <--- that pic is important. (edit) Becoming friends with him. His name is kittypewpew or w/e. Time to snipe peeps! and its not like 10 other people didn't witness this, He can't spawn on buildings, he had to spawn below so he couldn't kill me or vampy, Just anybody below shit." Watch the twitch TV VIDEO, as proof of him raging about the cheater during him playing, then in the end (pictures of it too) becoming friends with the little kid to be friends. *EDIT* Hes now deleting his stream videos cause somebody said something about it, But he doesn't know I'm recording.
  13. Katsumoto (DayZ)

    UK3 Vehicle Spawn Issues? (DayZ Staff)

    Yeah, pulling my hair out running round and never finding any vehicles. Been asking on the server to see if anyone else has sound anything, but as of yet, nobody has seen a vehicle! Cheers!
  14. Well in a sandbox environment, each server is it's OWN environment. Granted yes, you can switch servers and have your character intact but all the vehicles/tents on the server stay there. So for admins to lock servers and go around collecting loot/vehicles while the server is locked means that no one can rival them for the supplies, thus rendering this survival and scavenging for loot aspect of the mod completely useless. This means they can temporarily disable players for their own gain. When the players are allowed back on, the admin now has 50% of the cars on their server/environment while the other players are in essence, ass-out. I started playing on Gabriel's (AKA Dorak) Server, EU 7 and I got a car and tent there (He's raging in his post because I made a thread about this before and GABRIEL NOT HAPPY. GABRIEL RAGE). As you can see, he thinks just because he bought a server that he has the rights to lock the server at any time. YES HE DOES HAVE THE RIGHT. But the point of DayZ is this persistent world where danger is never very far away. The second he locked his server, all that danger went out the window (minus zombies lolz). Now little Gabriel can scavenge without any worry in the world. I made up my mind to switch my "base" to another server considering this is ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR for admins now. Sadly I couldn't take the car with me. Today as I was going to get a car working, I was shot and killed. Boo hoo, so sad. But apparently if I want to get a car working without any danger, all I gotta do is buy a server and lock it up at any time I want because I bought it. Invite a couple of my friends, sit on the airfield farming it with some buddies on my personal server. Woot woot. Then when I got a chopper/couple of cars and good guns, sure let's open up the server so we have people to wreak havoc on. Feels good to be an admin. Dayz Dev Team, I've sent you a PERSONAL 3 page report about this abuse to your email yesterday. I hope you read this thread and consider my words again. Server admins needs a checks and balances system. They shouldn't be able to lock a server at any time, unless you want your mod to be played in a way it wasn't meant to be played. This mod attracted many people because of survival of a zombie apocalypse with the fear of other players. You allow the admins to take out the other players whenever they want, you in essence ruin the mod's original feel. I hope you read Gabriel's post and take into consideration your player base. Do you really want that power-hungry admin to rule his server/environment in such a way because he paid money?
  15. UK3 went online yesterday evening. Since it came online, we (a group of 6-8 of us) have checked every city, village, known spawn location (that we've verified on other servers since the spawn points were moved around), field, road, every inch of coastline on the map. No vehicles. No bikes, no cars, jeeps, trucks, buses, helicopters - Nothing. Can a member of the DayZ staff check that the spawning system is actually working on the srever correctly? I'm not asking for locations, rather simply asking for a check to be made to verify and confirm that everything is working correctly spawn-wise. Thank you. <3
  16. Even if you get NVG, an M4 or another NATO weapon and a ton of ammo, you're still not that far ahead of anyone else. This isn't really so much of a problem aside from vehicles not being useable for others. You can just as easily kill people with something like a Lee Enfield or CZ50 if you get the jump.
  17. samatra

    US-1 Tent Didn't Save?

    Yes, for reasons unknown to me (i'm not a dev) sometimes vehicles\tents\fortifications don't load on server start.
  18. Tiger205

    US-1 Tent Didn't Save?

    So basicly it should load on the next restart of a sever along with all the items inside? Same goes for vehicles?
  19. samatra

    US-1 Tent Didn't Save?

    There is a chance that it didn't load after server start, we having same problem on NY1 server with tents\vehicles sometimes not loading after restart. Probably you got the same case. Better wait till server will restart (it seems that US1 is down at the moment)
  20. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Okay, apparently tents and vehicles are still bugged. I just lost three tents full of equipment and a pickup on EU5 due to it fucking up. I suppose there's nothing I can do to retrieve it is there? EDIT I'm overreacting. It's just a server bug which sometimes prevents tents and vehicles from spawning, no big deal.
  21. drakenof

    US9 locked for personal farming and PvE

    Haters hating, QQ'in and making dramas, still, they're playing for free on your server. Funny. If an admin wants to lock the server for two hours late in the night to do absolutely what the fuck he wants, testing or not testing, fine. He spent money to support an alpha, to support the community, to support DayZ and his team without having, and asking, anything in exchange ( on DayZ, as an admin, you can't do anything except kicing, banning, locking and rebooting ). Wow, such power, you can abuse so damn much with that. Even the cheaters spawning GBU's and maphacking are more powerful than me. The vehicle spawn is totally random, and server hopping is a far more efficient way to loot weapons than locking a server. The entire fucking argument " lol they're locking to find weapons and vehicles " is fucking awful, and made by retarded and ungrateful kids thinking they're on some kind of non-alpha-MMO where stuff actually mean something. Anyway, if i want to lock my server for two / three hours to throw flares around while watching porn, or testing tents like rocket asked back to the 1.5.4, i will. I.fucking.will. And it is certainly not a bunch of ungrateful brats thinking everything in this world belongs to them that gonna stop anything. Mark my fucking words.
  22. I don't think this has been suggested before, but it's really simple. I'dl like to see the server name i'm in on the debug monitor for a few reasons: - be able to tell people your server for them to join - remember the server you left vehicles or tents I once found myself trying to remember the server i was just in that crashed where i was driving a very rare vehicle. And i couldnt remember it.
  23. frostwyrm333 (DayZ)

    Overgrowth engine for DayZ?

    Never going to happen. DayZ is composed of 95% Arma 2 + expansions. The rest is unique character persistence and syncing, custom animations, several new weapons and models and sounds, spawn scripts etc. Everything else is Arma engine and content - Chernarus, weapons, vehicles etc... Engine it is unique because it handles and syncs thousands of objects and hundreds of players/AI. Everything works with AI and MP. Engine was never designed for this kind of stuff, and yes, even old Arma players are sick of it. Look up info about Arma3, it should fix lots of crap, and feature lot of new, and DayZ will almost surely be ported.
  24. All these Abrams and Attack helicopters are spawned by cheaters and probably will not save\get deleted after server restart. Here is list of official vehicles: "ATV_CZ_EP1", "Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1", "Ikarus", "Lada1", "BAF_Offroad_W", "Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1", "SkodaRed", "TT650_Civ", "UAZ_CDF", "LandRover_TK_CIV_EP1", "UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1", "Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1", "hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1", "UH1H_DZ", "Fishing_Boat", "Smallboat_1", "PBX"
  25. drakenof

    Tents & Vehicles General

    For vehicles : if you save a vehicle it will stay, permanently ( like forever ) or not i don't know, but our bus is still at the same place after about 10 restarts so far, so i let you make conclusions :) .