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Found 43147 results

  1. Server was revamped completely since last post, sorry for double post. Hey all, join this server! Search BuildZ or directly connect to: Discord link: https://discord.gg/fBCqkuJmfm Most mods: - Unlimited Stamina - BuildAnywhere - Territory Flags - Autorun - Trader zone - $20K start - Base Building Plus - Loot++ - More Vehicles - Helis mod - SideChat - Morty’s guns (primary) - Snafu’s guns (secondary) - Heli crashes and contaminated zone loot modifications - Windstride’s Clothing Pack - Modular Vest System - BulletStacks Plus Plus - Inventory Plus (More Space) - Clouds military clothes - Mass’s Food (MREs!) - No Vehicle Damage - PvZ Dark Horde - All Pristine - Better Suppressors - GoreZ - bzReload - Paragon Armor REDUCED - Airdrops Upgraded - Code Lock - Much Stuff Pack - Underground Bases - Much Car Keys (assigned by admins as requested) - Trader Repair Stations - Unknown Ghillie Mod(changes ghillie slot) - Map modifications with Loot So I believe 42 total right now on mods. The trader is one area, and it’s a container fort! Currently contains only vanilla items. Soon will be adding a black market trader zone which the location will be hidden that sells higher end T3/T4 military loot. Aside from that, I’m the greatest admin there ever was and you should join the game so I can prove that! Thanks!
  2. Kyiara

    Stable Update 1.22

    PC Stable 1.22 Update 3 - Version 1.22.156718 (Release on 19.09.2023) GAME FIXED A server without delayed respawn could result in players getting stuck in the respawn dialogue (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175057, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175151, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175143, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175193, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175020, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175143) Connecting certain electric systems could result in the disconnection of all items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175166) Shots could not be heard outside of the shooter's network bubble Traps could be triggered right after their activation on a nearby player Fixed an exploit related to vehicles Shotgun pellets were not dealing full damage (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175335) CHANGED Reduced the amount of damage infected deal to clothing and players MODDING Fixed: Objects with skeleton (houses, items) would not draw in diag "Enfusion World > Show bodies"
  3. ``` PC =FRESH WIPE= Revolution 1PP|PVP|Quests|Helis|Carepackage|Loot+|RAID+ The new revamped Deerisle experience is here. The new revolution is upon us.. brand new custom made armours, custom AI patrols and now.. QUESTS! Never get bored again with low pop.. we have great quests to keep you busy and reward you for your efforts. Starter kits? Yes please.. every single player is entitled to 1 starter kit per wipe! And since we just wiped.. why not join and get that little boost to get you going? Over 1000 hours has gone into developing and perfect this wipe, from each item in the loot pool, to custom made AI loadouts and a specifically designed economy. You will not want to miss trying out what we have in stock. From blood-sacrifices and Jungle Temples, to breaking down the frozen gate to access the giant maze known as the Arctic Temple. There are so many secret areas around Deerisle for you to explore, loot and dominate.. so why wait? Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/bMY3Yw6zP3 Website: https://www.therevolutiondayz.com/?origin=business_manager Server Map: Deerisle Platform: PC Staff Activity: Active SLEEPING BAG RESPAWNS AI FORTRESS (DUNGEONS) - TEST YOUR PVP SKILLS GET REWARDED CUSTOM SPAWN SYSTEMS WITH OPTIONAL PAID (ingame) INLAND SPAWNS! CUSTOM INVENTORY SORTING SYSTEM CUSTOM AREAS, KEYCARDS, LOOT CRATES + KOTH & CARE PACKAGES! PvP and KOS 24/7 Frequent Events! (Creative with a story line! - Featuring the CDC) Base raiding with C4 and Jammers + More! VEHICLES / HELIS / BOATS BBP + Many Custom Private Mods including our own weapons, clothing + more! DRUGS+ Customised economy (very well balanced) Custom Traders + Robbable ATMs W/ STARTER CASH Many.. many Guns! + Armours Specially made with boosts and perks to your total armour values! ```
  4. A Friendly PVE Server that's not long started and slowly starting grow, where New & Vet players are welcome to just relax explore and meet other friendly players on your travels. Server Information Time zone - NY - EST. Language - English 16 Slots - Will expand as community grows. Restarts - Every 3 hours (Messages in game). Day/Night Cycle - Days - 2.45hrs / Nights - 15 min. Whitelist - Turned on/off to populate the server. No base raiding. No KOS. Events with prizes. Custom Built race track for people to race each other. Custom Beanbag Area at NWAF to have fun with others. Custom Bunker at NWAF with Underground triggers and loot. Moded Stamina. Nature Overhaul. More Zombies and Animals. Discord economy 100k start. Trader with buy & sell items or player trade channel used via discord. Vehicles Pristine - No Battery/Radiator/Spark/Glow Plugs. CLE Pristine x3 and some on a x4 with Tier system removed. No building bases at military, medical, police, fire or hunting camps. Play-style - PVE, RP, Solo, Team, Factions, which ever tickles your pickle. 1pp/3pp - both KBM - Yes Discord : https://discord.gg/jn69k4725h
  5. NEW US | PC | SSK- Cherno |Drugs| Fishing| Guns+ | Vehicles+ | Expansion https://discord.gg/YMZ279JJgS The server is currently in testing and we will adjust mods as needed. (You can find out what mods are currently active on the Discord. You can also make suggestions on which mods to keep or get rid of on the Discord server.) Trying to test server loads at this time and build a good community. Expansion, Building, PvPvE, Aliens, LootChests. Join today and help us spread the word if you enjoy our brand-new server! The server restarts every 6 hours and may move to 4 hours if needed as the community grows. Max Players: 60 📷Server IP: Password: No password at this time, we will vote on making it password-protected as the server/community grows. Full server info and FAQ are located on the Discord server. See you soon!
  6. Kyiara

