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  1. That dilutes the population. The "big cities" are supposed to be more important. They are supposed to attract more players and be the sight of more encounters and more action. This creates a balanced dynanic between low risk/low reward towns and high risk/high reward large cities. What exactly is so rewarding about the big cities? There's only so many cans of beans you can carry, for the really cool stuff you need to head to a military base/airfield/deer stand elsewhere on the map. And you get just as many vehicles elsewhere. Big cities are for noobs.
  2. kradluk

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Make the reward greater for those willing to group. Food, water, guns, ammo, and supplies are all plentiful. Right now, running around as a group, we find ourselves looking for one thing, and one thing only, vehicles. We all carry around specific oddities in the event we come across a vehicle and need unexpected parts to fix it. What if when you approach a town as a group, you are presented with a mini task/quest where you have to hit specific objectives in order to get access to a vehicle or its parts. Something like this could require a specific amount of people and encourage people to even globally beg the question "anyone want to try and get the heli up an running in cherno?". Sure, this would make packs of organized players that much more dangerous, but it would also make groups of random players stronger than the random greifer. I also do not believe this would be a detriment to the survival aspect of the game, as if this were real, you would likely need more than yourself to break into a military base and harbor the required materials to get something up and running. Another idea would be to have randomized skill sets assigned to players at spawn. Make it so that everyone cannot simply use/carry a hatchet, knife, matches, compass, map, etc. You would not have every skill required for survival in real life, why would this be any different. This could force individuals to group up, or at least explore what skills another player may have. This would also make the group much stronger than the individual, as everyone would be able to benefit from a collective skill set. There could also be an element where you could learn skills from other players. This would give an objective to staying alive moreso than just the random uber equipment you find over time or the bragging rights of "I haven't been killed in 3 weeks". This would also allow those that really want to play the lone wolf style an opportunity to do so, but forcing a bit of teamwork first. Both of these would not necessarily hurt those that want to greif, but it would make life just a bit harder for those unwilling to at least humor the idea of working with others. All the while benefit those willing to not shoot on site.
  3. Madfast

    New map completly.

    It is huge for a very good reason, the map was developed to be able to cater from very small infantry missions, to huge Team vs Team combat with a large variety of Infantry, vehicles and air units. This map was developed for a Mil Sim game, not for a zombie game. A mod, which has been out for a few months and is still in very early alpha may I add, happens too use it. Perhaps just be happy with what you have until other more pressing concerns are dealt with. Also this thread has been made a million times before.
  4. I love the Idea of the crashed military choppers. The concept is great, and maybe in the future, as the loot table expands and possibly, new survival hardships are added, more ways to get ones hands on loot would be cool to have. Basically, my Idea is this: Randomly placed (on roads) wrecked convoys, with bodies and loot around them, as well as Zeds. This could serve to introduce more diverse weaponry (PMCs, USMC, ACR, BAF, etc), as well as other unique loot (Clothing, Backpacks, Vehicles, Tools). Randomly placed individual bodies/vehicle wrecks, with no or few zeds around them, and survival gear loot. Basically people that went into the woods when shit hit the fan, and didn´t make it. Possibly, to add the thrills, use survivor bodies instead of civvies or military, to give the illusion of a bandit ambush. Or maybe it´s a real ambush? Wandering Zeds, small bands of Zombies that move inbetween towns, or just appear randomly in the woods, maybe chasing wildlife. Make living in the woods more dangerous, basically. Angry hogs: Make some of the wildlife defend itself, basically. Just a couple Ideas I had. Hopefully not too annoying/useless. Looking forward to what you think about it. Cheerio Insta
  5. No its silly to assume foul play considering alot of people have posted here that when they find tents or vehicles the server tends to restart, players that were once dead appear out of no where, or players just happen to log in right near the stash area.
  6. punisher_1

    Chernarus is becoming stale. New map?

