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bulldog six

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About bulldog six

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. bulldog six


    +1. would also make a great addition for helicopters: fastroping. but without ropes it's fastfalling.
  2. bulldog six

    Thoughts on Blood.

    +1. this definetly needs improvement, the puffs looks really silly.. personally i love the blood effects of Overgrowth where the blood actually flows down the body in little streams.
  3. bulldog six

    Manual Bolting

    totally agree, this is a MUST HAVE improvement. Same goes for the way the scope works. If you're using the scope in DayZ someone could be standing right beside your rifle and you wouldn't notice him unless you hear him. The way the scope in Red Orchestra works would be so much better and immersive. Please make it so.
  4. bulldog six

    Sleeping pad & Dreamland

    Oh so I have your permission to shoot you in the head without consequences? In that case life is definitely the best game.
  5. bulldog six

    Sleeping pad & Dreamland

    I like "realistic" games..
  6. bulldog six

    Sleeping pad & Dreamland

    Ok here's the idea: the character has to sleep and be rested. But how to implement this? With a sleeping pad and a parallel world called dreamland. When you need to rest you put your sleeping pad down wherever you feel safe and go to sleep. When you sleep you enter dreamland. Dreamland is basically the same world, but slightly different. Food items aren't present in dreamland because you don't need to eat in dreamland. So all food items are made invisible and non-interactive locally for the dreamer (of course not global). When you enter dreamland you create a random character of yourself (same look, different stuff - sometimes you may have full military gear, other times just civilian stuff). It's basically you dreaming about yourself but in your dreams weird things happen, right? So instead of being a poor dude you're a high grade military officer for instance. Anyways: you can't see or interact with nor hear other players who are not sleeping/in dreamland, but you can interact with those who are in dreamland. So dreamland basically turns certain things locally invisible and inaudible while it enables other things like fast travel and other gimmicks like maybe ghosting for some time - but only in dreamland. If you die in dreamland you wake up before your sleep cycle is over - as if you would wake up from a nightmare. But you don't lose any of the real gear you got because it was just a dream with dreamland-gear, right? As soon as a shot is fired in the real world nearby where you went to sleep you will abruptly wake up as well where you went to sleep. Either well rested or also like woken in shock - depending on how long you were able to rest. In dreamland you can meet other people who are also in dreamland without having to fear they might "really" kill you on sight and take your stuff - because there is no stuff other than what you already have in dreamland - which is not lootable. But you can arrange a meeting with them in the "real world" if you feel you trust them through your encounter in dreamland - except for their skintone and face/gender they will be differently clothed and equipped. What you saw in dreamland of them was just their own projection of themselves at another time (or entirely fictitious altogether). To make killings of the sleeping less likely: If someone in the real world comes close to your sleeping self (1st "outer" perimeter, i.e. 200 meter radius from your sleeping body) it snaps you back to your real world body's location -weather you like it or not- but you remain still in dreamland! it is as if one of your senses is trying to keep you from harm and slightly waking you, but not quite. so while still in dreamland but on your body you are forced to look in the direction where the threat is (while they are still invisible because you are still sleeping after all). And you can't wake up unless they somehow wake you up either through being within the second, closer-proximity-radius (2nd "inner" perimeter, i.e. <100 meters) or they make noises (eating, shooting, talking, sprinting, reloading, ..) within this 2nd perimeters' radius/shooting within the 1st perimeter. You still can't see them from dreamland but you can see where the potential danger is coming from (through being forced to look in their direction from your sleeping spot while still in dreamland, after a quick snap-back to your body's location) though still asleep. So if the 2nd perimeter is breached you wake up, either well rested or abruptly and sweating as if awoken from a nightmare or shock (i.e. gunfire) after very little sleep, you then have the choice: pack your stuff and run away from the direction you were warned about or head towards that direction that you were forced to look towards in dreamland and confront the intruder. The choice is yours. But since you couldn't see the intruder(s) you might be up for a surprise - either good or bad. Sleeping should give you the perk that you have better aim and maybe greater endurance in the real world. The other perks of being in dreamland, except from being able to meet new people without having to lose gear, are to be discovered and discussed. I think all in all it might be better and more interesting than having tents. I would remove tents to be honest and include digging up crates for storage instead. Oh and whether you sleep at day or at night is up to you - unless you haven't slept in a long time in which case you might not have an option. (Maybe daytime cycle should be cut shorter in order for this implementation to work - it's not like anyone is playing 24h without interruption, not to mention server restarts which resets the time back to the starting time - UNLESS the time will be persistent after a server restart, which could solve the time cycle issue). Some random thoughts/ideas/possibilities on how to implement it visually: For the visuals: increased bloom, fog to max, different colors, caustics light emitters, colored fog, .. maybe make it appear like underwater somewhat like so: http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/2762305-1384670704.jpg [^] or so http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gqMMmRXLG9U/URaFxv8RI1I/AAAAAAAACnw/uV8mYQMiXws/s1600/Nereocystis+luetkeana-+bullwhip+kelp03.jpg [^] or so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D9OTNhubbA [^] maybe different movement, different sounds, occasionally you having nightmares due to the zombie apocalypse or illness, maybe with additional zombie noices, twiggs cracking and heavy breathing (think of the Max Payne dream scenes), different perspectives, sometimes doom and gloom, other times sweet dreams and increased white bloom. the potential is huge! just different everything. it is a dreamland after all ^^ or you go to sleep and if log out like that and when you log back in later you are well rested. so you don't have to go through a dream/astral-travel mode if you don't want to.
  7. bulldog six