    Stable Update 1.22

    "weapon will not chamber a bullet" - would you please have a video? Is the gun pristine? Is this for one gun or for all your guns? Issue with reload as mentioned above "issues with cable reels" - https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175166 ; scheduled for a fix "Vehicles" - we would really need more info. Could you please create a ticket and mention server, times and as much info as you can? "respawn" - please check comments in this ticket: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175020 If you relate to this Nothing has changed from 1.22 to 1.22.1. What do you mean by 8 pellets, as in shotgun? Would you please have a video? Are you talking about mission files or data? If it is mission data, you can check diff directly on our github. Could you please create a ticket here? I know the devs are looking into few similar reports and they might need to ask you specific info. Thank you kindly
  7. PapaJedi

    Camonet and Barbwire

    For the admins and upgraders in BI, My wife and I always thought it would be cool if we could put camonets on the trucks. Turn that tan canvas into camo. Another thought was it would be cool if we could attach Barbwire to the front bumpers of vehicles. Adds damage to mowing down Infected. I searched for anything similar in topic. I apologize if I missed something in 300 plus pages.
  8. Hello Survivors! And welcome to The SURVIVOR WAR We're looking for active players on DayZ willing to join a PvP focused server with the intention to cause some chaos! In addition to the PvP players, we have factions and groups for those PvE/RP players who want to find their niche in a solid community that grows with the players! With lore and an evolving story, we bring a little bit of something for almost everyone! some of our benefits Playstation - 42 slots (and growing!) HUB Areas to resupply Kits in Backpacks Tickets for server suggestions natural gameplay loop Full Vehicles Capture the flag areas for resources 24/7 PvP/Raiding on any and all players/factions Centralized Trader Loot table based on a realistic point of view A storyline for the PvE players to enjoy and get into Factions and territory claims Dream of a better world while surviving in the Apocalypse! Players can engage other factions in open warfare and PvP, and even "hire" or request the services of other groups to help them out if they want to! With endless options to carve out your own DayZ story, and many reasons to return to the server, We look forward to seeing you in our sights! If you think you can handle it, join the link below to check out the discord, or type in "APOCALYPSE SURVIVAL RP - Full cars/Loot+/PvP - https://discord.gg/At5Ec2CsyR" to find it under the community tab! https://discord.gg/At5Ec2CsyR - Discord Link See you on the battlefield survivors; Welcome to the War for Chernarus; where survival all depends on you Veni, Vidi, Vici The Server is currently looking for any players interested in starting up military/bandit factions and also players interested in taking over a community settlement for the RP! Join the discord or DM me on discord: Fateofthevalkyri#9820
  9. Flamie-d93486b39e7a88cb

    Stable Update 1.22

    Well, I am able to reload by hitting R... unfortunately the weapon will not chamber a bullet after the first mag runs out so I cant shoot with a full mag. But I can swap out full clips all day. It was better before the "patch"... at least players had a work around. Now they just have paper weights that look like guns. We also have issues with cable reels coming unplugged from the power source when you plug them into what you want powered since the 1.22 update. Vehicles are also randomly disappearing since the 1.22 update. Oh, if anyone dies, they have to exit the game to respawn. If they opt to hit respawn they just get a black screen that persists until their game crashes since the 1.22 update.
  10. Hello just posting our new server here for exposure we just launched 9/4/2023 hope to see everyone in game! New community with active admins, server still under development and welcome all to join and try us out. IP Server Name HiddenRealmZ PvPE|Traders|EDO Weapons|RFFS Heliz| Map Deer Isle Mods - DeerIsle CF Dabs Framework VPPAdminTools DayZ-Expansion-Bundle Code Lock MMG Base Storage MMG - Mightys Military Gear Retexture PACK Vanilla Welliton RedFalcon Flight System Heliz Admirals Parachute Mod DNA Keycards Unknown Ghillie Mod BuilderItems Ear-Plugs FlipTransport Breachingcharge DayZ-Expansion-Core DayZ-Expansion DayZ-Expansion-Name-Tags DayZ-Expansion-Book CannabisPlus AmmunitionExpansion DayZ-Expansion-Licensed DayZ-Expansion-Animations DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles BaseBuildingPlus NoVehicleDamage TraderPlus BetterVendingMachines KOTH Instant Flag EDO_WEAPONS DayZ-Expansion-Groups DayZ-Expansion-Navigation MuchStuffPack BasicSpawnSelect Bed-Respawning DrugsPLUS BuildAnywhere_v3 Unlimited Stamina DayZ Editor Loader Equipment System Modular Vest System Teddy Clothings Stack bullets to 100 Advanced Weapon Scopes DBN_FordRaptor_Scorpio Custom Emblem Tags
  11. rlv003

    Xecution [PC]

