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Hey guys I was on a mono bike with a mate going to factory for car parts. Some Other group of guys has the same idea and arrived in their off road truck. On seeing eachothers vehicles we both backed up. I got out and sprinted in for the first shot while my mate took cover. A guy got out of the enemy truck with an M107 and I one shot him at about 200m (pro shot) with my enfield but after that the other guys in the truck messed me up and I crawled away to some bushes. I fixed myself and waited. They moved up to me in the truck and walked up and around me stepping on my hands and gun because I was in a ghillie suit. I herd them move back to the truck and then once they were in I jumped up and killed one guy still outside the truck and went mad shooting the driver and the passenger. Then the car and all the guys in it vanished. We spent a while looking around and could only find the two guys I killed. What happened to the truck?
server #1: 3 saved cars in a deep forest, 1 saved but not repaired car in Vyshnoe, 1 bike in the forest near Vyshnoe, 1 car in the forest near Stary server #2: 3 cars in a deep forest in 3 different places all vehicles were saved yesterday and all gone today.
Is the game basically over once you have piles of loot?
BL1P replied to HedonismBot's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Ive reached that point a few times now. What I tend to do is. Start scouting for Vehicles or camps. What I want to do is then start rescuing new spawners on the coast. Taking them to an area set up with a tent for new players to take gear from. Problem is tents got reset so ive been restocking my new tents and getting ready to create the respawner tent/tents. Ive also created my own little mini games where ive followed players to find camps. Searched for ubber rare items nvgs/mountain dew/rangefinder. Searched for heli crashes. Collected quad bikes Tried to fill an enemy camp with tin cans. Placing 1 raw meat in every empty tent I find.... Once the server hoppers problem is fixed. Ill be creating bases. Destroying bases. Fortifying towns. As long as someone cant magically appear in the base/town/building by server hopping that is anyway . Once something new comes out to make murdering wankers distinguishable from survivors Ill be hunting Bandits again. -
That feeling you have done something bad
mirc00 replied to tickle_me_jesus's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It's always dangerous to park your vehicles right next to your tents and it was the fault of the guy who used the horn, so you don't have to feel bad about it, not even a bit. And yea, it's really astonishing how often you meet other ppl, even if the map is 225 km² large. -
That feeling you have done something bad
tickle_me_jesus posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm never sharing stories and writing what happens when I play a game, but I really want to share what I witnessed yesterday. I have been playing Dayz for six weeks now and so far always lonewolf style. After the last reset of the tents I set up a humble camp (e.g. 1 tent) somewhere in the north of Chernarus (not outside the map). Yesterday I felt like roaming the woods. Once before I found a camp doing this and thought I might get lucky again and run into a camp, hopefully with a working vehicle in it. After walking for half an hour I had not seen a single tent and decided to go home again. Of course through the woods, just in case. I have GPS so that works great! Search coordinates, set up a waypoint on the map and start walking. After about five minutes walking, always looking around hoping to see some tents, I hear a horn honk once. Believe me when I say that my hartrate skyrocketed, literally! I stop immediately, dive under the nearest pine tree that I see .... and wait and listen. Then I hear the sound of an engine starting up! I remain silent ... listening closely. I hear the vehicle moving and the sound of the engine fades, very slowly into the distance. Because I clearly heard where the sound came from, I could do two things ... Walk on or take a look? I brace myself for a confrontation and decide to head in the direction where the sound of the horn came from. Slowly I crawl against the slope of the wooded mountain. After approximately 100 meters the slope becomes a little less steep and behold, what does my eye see!? A complete camp; three tents, a tractor, a bicycle and a Ural. I have a look but no one else is around. Ok, I must quickly decide what I should do. Whoever just drove off with apparently another vehicle from this camp can come back any time and given the number of vehicles there, chances are that he will not be alone. Loaded with weapons, ammunition and a lot more. The Ural looks good and I decide to step in .... everything green, driveable and 3/4 full tank. I get out and run a little further, down the slope. What should I do? The Ural truck is full of loot and I can drive it off. But these people have put a lot of time and effort in repairing the vehicles and all that loot ... Can I just steal it? Can I just take it all? Fuck it, how likely is it that have a find this stuff? If I don't act now, sooner or later I will regret it. Right now I have a chance to commit the crime unseen and unpunished! I run back up the hill, jump in the Ural and drive back down the slope. Set course to my camp, which will be getting a significant upgrade! Once arrived in my camp, I picked up my old tent, put all in the ural and start looking for a new place for my camp, version 2.0. It is not easy to conceal a big blue truck somewhere in the woods, I can tell you that much. The result of this adventure, a truck with 2 fn snide, 2 akm's, Remmington with flashlight, m4a1, ammo, blood bags (little to no use for me since I play lone wolf) and a whole load of other generic loot. Long story, I know. But I really had to share. Why? I still can not believe how this could happen simply because that player (accidentally?) used the horn of the vehicle before he drove off with it. Had he not done that, I would probably have just kept running, just missing the camp. I think this is an example of how this game works and what's so great about it. A tiny event leads to a whole new situation. It is such a big coincidence though, that I still can' believe it really happened. On my way back to camp I sat there wondering how it is possible that I stumble upon such a find. The map and playable area in this game is so huge, you can walk through the woods for hours without ever encountering anyone or seeing a single tent. But yesterday I got lucky and someone else unlucky, very unlucky. Tl;dr Dayz is a game with great dynamics and immersion. -
Extreme griefing with barbed wire.