    I;m not so sure we need a new map, not that I;m against that I just think that the spawning of items needs to happen in random places. For example: all those wrecked humvees and trucks, road blocks, Random military bunkers, more open houses, dead NPC back backs, crashed aircraft, cargo para drops, wreaked armored vehicles, Trench lines and adjacent bunkers. fighting positions. See everyone knows where the loot is and that what kind of spoils the whole thing they need to make a random loot spawning locations.
  7. First off, this isn't a complaint about Chernarus. It is a fantastic map with various environmental characteristics. From the industrial towns of Cherno and Elektro, to the wetlands east of the NE Airfield, this map has a lot of awesome features and it has become one of my favorite maps in any game. Having said that, I've become too familiar with Chernarus. If you are given the option to eat your favorite food for the rest of your life, it will grow tasteless eventually. I no longer need a map to navigate its terrain. I know all the towns and countrysides in most areas of the map. To me, this is a problem. With my growing familiarity of the terrain, I've lost the sense of confusion and panic that made me fall in love with this game. Not knowing what was around the hillside created tense situations for me and my friends, but now it has become too easy to predict when and where encounters will occur. I'm not saying that a map change has to happen during the lifespan of this mod, but I am suggesting that if the mod turns into a full standalone game I would encourage the ability to travel between maps. There are various ways this could be implemented. One option that me and my friends have discussed is the "create a plane" option. In this case, finding and repairing a C130 or MV-22 will give you the option in the context menu to travel to a certain map. Of course these vehicles or their parts will be extremely rare (more than NVGs maybe?). Activating the ability in the contextual menu will remove the vehicle and players from the server, but the player has the ability to bring others with him if they so choose. Activating this function would allow the person(s) to choose the selected destination in the server list. Each map has the ability to go to two maps, in a circular type rotation. Map A has the capability of going to D and B, but not C. B to A and C, but not D. Etc. Thoughts? Any other veterans feel similar about Chernarus?
  8. What? Are these seriously MORE accusations of admin abuse when you are admitting that the server goes down a SIGNIFICANT amount of time later? Again, I could understand the suspicion if the server goes down immediately but you're saying that an admin shuts the server down 10-20 minutes later? At that point, you've had plenty of time to loot any items, move gear, save vehicles and tents. Also, I just now jumped into my server today so Zelgaden could not have just shot me. I died last night and I spawned by Balota just this minute; you and this other band of misfits continue to fabricate bullshit. At least the last group had actually been involved with me in-game, despite their accusations being just as irrational. I would love to have access to the character creation database and show you that I died last night, logged off, and just logged on within the past hour. Stop lying. Let me make something clear that I've restated multiple times: servers restart. In fact, servers restart a lot! Feel free to rent or provide your own and you will become aware of just how often they can crash or require a manual restart. In any case, if a server restarts almost a quarter to half an hour later, you can rest assured that the admin is not interested in keeping you from playing the game appropriately. As for joining the server, if you -- or anyone else for that matter -- cannot keep from fabricating obvious lies, you're welcome to NOT play on Dallas 20 anymore. It's completely unacceptable to have you and a few other prepubescent narcissists falsely accuse and harass me despite my every effort to keep the server clean from those that would compromise your gameplay experience.
  9. I'd like to know what options (they can enable and disable or min/max) are available for DayZ servers? There are sever side updates that I (we) have no idea about. Like the one with backpacks (when they weren't spawning) and vehicles. I only knew 'cause I was on a server at the time of the change and the admin told everyone. I was getting annoyed by looking for servers with 3dp off and all the other shit. Now they have the option to enable or disable chat channels and w/e else. Making it more annoying when looking for servers. There must've been one as recently as of yesterday that changed quality settings. Specifically brightness, gamma, and or HDR. Are they able to enable/disable or just min/max (like view distance) that as well? I was using 93616 all day, then at night is was horrible. So it wasn't a beta patch. I didn't upgrade to 666 until a couple hours ago. Would it be possible to get a server side change log along with DayZ update change logs? This whole servers do what they want is kind of lame. I know they pay for it and w/e, but damn...how many more options are they going to have a choice over that we the players have to sift through? /shrug Also, in the future are there plans to be able to filter certain servers with all of these different options? Cheers.
  10. Eldeos

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    better than vehicles
  11. Deuzerre

    Backpack slot. Alt to Classes/profession. V2.0

    It's the kind of item that's rather specific. It's useful, but only when you work on a team, and it replacing the backpack is a major drawback. Sure, a Defib is a major advantage, as it would revive someone. But while you carry this, you can't carry much in your inventory: Barely anything actually. Ever had your pack fall in water? And a generator is kind of worse than night flares. It would be useful in towns, and to potentially refill torches/start vehicles faster. Radios would be great for teams where you don't always have a VOIP program, or for roleplaying. I believe this would be great. It doesn't bring anything to solo players, anyway. And for radios, small individual ones would of course still be available, using big ones as relays.
  12. Ya but ever since the hack my server hasnt been spawning vehicles ive msged all the server admins and to no avail. Please respond to the emails regarding servers plz.
  13. I would say make any of the current roadblocks/crashed vehicles possible spawn for loot, mil grade, but not too hardcore. This way you will be curious enough to risk NOT avoiding that wreck in the middle of hot zone ;)
  14. I thought of what might be a fun idea for those hardcore or wannabe hardcore DayZ players... (Temporary cease fire and amnesty) Basic Idea: Host a DayZ Biathlon (something like the Eco-Challenge meets Walking Dead) Task... Timed Biathlon from (Point A to Point B) For example from Balota Airfield control tower to NE or NW airfields' control towers. Measures - Racing - Speed over course - Navigation On Foot; No Vehicles, No GPS, No NVG. - Shooting - Minimum number of zombie kills (40 per participant) with bonuses for high headshot percentages. PVP discouraged but not forbidden Who: Open to all Survivors & Bandits: Individuals or teams (All members of starting group must cross finish line to qualify (repsawning if necessary)) Where: Veteran Server(s?) TBD (No Tags, Cross hairs, 3rd Person or Auto-GPS) Maybe night-time to minimize PVP. When: ASAP, we ain't getting any younger!!!! Requirements: Video recording of entire race for each entrant would be required to allow for cheat check before announcing winner...... Why: Why not? Surely some Rad Sports fans would survive the apocalypse and do something like this for kicks!!! Prizes: Bragging rights!!!!! Big prize at end (e.g. working helicopter, NVG, Mountain Dew) and all the steaks and water you could want..... We'd have to work out the security details carefully to avoid bandits camping the starting and finishing points, but those details can be worked out later. (e.g. secured server with only participants locked until the race begins and then let the pubbies come in and try to stop them). Feedback... Remember, think outside the box.......
  15. bulldog six