    Server IP: Discord https://discord.gg/D9y7S2HaXa Description: We are a brand-new community that has a dedicated staff and looking for people to grow the community. We currently have one server that is a PVP server on Chernarus. A PVE server on Deer Isle is currently be created and will be available to join soon. Our goal is to have a PVP server, PVE server, and an event server. Highlights PVP Server Custom Areas Leaderboard and Killfeed Weekend Raiding Only Raiding Tools Rag Vehicles and RFFS Helicopters Group System Black Market Virtual Garages ATM/Banking Mods BBP, Breaching Charges, RAG Base Items, RAG Vehicles, Expansion Market, RFFS, EDO Weapons, Paragon Gear and Armor, DNA Keycards, Care Packages, and more
  12. Server: Damn Nation US Server (Dallas) https://discord.gg/yZDBMhacKv 40 slots Restarts are every 6 hours at 10 and 4 CST. Day/Night cycle: 3 hour days, 45 min nights (ish) Dark nights No personal light Vanilla Base Building 1PP Vehicle3PP Survivor Animations Blackouts Scorpion InventoryInCar WhetStonePlus Useful Suppressors Better Medical Pouch GasMasksOnly Earplugs CarCover BuildAnywhere VPPAdminTools CF Other servers advertise that they are "refreshing", only to offer the same stale gameplay.....tons of mods, boosted loot, traders, safe zones, etc. Damn Nation is a lightly modded server that focuses on core gameplay. The mods installed were chosen because of either realistic IRL dynamics or offering more convenience. Suppressors last longer than only one mag dump. Medical pouches have the ability to carry more while taking up less space in your inventory. Toxic zones only require a gas mask rather than having to not only FIND, but tote around an entire NBC suit, using up precious inventory space. With all these conveniences, however, come a little give and take. Suppressors spawns are lowered, along with gas masks and filters. Higher tier weapons and gear are made more available through dynamic spawns rather than just in toxic zones. Again, however, spawns are lowered. Vehicle spawns have been lowered, but all will spawn with 4 wheels, and there is a decent chance that you could possibly drive one away (after filling the radiator if it spawns with one). Persistence times have been changed as well. Buried stashes will last 2 weeks. All improvised shelters will now last 1 month as opposed to the vanilla 7 days. Unattended, uncovered vehicles will now hang around 2 weeks, so no worries about your vehicle despawning while you loot a town. There are some rules pertaining to base building and raiding, but other than that, you are free to do whatever you want. If you like the vanilla feel with a little bit of flavor, then this is the server for you. RP is encouraged but not required.
  13. Den Of Sin-CA-PC Join Discord - https://discord.gg/PE3yzdcXUz Den Of Sin Full PVP with the exception of a small PVE area in oceanville which becomes hostile on the weekend(Cannot Build in PVE area).Loot high tier guns and collectibles. Build a facility to grow and package illicit drugs to Sell at the Blackmarket! Map:DeerIsle Mods: Groups up Air drops Snafu weapons MMG clothing Windstrides clothing pack RFFS Helis Rag Vehicles Trader Plus Drugs Plus Cannabis Plus Respawn/Bedspawn Breaching Charge and more... Come on over check us out!
  14. New UK and Ireland based community CONSOLE server Only live a week. 32 Slots All vehicles, Loot + (Via Scalespeeder), Base Building, Weekend Raiding, PVP. Game Version 1.22 Active Admin Bunkers PVP & PVE Leaderboard in operation Only 2 x Custom Admin Bases. All other bases are vanilla. We're running Free for All event arenas on Wednesdays and Saturdays, with custom spawns Other upcoming events: Fight Night Demolition Derby Raid the Admin New and Experienced players welcome. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/a3CxVTZd *All Discord players are required to bind their gamertag and chat is a safe zone, so no explicit content.
  15. TastyHamSandwich-b8ddb465c3081fd3

    Fyrex Jungle Lux AU|FRESH WIPE|1PPVP|Vanilla++

    🌴 Welcome to Fyrex Jungle Lux AU! 🌿 🌐 Server Info: Fresh Wipe 🆕 1PPVP 🔫 Vanilla++ 🍃 NO TRADERS! 🌟 Experience the Adventure: Embark on the ultimate survival journey in the captivating Jungle Lux map! 🌄 Immerse yourself in lush jungles, towering waterfalls, and mysterious ruins as you fight for survival against exotic wildlife and hidden dangers. 🐍🌺 🛠️ Features: Jungle Lux Map: Explore a challenging environment teeming with life and perils. Main Mod Expansion: Discover new weapons, gear, and vehicles for an unparalleled DayZ experience. Vanilla++ Gameplay: Striking the perfect balance between vanilla and enhancements. Additional vehicles, weapons, gear, and quality of life improvements await you. ⚙️🔧 Most importantly, NO TRADERS! Realistic Survival: Manage hunger, thirst, and health while braving environmental and player threats. Form alliances or go solo – the choice is yours. Base Building: Construct your sanctuary amidst the wilds. Fortify your base to safeguard your hard-earned supplies and loot. 🏡🔒 Active Community: Our friendly mods ensure a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere for all survivors. Join our thriving community now! 👥🌐 🌐 Server Details: Server IP: Discord: discord.gg/EkZkMpnwRW Website: fyrexgaming.com 🔥 Join Us and Conquer the Jungle! 🌴🌍🔥
  16. TastyHamSandwich-b8ddb465c3081fd3