Macenzie replied to Anand (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Barbed wire should be easier to remove and also able to step over even at full hight. That way it slows down a player rather than outright denies them. Tank traps should not be placable indoors. They are for denying vehicles. -
Find a way to jump a car in a bike/dirtbike/atv. I've always wanted to see this happen in game for some reason. IF you succeed, then you gotta kick it up a notch... jump over some ATVs and bikes with a bus. Can't hit the vehicles you're jumping of course, and landing without dying is advisable.
Generators in cities, deployable lamps/generators
TRUCKER (DayZ) posted a topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
How about there would be generators in cities that you can fill with gas, then turn on/off and they supply lamps (not every lamp, rather in their district) with energy so they make light? Also, how about generator and lamp items to put up in your own base to light it up using jerry cans? What also would be cool is to be able to find an oil transporter, put it in your base and be able to fill the storage up with oil, so you don't have to carry 251251251 jerry cans, but rather fill the vehicles tank up with idk 1.000 liters or something. Thoughts on this? -
[Mod/Admins reply] Hacked weapons usable?
Leeu replied to Jemoeder's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yeah, it's kinda inbred-stupid that the DEVs haven't (in response to all these hacking screw-ups) released a list of APPROVED weapons & vehicles with accompanying pictures, so that players can be 100% whether what they're encountering in-game will/will not get them banned. Arma2 multiplayer security/anti-hacking is a joke, the least they can do is provide a clear source as described above of what is allowed an what not. -
I think a few crashed military supply trucks randomly spawning around the map much like the helis with ammo in would be suffice. Script is already in the game, just need an overturned truck model instead of a heli husk. Same goes for medical supplies. Randomly place overturned ambulances around the map, again much like helis but these would have morphine, bloodpacks, antibiotics and painkillers. Could even have the odd abandoned grocery truck crashed into a hedge at the sides of roads with tin cans and drinks. These would all be at the same spawn rate at the helis, but it would be nice to find these scattered about. I also think vehicles need to be randomly spawned in different locations instead of their current fixed locations. I think all my above suggestions are more fitting for us players who prefer to explore and want to be rewarded for it and not have to enter towns and cities filled with COD bandits wanting a game of deathmatch.
The goal should be ... 1000 slow zombies in a small town, with a smell and can detect you heard hundreds of meters. No 20 zombies that run a lot and cross the fence and climb stairs like a human ... This is ridiculous. 1000 zombies in pusta, for example. 10,000 in Cherno. Zombies with no legs, no arms, women zombies, zombie children. Please work on new models. And Chernarus ... There's someone in here who is not tired of this place after playing a week? Always the same places to avoid. Always born on the coast ... This starts to be boring. After a week playing you end up knowing all the towns and cities. Where to find X loot. Chernarus is a flat map. There are no large buildings, or a prison, or a river or a ravine that forces you to surround a great way to reach the other side ... Is monotone. Vehicles. Limited by server? Most are controlled by clans which in turn are the administrators. Are all vehicles under their control. Got it, Rocket? So a tip of a player. Stop fixing bugs (this according to you should be in the beta) and begins at once to create DAYZ. The possibly best game of all time. So, do not mess around. It is in your hand.