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    do you mean gas canisters for fuel or for portable gas stoves? can we get an idea how far we are from drivable/flyable vehicles and how far we are from underground bases/loot storage? cheers and thank you for the good work! keep it up Rocket.
  8. bulldog six

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    Haven't seen a speedloader yet. I don't think the spawn of it works yet.
  9. bulldog six

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Addendum to my bug report on page 7: - Licking the batteries to test them makes a loud munching sound. I'm not eating the battery. - Video settings keep switching to blurry eyecandy mode. Goes away after clicking on the "Video" button (without changes having to be made) - Character keeps moaning even a long time after wounds are healed (i.e. light fall damage, "long time"=2 hours+) - Taping mags together in the inventory doesn't seem to work (either that or I'm doing it wrong, maybe tape too damaged. haven't tried taking mag into my hands yet) - Shouldering/Taking weapon in hands still stops characters from running on some servers (even tho they have the update that supposedly fixes that. Reconnecting sometimes helps, but not always.) - Mosin bayonett doesn't seem to be able to open cans. Used to work in an earlier build. Nearly died because of this. - Sickness messages and unconsciousness should provide some information on what could fix the illness/coma. - Burlap sack has no storage squares. Would be nice as an improvised backpack/ handheld/ crafted BACKpack - When shot once or twice most items in a backpack take heavy damage. Not some random few. Not one. Most. (Shotgun should naturally do a more widespread damage to objects than single gunshots tho) - Characters regain hunger too quick. As is, a completely eaten can of beans lasts estimated ~20 minutes. - Drinking water (i.e. from wells) until you feel full requires spamming of the drinking process. Are there other ways to achieve the same effect with less spam? - Drinking water from a well gives out a message like "You drink water from a POND" (if the engine can't distinguish between ponds and wells just change the message to "You drink water" while canteens and bottles etc should say "You take a zip of water" or the like) - Combat logging (if you have enough time to shoot at a person before you go to work/leave the house then you should have enough time to fight it out for at least another X minutes otherwise your character dies or loses a main component of your inventory such as main weapon or backpack if you disconnect before this timer runs out. If the person you shot at dies you should be able to disconnect without penalties before timer runs out. Should prevent combat logging a great deal. If people have to leave the house at a 2 minutes notice then they should not engage in a firefight they don't want to see through. To be specific: "shoot"/"shot" means actually hitting and injuring another player. If you miss and don't hit anything no timer should be started. This system would also require a mechanism to detect client-kill-disconnects and avoid server-crash genocide of both parties involved while timer was still running before server crashed) Work your magic R.!
  10. bulldog six

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I tried, but I can't login there.
  11. bulldog six

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    The following is meant to point out bugs, not to criticize. Some things I noticed: - The pistol does not display any info - It is difficult to access a dead players inventory (requires a tricky angle, takes too much time and therefor is potentially dangerous) - Killed players disappearing, so they leave no loot (possible disconnect) - Sun blending turns partially blueish sometimes briefly - Not all controls implemented in the Config Menu - Prone stance useless on fields because of too much tall grass - Bandages still useable even when not hurt - Items in the quick access bar remain there even if the item is no longer in the inventory (but textureless) - Direct text chat pretty much useless since noone gets it (is it range limited? I'd remove it entirely. Direct voice only is fine) - Maybe replace direct voice chat with an integrated mumble (like in the Project Reality BF2 mod, quality is better and also works local) - Right click menu in the inventory seems "flashy" (as if it is refreshed at lot of times instead of a one time steady appearance; makes the nice new quick menu appear fragile/buggy) hope this helps, keep up the good work R.!
  12. isn't there a way you can ONLY punish the cheaters as opposed to punish ALL PLAYERS with a reset? I thought you said this server-side architecture would prevent cheating. was it just a dream?
  13. bulldog six

    How well geared are you?

    Since when are automatic shotguns part of the game? Unless.. oh, do I smell a cheater?
  14. bulldog six

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    @Jack Dant: You read the bible? There's a passage I got memorized. John 8:7. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."