    Tips on getting new players to join server

    I launched a server a few months ago and I'm struggling to gain players, just wondering if anyone has any tips? I have been advertising, trying to run events, engaging in discords and forums but the max players I get is like 5 or 6 once a month then nothing. I won't post the server name here as that's against the forums rules but here are some features/ details of the mods and general setup. Overall I have tried to balance the server to not be heavily modded so it sticks to the core DayZ experience, the main mod is Expansion. There are quests, traders which need reputation to unlock items, airdrops, vehicles, helis and other features Expansion offers. Map : Lux Gameplay: 1PPVP Mods: Expansion, MMG, Dog tags, fliptransport, cheytac, flip transport, skybox overhaul, vehicle3PP Any tips are appreciated thanks 🙂
  17. Orbita Channel RP

    Server construction – [CE][SpawnRandomLoot]

    Good day! I added my event to the map, but some objects will not spawn due to one StorageCategory problem. !!! (child) Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1 spawns loot or dispatch but can not be saved because of non-saveable StorageCategory. I don't understand how to solve it. Tell me, please, what can be done in such a situation? Thanks! cfgeconomycore.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <economycore> <classes> <rootclass name="DefaultWeapon" /> <!-- weapons --> <rootclass name="DefaultMagazine" /> <!-- magazines --> <rootclass name="Inventory_Base" /> <!-- inventory items --> <rootclass name="HouseNoDestruct" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- houses, wrecks --> <rootclass name="SurvivorBase" act="character" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- player characters --> <rootclass name="DZ_LightAI" act="character" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- infected, animals --> <rootclass name="CarScript" act="car" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- cars (sedan, hatchback, transitBus, V3S, ...) --> </classes> <defaults> <default name="dyn_radius" value="30" /> <default name="dyn_smin" value="0" /> <default name="dyn_smax" value="0" /> <default name="dyn_dmin" value="1" /> <default name="dyn_dmax" value="5" /> <default name="log_ce_loop" value="false"/> <default name="log_ce_dynamicevent" value="false"/> <default name="log_ce_vehicle" value="false"/> <default name="log_ce_lootspawn" value="false"/> <default name="log_ce_lootcleanup" value="false"/> <default name="log_ce_lootrespawn" value="false"/> <default name="log_ce_statistics" value="false"/> <default name="log_ce_zombie" value="false"/> <default name="log_storageinfo" value="false"/> <default name="log_hivewarning" value="true"/> <default name="log_missionfilewarning" value="true"/> <default name="save_events_startup" value="true"/> <default name="save_types_startup" value="true"/> </defaults> <ce folder="MyEvents"> <file name="MyEvents.xml" type="events" /> <file name="MySpawnabletypes.xml" type="spawnabletypes" /> </ce> <ce folder="MyTypes"> <file name="MyTypes.xml" type="types" /> </ce> </economycore> MyTypes.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <types> <!-- Events Tent --> <type name="Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_4"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_5"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="StaticObj_Decon_HazmatBag_01_F"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="bldr_prop_FireplaceIndoor"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="StaticObj_Misc_Antenna"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_1"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_2"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Wreck_Uaz"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="StaticObj_ammoboxes_big"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="StaticObj_ammoboxes_stacked"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="bldr_tent_stretcher"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="bldr_tent_pallets"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_3"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="StaticObj_Mil_CamoNet_Side_east"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="StaticObj_Furniture_box_c_multi"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="StaticObj_Furniture_box_c"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Mil_Tent_Big3"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="bldr_tent_boxwooden"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="bldr_tent_gunrack"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="bldr_tent_ltable"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>14400</lifetime> 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</event> </events> cfgeventspawns.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <eventposdef> Vanilla Spawns <!-- StaticTent --> <event name="StaticTent"> <zone smin="0" smax="0" dmin="1" dmax="2" r="20" /> <pos x="11427.9" z="11362.8" a="0" y="333.694" group="Klen"/> <pos x="7579.44" z="6804.61" a="0" y="311.751" group="Nadejdino"/> <pos x="6900.12" z="11433.9" a="0" y="410.169" group="Devil_Castle"/> <pos x="12011.8" z="14803.4" a="0" y="192.954" group="Sokol"/> <pos x="10778.8" z="12853.1" a="0" y="336.745" group="Ostrii_krasnostav"/> <pos x="10249.4" z="12042.5" a="0" y="370.791" group="Black_gora_krasnostav"/> <pos x="13388.5" z="11917.8" a="0" y="74.1281" group="Black_Lake"/> <pos x="14386.9" z="14686.6" a="0" y="116.881" group="Belay_polyana"/> <pos x="12711.8" z="15125.4" a="0" y="62.297" group="Dobroe"/> <pos x="13630.9" z="14055" a="0" y="19.1982" group="Turovo"/> <pos x="12392" z="12406.8" a="0" y="145.594" group="Krasnostav_airfield"/> <pos x="12104" z="13609.2" a="0" y="98.1246" group="Chernaya_polyana"/> <pos x="13344.8" z="12890.1" a="0" y="99.8713" group="Olsha"/> <pos x="11489.2" z="7514.61" a="0" y="222.739" group="Orlovets_construction_site"/> <pos x="12247.1" z="11181.4" a="0" y="139.787" group="Helm"/> <pos x="10752.3" z="10800" a="0" y="146.528" group="Refueling_between_dubrovka_and_Krasnostav"/> <pos x="7895.35" z="9759.24" a="0" y="446.713" group="North_of_the_Altar"/> <pos x="9459.81" z="8820.24" a="0" y="304.421" group="Gorka"/> <pos x="10013.8" z="10368.1" a="0" y="152.499" group="Vyshnaya_Dubrovka"/> <pos