Congratulations... 1,000,000 Murders
r3volution (DayZ) replied to CrimsonBlade's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
DayZ: Now Over 1 Million Served! I can really understand reading this thread how and why this mod/game is so incredibly polarising amongst its players. I have discussed this with my mates at length as we have talked about the sense of what the game constitutes. I feel that those who see there as being a lack of content may miss the point. This mod eschews most conventional 'content' because it is dependent on the players constructing a narrative and game for themselves out of the world that is there (I do think a hell of a lot more guns/vehicles/loot and some ability to construct stuff and control areas/build proper bases would help though). The dark side of human nature (of the adolescent male variety predominantly) surfaces through a lack of constraint and so the bandits grief people. That's fair enough in a sense, the narrative they've constructed is that they're out to kill everyone in sight, that's their goal. Me and my survivor mates are mainly out to survive, loot and shoot zombies, as well as any bandit who attacks us. We don't fire unless fired on, but I get the sense that we're in the minority. That's fair enough too, we've made our game and we're living it. Honestly while I hate the bandits so much (especially their pussy carebear disconnecting and whining on these forums any time someone suggests something that might make their lives less stupidly easy) I acknowledge that the game wouldn't be the same without them. They're the cunts I can shoot on an ethical freebie and enjoy it! To those who see zombies as being something that lures people into a game which is essentially PvP at its cores, well, its true in a sense. But the Comic and TV show 'Walking Dead' basically epitomise this theme as well. The overarching message from that interpretation of the zombie apocalypse is that ultimately if you know what you're doing, zombies are only a peripheral threat. The ultimate threat is what other human beings will do when removed from all societal constraint and this is something that DayZ in its own exaggerated fashion does embody beautifully. -
Hi 10 minutes ago probably the master server was down... Now our whole camp is gone (including vehicles and weapons) In addition, even my "L85A2 RIS CWS" Do I have found this morning, in a backpack and was also deleted. That's total crap: ( Can not undo?
Flying a Helicopter in
[email protected] replied to mirc00's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
was it a fun server and not connected to the main hive ? also i think they are trying to fix the Radar. As having a heli is a huge advantage finding other vehicles as u can fly around the map and find every other vehicle due to the radar. I think the fuel leak has been fixed, once the new sync system is updated in the latest patch and works well i think its just the radar needs sorting and hopefully we will be seeing more helicopters. -
The following players were at the least teleporting and using some sort of way to track all other players on the server. Unicorn Princess November Sierra ARSENAL PopChild(logged off, changed his name to Child, and reconnected) I was driving a bus, and they teleported right in front of me and unloaded through the windshield. They were doing the same to several other players and vehicles on the server. Also, in a major conflict on the server between the hackers and a group of players, November Sierra was killed in the NorthWest portion of the map. He was back to the fight location with new weapons within 5 minutes.
the arma engine can easily support 200 players on one server.. and it will be done as soon as the Day Z code is ready. Persistent stuff is already implemented, like Tents and Vehicles. Mines are possible too. I think you can do a lot of things with the Arma Engine, but highly complex things of course are too much
Is the game basically over once you have piles of loot?
Keurk replied to HedonismBot's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
destroy ennemis base, stalk ennmies (bandits, survivor, depend on you ) try to build vehicle / steal vehicle / destroy your ennemis vehicles. Try frapsing while you kill admins so lot of them will kick you and you can report them, thats so much fun *_* Get chopper Try to get the rocket launcher Make nice movies, rp moments stuff like that ... you know, sandbox? -
Is the game basically over once you have piles of loot?