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    @Jack Dant: the server was rebooted because I've had complaints about massive desynch and unusual high pings. I gave everyone on Portland a 3 minute heads-up with updated ETA until reboot so everyone can get out of their vehicles to save them to avoid being stranded without their vehicle in the middle of nowhere. @Dembc: it's a nice (like you say) story, but I am not inclined to do anything about it for the following reasons: #1 I am not the admin who banned you and I'm not going to overrule another admin's decision on this case since I was not in any way involved nor am I able to verify any of it because I do not have access to the logs. I spoke with the admin who banned you and he says the story he got from you had nothing to do with Skype, you told him you had a friend who needed help on another server. Said admin was merciful enough to only ban you for a week, unless a higher ranked-admin overruled his decision. #2 When playing DayZ you should either set your Skype status to "Busy" or close it altogether. I recommend the latter because Skype can be quite a resource hog. #3 Your claim that the PBE clan member "PvP-disconnected" is pretty lame to say the least. Everyone who watched said scene in the video can see that his body just had spawned into the game when you shot him. He said he was unconscious before he was even able to realize he was in danger because he was still at the "Receiving..." screen when your folks shot him. It's not PvP-disconnecting if he's not able to play an active role in a firefight. If anything it's spawn-protection. If the game's own spawn protection were working properly at the time you wouldn't have been able to hurt him at least for a minimal amount of time after he gets eyes on his surroundings. That said, my personal opinion: tell your story walking! You've been caught numerous times PvP disconnecting and so have your friends. They can call themselves lucky not to be banned yet as well because the admins on Portland don't usually ban on single incidents.
  16. Victor, we need a vehicle retrieval and repair squad. Keeping those vehicles for our use and keeping them maintained is something our current squads cannot fill into their roles.
  17. Deuzerre

    Backpack slot. Alt to Classes/profession. V2.0

    Just add this to your thread. Focusing similar ideas in the same thread is better than spreading them all around. And you have very good ideas, overall, so your threads have more chances to be recognised by reputation. Just quote the original message and add "All military vehicles have one included by default".
  18. Was hacked during ur dbase attack and all server files were deleted. I have since reinstalled however i do not have any vehicles anymore. was wondering if this was due too a corrupt mission file or what. been msging admins sending emails to dayzservermod AND EVERYTHING plz help!
  19. You're a lazy jackass and have no business playing this game. I have literally stumbled RANDOMLY on no less than 6 vehicles since the reintroduction. Let me guess, you Googled "DayZ vehicle locations" and when that didn't work you gave up? Go play Left 4 Dead you will be happier. You can't even get lost. They tell you where to go and everything.
  20. Deuzerre


    One hell of a feeling I guess. Back on topic: Radar off would hamper you a bit, but I second that plane idea. Also making vehicles able to survive an encounter with a rabbit would help a bit. Helos tend to die less often from encounters with rocks. Anyway, you deserved the right to own the skies. Enjoy, make rescue missions, fire support while a small team raids the ground, fly over the starting areas for respawners to be awed, wipe out cherno and elektro outskirts from bandits... Things like that.
  21. Reign19k

    M4A1 Holo SD Acquisition

    Depends on what you consider "hacking" Spawning a crate and taking a weapon that isn't in the mod would be exploiting... Most of which, if not all have legitimate icons next to them. Only weapons I've seen that have no icons are the weapon systems for vehicles that a player can spawn on his chest. I know for a fact that you can exploit certain weapons in the game that aren't dropped that still have icons. Golden revolver, sd makaroni, sd G36. Each with an icon. EDIT: This is has been possible from waaaaay before Dayz and I don't see it being any different in this mod than any others.
  22. I find vehicles everywhere, infact today i found a jeep and 2 atvs all together. try looking harder or finding another server.
  23. yaa i used to think getting a vehicle was the way to go...until i found out how rare and BS the whole thing is Apparently the first people to find them can just hide them and keep them...which is stupid there needs to be a lot more cars i mean with this repair system i see no reason to not have a lot of vehicles its not like it makes the game easier it just makes it less time consuming.... All these "hardcore" gamers think Time consuming=difficult Which is asinine. Just idiocy IMO I think they took them out multiple times too cause there was a resent "reinitialization" of ground vehicles? I assumed that meant they were put back in or something or reset but even then i haven't seen a single one
  24. yes rocket hinted at more stuff to do that cooperative based, what this is and how it will work is anyones guess (outside the dev team) so we have to sit and wait to see what he has planned. Which will probably take months of work. BTW have you tried collecting vehicles? seems like a reasonable thing to do if you don't want to participate in the coastal bean wars.
  25. We found a tent city up north with a bunch of equipment which included rocket launchers and stand alone grenade launchers. There were also broken vehicles around where they should not have spawned with no way to get them there. Seem legit?