x="10649.5" z="7963.7" a="0" y="210.715" group="Polayna"/> <pos x="11231.8" z="6516.52" a="0" y="76.0923" group="Dolina"/> <pos x="8400.55" z="5960.43" a="0" y="293.036" group="Kumyrna"/> <pos x="8537.61" z="8204.12" a="0" y="338.414" group="South_of_the_Altar"/> <pos x="9474.06" z="6714.96" a="0" y="203.881" group="Shakhovka"/> <pos x="8792.07" z="11614.9" a="0" y="222.405" group="Gvozdno"/> <pos x="11178.8" z="4406.13" a="0" y="269.713" group="Coast_Rog"/> <pos x="7673.39" z="3975.91" a="0" y="55.2058" group="Coast_Hoof"/> <pos x="8944.98" z="4378.84" a="0" y="342.952" group="Coast_Pusta_High_Stone"/> <pos x="12781.8" z="4965.57" a="0" y="78.4498" group="Coast_Tulga_Lake"/> <pos x="2645.65" z="2232.35" a="0" y="119.76" group="Coast_Ostrog_Mayak"/> <pos x="11618" z="3159.5" a="0" y="2.98281" group="Coast_Otmel"/> <pos x="8753.97" z="2954.3" a="0" y="188.68" group="Coast_Kozlov_Peak"/> <pos x="10558.2" z="3058.4" a="0" y="179.195" group="Coast_Electro_Dobriy"/> <pos x="6589.22" z="3417.45" a="0" y="82.0605" group="Coast_Cherno_Visota"/> <pos x="6680.61" z="5868.85" a="0" y="333.082" group="Vishnoe"/> <pos x="9538.87" z="5989.49" a="0" y="316.015" group="Oreshka_Pass_crossroads"/> <pos x="12171.5" z="5710.03" a="0" y="134.95" group="Msta_East_Road"/> <pos x="10844.6" z="5654.16" a="0" y="341.995" group="Empty_Ridge_Staroe"/> <pos x="8604.71" z="6885.56" a="0" y="329.002" group="Guglovo_North"/> <pos x="12103.9" z="8442.62" a="0" y="73.8123" group="Berezino_south_road"/> <pos x="8360.86" z="10550" a="0" y="322.799" group="Romashka_South"/> <pos x="5522.56" z="7278.65" a="0" y="310.217" group="Stariy_Sobor_Southwest"/> <pos x="6473.12" z="4625.56" a="0" y="249.594" group="Nadezhdino_East_road"/> <pos x="3884.23" z="4213.91" a="0" y="315.384" group="Windy_Mountain_east_of_Bor"/> <pos x="4911.09" z="5066.2" a="0" y="378.271" group="Kustirka_South_Of_Pulkovo"/> <pos x="6521.18" z="8710.89" a="0" y="388.62" group="Dajbog_east_of_Kabanino"/> <pos x="7182.56" z="8305.63" a="0" y="331.213" group="The_intersection_north_of_the_New_Cathedral"/> <pos x="100.548" z="2137.57" a="0" y="127.007" group="Lower_left_corner_of_the_map"/> <pos x="1138.63" z="2543.06" a="0" y="5.02367" group="North_of_the_store_lower_left_corner_of_the_map"/> <pos x="3318.74" z="3938.31" a="0" y="190.265" group="Bor"/> <pos x="2862.11" z="4022.91" a="0" y="276.333" group="Bor_Antenna"/> <pos x="2768.2" z="2674.45" a="0" y="106.945" group="West_of_Komarovo"/> <pos x="744.396" z="4350" a="0" y="118.074" group="The_road_east_of_Polonino"/> <pos x="1144.54" z="4994.23" a="0" y="189.415" group="Antenna_east_of_Zelenogorsk"/> <pos x="1814.27" z="6207.9" a="0" y="336.931" group="Kikimora_height_east_of_Sosnovka"/> <pos x="3349.54" z="5299.79" a="0" y="299.507" group="Kurgan_height_west_of_Zelenogorsk"/> <pos x="1140.03" z="9987.28" a="0" y="348.154" group="Zabolote"/> <pos x="2262.17" z="9298.22" a="0" y="263.236" group="The_intersection_east_of_the_Krona"/> <pos x="1503.21" z="11106.4" a="0" y="291.7" group="Intersection_west_of_Vavilovo"/> <pos x="2271.11" z="12221.8" a="0" y="238.36" group="Intersection_west_of_Topolniki"/> <pos x="1454.18" z="11953.2" a="0" y="287.797" group="Sinestok"/> <pos x="7093.74" z="14573.2" a="0" y="359.925" group="Kamensk_quarry"/> <pos x="4561.98" z="15172" a="0" y="479.112" group="West_of_the_Old_Yar"/> <pos x="6490.25" z="14933.9" a="0" y="468.854" group="Krasnoe"/> <pos x="1351.97" z="8445.12" a="0" y="316.274" group="Crossroads_south_of_Bogatyrka"/> <pos x="3003.96" z="7498.04" a="0" y="342.893" group="Pustoshka_gas_station"/> <pos x="10235.7" z="4874.4" a="0" y="269.105" group="Height_south_of_the_Staroe"/> <pos x="12714.3" z="7489.69" a="0" y="154.781" group="Viselica_between_Solnechnoe_and_Nijnoe"/> <pos x="14903.4" z="13740" a="0" y="99.4124" group="Steep_cliffs_Berezhki"/> <pos x="15079.9" z="14221.9" a="0" y="155.925" group="North_of_Berezhkov"/> <pos x="9733.49" z="14796.5" a="0" y="260.557" group="Nagornoe"/> <pos x="9361.33" z="14009.1" a="0" y="123.069" group="Svergino"/> <pos x="10295" z="14166.4" a="0" y="58.1638" group="The_road_between_Svergino_and_Novodmitrovsky"/> <pos x="9710.08" z="13167.9" a="0" y="161.184" group="Bear_Meadows"/> <pos x="6308.95" z="12708.5" a="0" y="156.227" group="Ratnoe"/> <pos x="5678.03" z="14225.8" a="0" y="315.353" group="Skalka_north_of_Polesovo"/> <pos x="12589.1" z="6701.66" a="0" y="154.103" group="Solnechny_height_136"/> <pos x="3575.47" z="13908.7" a="0" y="236.192" group="North_of_Novaya_Petrovka"/> <pos x="1069.85" z="11027.7" a="0" y="366.969" group="Biathlon_Arena_East"/> <pos x="205.419" z="11249.8" a="0" y="473.898" group="Biathlon_Arena_West"/> <pos x="259.13" z="12523.4" a="0" y="384.29" group="North_of_the_height_of_St_Roman"/> <pos x="220.33" z="11796.5" a="0" y="542.495" group="Holy_Roman"/> <pos x="248.62" z="10414.8" a="0" y="437.256" group="House_in_the_forest_on_the_edge_of_the_map_height_437"/> <pos x="89.3774" z="9877.19" a="0" y="361.508" group="Northeast_of_the_Three_Crosses"/> <pos x="519.503" z="8974.34" a="0" y="235.645" group="Southeast_Of_the_Three_Crosses_height_232"/> <pos x="127.012" z="8013.54" a="0" y="324.559" group="North_of_Simurg_height_323"/> <pos x="101.743" z="5120.11" a="0" y="180.01" group="Southeast_Of_Zvir_380"/> <pos x="159.491" z="4096.05" a="0" y="152.154" group="Height_148"/> <pos x="8548.88" z="13344.6" a="0" y="123.113" group="Krasnaya_Zarya_quarry"/> <pos x="12066" z="11976.5" a="0" y="121.343" group="Krasnostav_south_of_the_airfield"/> <pos x="5259.21" z="6294.14" a="0" y="295.935" group="East_of_Pogorevka"/> </event> <event name="InfectedVillage" /> <event name="InfectedSolitude" /> <event name="InfectedArmy" /> <event name="InfectedCity" /> <event name="InfectedMedic" /> <event name="InfectedPolice" /> <event name="InfectedFirefighter" /> <event name="InfectedPrisoner" /> <event name="AnimalDeer" /> <event name="AnimalCow" /> <event name="AnimalSheep" /> <event name="AnimalRoeDeer" /> <event name="AnimalWolf" /> <event name="AnimalWildBoar" /> </eventposdef> cfgeventspawns.xml <!-- StaticTent --> <!--Vanilla groups--> <!