Steven89 replied to HedonismBot's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
this game never ends....u allways have to keep getting supplies for your car etc...and if we feel like it we take our 2 vehicles and raid the airfield kill a few ppl, loot, tank our cars up....and so on :D -
Variation of Crashed Helicopters: Military Tents & Other Things
TheProphecy replied to Merk1b2's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'll review your points and give my thoughts. 1. Sounds good. 2. I would say the loot should be reduced drastically, not slightly. I'm thinking reducing the loot chance of all military items by at least half. Also, fire stations/other non-military areas need to stop spawning military loot. 3-6. IDK about this one. It wouldn't seem to make much sense to me if I'm in a forest, hit a clearing and see a bunch of military tents in the middle of an open field. What I would propose instead is what DemonGroover had in mind. In addition to crashed food trucks, maybe there could be a convoy of crashed military vehicles or something. The area would be littered with dead soldiers and a bunch of zombies, maybe like 10 or something per crashed vehicle. Each crashed vehicle would spawn a random military weapon with 3+ clips. I like the idea to make the world less static, though. I think most of the problems people complain about (not bugs/glitches) can be traced back to how static/predictable the world is. -
93. all survivors can run for hundreds of kilometers without stopping 94. russian smoke grenades sometimes blow holes in houses (happened to me before lol) 95. rotting human remains can sprint faster than living humans 96. when it rains in chernarus, you are more noticeable 97. in zombie apocalypse, survivors hide vehicles in forest, then disappear. 98. in zombie apocalypse, the main goal of most survivors is to kill other survivors 99. russian painkillers take effect instantly 100. 1950's soviet bicycles are quiet yet make as much noise as a car i win
On two seperate occasions over the last 24hrs the owner/s of the 'Germany 10' server have purposefully shut down their server when they have been killed & their camp/s ransacked. This has been both destroying the gameplay of those playing on this public server, because they've lost something when someone killed them. To be more specific, they have their own camp where they have been hording weapons, equipment and vehicles. This first event happened at 16:20 BST on the 23/06/12, and resulted in most of the looted equipment to be lost, as they restarted before most of it could be saved. The following day (Today, 24.06/12), we discovered they had brought their server back up, and what surprised us was they hadn't moved the camp, so we waited for them to leave and wrecked havoc, plundering their possessions. In the meantime they had all died, and we suspect they had lost their Military offroad, and at around 16:40 BST they somehow managed to find us (We'd traveled 5-6km away from the camp, and we made certain we weren't followed. When we got to our destination, we noticed they were coming towards us, so they came from the opposite direction) We killed them, and almost instantly after they were killed, one of them logged out, after somehow surviving, then the server shut down, and at 17:28 BST, still isn't up. This server is a 25 slot server, and around 20 other players were playing on there, their gameplay unrelated to our actions and the server owner's actions, so when they restarted, their gameplay was interrupted, and possibly destroyed, depending on what they may have aquired. So, is this what we are to expect, going to a public server like this? I would have thought better than this from a server owner, but it turns out they are acting like mere children. Serjey S. Bernard AberdoOsS Jinzo(?) One or two others, though I've forgotten the names. Those are the names of the group, and usually Serjay S. is logged into admin, or one of the others are.
VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16
[email protected] replied to Ander (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Announcements & Info
The respawning mechanic is currently hugely fucked. Server restarts just put the vehicles back at the exact location at which they were destroyed. Which is annoying. -
[Video] - How to deal with bandits: Night Raid Revenge!
ComboBreaker replied to Luieburger's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think that you should've driven vehicles to the random spots of the map and leave them for people to be found.Exploding them was neat though. Nice,cold blooded revenge.Only question : why drive with lights on when you had NVG?Makes your equipment useless and turns you into a good target. -
Is the game basically over once you have piles of loot?
Champloo (DayZ) replied to HedonismBot's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Yeah it's pretty much over once you establish yourself if you've got a group, some vehicles, and a base. From there on out it's pretty much nothing cause there's no end-game content. You just try to keep yourself entertained until you eventually kill yourself out of boredom. -
An accident involving our brand new Ural lost us nearly all of our gear and forced a trip to the coast to pick someone up. Not a big deal, except lack of gear made us hunger for a Stary Sobor trip. And the others got bored at camp so they took one of our cars out to meet us at Stary Sobor. So the three of us are there, I'm guarding the vehicles while they loot. But I got found first despite hiding in a bush, and we were slowly taken down and lost two vehicles. After a few more deaths along the coast we eventually ended up together in the eastern Elektro fire station. This guy with an axe comes in and tries to kill us but we kill them. Then this other guy comes in with nothing, I shot him in the knee. We then bandaged him, gave him painkillers and a transfusion and let him loot the axe of the guy we killed and set him on his way. This guy was determined, he was not hitting respawn. We gave him strong words of encouragement over direct chat but received no response. The other guy went on a solo trip to NWAF and died to a server hopper, and then we found a van just on the road north of Elektro. It needed so much stuff, but we went around and fixed it. Headed back to Stary to expectedly see our vehicles were gone. Speed looted it and left. We lost nearly all of our guns, one of us still only has a patrol pack, both of our NVG, and multiple vehicles tonight. But we had fun, and that's what matters.