--<pos x="11427.9" z="11362.8" a="0" y="333.694" group="Klen"/>--> <group name="Klen"> <child type="StaticObj_Misc_Antenna" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="0" z="0" y="0" a="297.002"/> <child type="Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1" deloot="0" lootmax="4" lootmin="4" x="7.59961" z="13.4004" y="-4.263" a="35.9988"/> <child type="Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_2" deloot="0" lootmax="4" lootmin="4" x="-4.30078" z="4.5" y="-2.41299" a="306.789"/> <child type="StaticObj_Wreck_Uaz_DE" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="12.5996" z="7.40039" y="-3.16599" a="35.9988"/> <child type="StaticObj_Decon_HazmatBag_01_F" spawnsecondary="false" x="14.7998" z="6.60059" a="0"/> <child type="StaticObj_Decon_HazmatBag_01_F" spawnsecondary="false" x="15.6992" z="6.7002" a="0"/> <child type="StaticObj_Decon_HazmatBag_01_F" spawnsecondary="false" x="12.6992" z="10" a="44.9988"/> <child type="StaticObj_Decon_HazmatBag_01_F" spawnsecondary="false" x="15.0996" z="8.40039" a="0"/> <child type="StaticObj_Decon_HazmatBag_01_F" spawnsecondary="false" x="12.0996" z="10.5" a="297.002"/> <child type="StaticObj_Decon_HazmatBag_01_F" spawnsecondary="false" x="13.2998" z="10.7002" a="0"/> <child type="bldr_tent_stretcher" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="4.39941" z="9.2002" y="-4.35999" a="0"/> <child type="bldr_tent_boxwooden" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="3.39941" z="10.7998" y="-4.23001" a="26.9993"/> <child type="bldr_tent_table" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="-6.60059" z="10.2998" y="-4.93701" a="315.001"/> <child type="bldr_tent_pallets" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="1.39941" z="13.4004" y="-4.263" a="26.9993"/> <child type="SmokePoint_3" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="12.1992" z="6.7998" y="-3.32101" a="0"/> <child type="bldr_prop_FireplaceIndoor" deloot="0" lootmax="0" lootmin="0" x="2.39941" z="5.7998" y="-4.35999" a="0"/> </group> <!--Another 89 similar--> </eventgroupdef> serverconsole.log 21:37:17 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.219, DayZ 1.21.156300) 21:37:18 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,27016,3,1.21.156300) 21:37:18 Роли назначены. 21:37:18 Чтение задания... 21:38:05 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE 21:38:05 [StorageDirs] :: Selected storage directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\ 21:38:05 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ... 21:38:05 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 18 defaults, 0 updaters... 21:38:34 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 510 classes setuped... 21:38:34 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 98 classes setuped... 21:38:54 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded... 21:38:54 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 20069 config classes registered, 0 sub-counters... 21:38:54 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ... 21:38:54 [CE][IgnoreList] "cfgignorelist.xml" :: loaded 6 types 21:38:55 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 413 prototypes 21:38:55 799 containers, 10136 points 21:38:55 79 dispatches, 252 proxies 21:38:55 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 3 groups have no points... 21:38:55 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Wreck_sed02_aban2_red_DE... 21:38:55 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes 21:38:55 55 containers, 232 points 21:38:55 0 dispatches, 0 proxies 21:38:55 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9... 21:38:56 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11705 groups, groups failed: 0, largest group range: 34.2 21:38:56 [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: loaded 0 groups, groups failed: 0, largest group range: 34.2 21:38:59 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files... 21:39:00 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances 21:39:00 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances 21:39:01 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances 21:39:01 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances 21:39:01 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster04", 9 types, 17347 instances 21:39:01 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.bin" 21:39:01 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.001" 21:39:01 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.002" 21:39:01 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\types.bin". 21:39:04 !!! [CE][offlineDB] :: No Shutdown message present. 21:39:04 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 48 dynamic events 239 total types. 21:39:04 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 52 dynamic events 247 total types. 21:39:06 [CE][DE][SPAWNS] :: Total positions: 1344 21:39:06 [CE][DE][GROUPS] :: Total eventgroups defined: 174, Eventgroups in use: 174 21:39:06 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.bin" 21:39:06 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.001" 21:39:06 [CE][Storage] ver:21 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.002" 21:39:06 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.bin". 21:39:06 [CE][DynamicEvent] Load Events:[52] Primary spawners: 52 Secondary spawners: 6 21:39:07 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin" 21:39:07 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.001" 21:39:07 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.002" 21:39:07 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin" 917 items. 21:39:09 917 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:09 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin" 21:39:09 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.001" 21:39:09 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.002" 21:39:09 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin" 1686 items. 21:39:13 1686 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:13 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.bin" 21:39:13 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.001" 21:39:13 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.002" 21:39:13 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.bin" 2355 items. 21:39:18 2355 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:18 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.bin" 21:39:18 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.001" 21:39:18 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.002" 21:39:18 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.bin" 2148 items. 21:39:23 2148 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.bin" 21:39:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.001" 21:39:23 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.002" 21:39:23 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.bin" 1281 items. 21:39:26 1281 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin" 21:39:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.001" 21:39:26 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.002" 21:39:26 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin" 2090 items. 21:39:31 2090 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:31 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.bin" 21:39:31 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.001" 21:39:31 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.002" 21:39:31 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.bin" 1494 items. 21:39:36 1494 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:36 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.bin" 21:39:36 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.001" 21:39:36 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.002" 21:39:36 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.bin" 1471 items. 21:39:40 1471 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:40 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin" 21:39:40 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.001" 21:39:40 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.002" 21:39:40 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin" 2169 items. 21:39:47 2169 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:47 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.bin" 21:39:47 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.001" 21:39:47 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.002" 21:39:47 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.bin" 2681 items. 21:39:56 2681 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:39:56 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin" 21:39:56 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.001" 21:39:56 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.002" 21:39:56 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin" 1747 items. 21:40:02 1747 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:40:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.bin" 21:40:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.001" 21:40:02 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.002" 21:40:02 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.bin" 173 items. 21:40:03 173 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:40:03 [CE][Storage] ver:26 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\building.bin" 21:40:03 [CE][Storage] ver:26 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\building.001" 21:40:04 [CE][Storage] ver:26 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\building.002" 21:40:04 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\building.bin" 0 items. 21:40:04 0 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:40:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5512, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin" 21:40:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5508, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.001" 21:40:04 [CE][Storage] ver:25 stamp:5509, valid:yes, name:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.002" 21:40:04 [CE][Storage] Restoring file "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZServer\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin" 376 items. 21:40:10 376 items loaded. (0 failed) 21:40:10 [CE][Hive] :: Storage load took:63.83 seconds, recovery stamp:5512 21:40:10 entity: 24002, building: 0 21:40:10 no lifetime: 141 21:40:10 pathgraph's: 625 21:40:10 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ... 21:40:11 [CE][InitializeMap] :: initialized: 0 21:40:11 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ... 21:40:17 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:0, Nominal:22934, Total in Map: 20482 at 0 (sec) 21:40:17 tests:0, repeats:0 fails:0, overtime:0 21:40:17 [CE][DynEvent] :: 52 types 21:40:17 [00] AmbientHen 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [01] AnimalBear 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [02] AnimalCow 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [03] AnimalDeer 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [04] AnimalGoat 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [05] AnimalPig 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [06] AnimalRoeDeer 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [07] AnimalSheep 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [08] AnimalWildBoar 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [09] AnimalWolf 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [10] InfectedArmy 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [11] InfectedArmyHard 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [12] InfectedCity 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [13] InfectedCityTier1 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [14] InfectedFirefighter 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [15] InfectedIndustrial 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [16] InfectedMedic 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [17] InfectedNBC 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [18] InfectedNBCYellow 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [19] InfectedPolice 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [20] InfectedPoliceHard 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [21] InfectedPrisoner 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [22] InfectedReligious 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [23] InfectedSanta 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [24] InfectedSolitude 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [25] InfectedVillage 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [26] InfectedVillageTier1 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [27] ItemPlanks 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [28] Loot 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2 21:40:17 [29] StaticContaminatedArea 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Static", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [30] StaticHeliCrash 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Static", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [31] StaticMilitaryConvoy 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Static", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [32] StaticPoliceCar 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Static", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [33] StaticPoliceSituation 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Static", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [34] StaticTrain 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Static", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [35] TrajectoryApple 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [36] TrajectoryConiferous 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [37] TrajectoryDeciduous 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [38] TrajectoryHumus 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [39] TrajectoryPear 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [40] TrajectoryPlum 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [41] TrajectoryStones 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [42] VehicleCivilianSedan 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [43] VehicleHatchback02 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [44] VehicleOffroad02 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [45] VehicleOffroadHatchback 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [46] VehicleSedan02 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [47] VehicleTruck01 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [48] StaticTent 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Static", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 Secondary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [49] VehicleVAZ2109 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [50] VehicleVAZ2107 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [51] VehicleYamaha 21:40:17 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1 21:40:17 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done. 21:40:17 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished. 21:40:19 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed 21:43:42 [PARMA]222Orbita использует измененный файл данных 21:43:42 [Login]: Adding player [PARMA]222Orbita (163615247) to login queue at position 0 21:43:42 [LoginMachine]: Add player [PARMA]222Orbita (163615247 21:43:42 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid ) Entering AuthPlayerLoginState 21:43:44 BattlEye Server: Player #0 [PARMA]222Orbita ( connected 21:43:44 Игрок [PARMA]222Orbita соединяется. 21:43:44 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid ) Entering WaitAuthPlayerLoginState 21:43:44 BattlEye Server: Connected to BE Master 21:43:44 [IdleMode] Leaving OUT 21:43:47 BattlEye Server: Player #0 [PARMA]222Orbita - BE GUID: 3b7896f49a3f14fad551745ae8b4210a 21:43:48 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (3b7896f49a3f14fad551745ae8b4210a) of player #0 [PARMA]222Orbita 21:43:48 Игрок [PARMA]222Orbita присоединился (id=HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=). 21:43:48 Player "[PARMA]222Orbita" is connected (steamID=76561198029625366) 21:43:48 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid ) Entering WaitPlayerAssignedLoginState 21:43:59 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) Entering DBGetLoginTimeLoginState 21:43:59 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) Entering DBWaitLoginTimeLoginState 21:44:04 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) Entering DBGetCharacterLoginState 21:44:04 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) Entering CreateNetObjectsLoginState 21:44:04 Player [PARMA]222Orbita dpid=163615247 at pos (10221.4, 364.9, 12022.6) 21:44:04 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) Entering PreloadCamLoginState 21:44:04 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) Entering WaitPreloadCamLoginState 21:44:11 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:44:12 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] causing search overtime: "RUSMP40" 21:44:20 [StateMachine]: Player [PARMA]222Orbita (dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) Entering GetLoadedCharLoginState 21:45:04 <LOAD EXISTING CHAR>: charID 1 playerID 1 dpnid 163615247 uid HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M= 21:45:33 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] causing search overtime: "RUSRApantsEMP" 21:45:36 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] causing search overtime: "JebsGuns_MBR_Gold" 21:45:37 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:45:38 [CE][VehicleRespawner] (PRIContaminatedArea) :: Initial random enabled for "StaticContaminatedArea" - Chosen nominal: 2 21:46:22 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:46:25 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] causing search overtime: "RUStype99" 21:46:25 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] causing search overtime: "JebsGuns_MBR_Gold" 21:47:01 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] causing search overtime: "M4_T3NRDSOptic" 21:47:03 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [9] causing search overtime: "JebsGuns_MBR_Gold" 21:47:04 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [10] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:47:05 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticTent) :: Type: Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1, lootmin: 2, lootmax: 3, wanted: 2, deloot: 0, containermaxsum: 4 21:47:05 !!! (child) Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1 spawns loot or dispatch but can not be saved because of non-saveable StorageCategory. 21:47:05 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticTent) :: Type: Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_5, lootmin: 2, lootmax: 3, wanted: 2, deloot: 0, containermaxsum: 4 21:47:05 !!! (child) Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_5 spawns loot or dispatch but can not be saved because of non-saveable StorageCategory. 21:47:05 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticTent) :: Type: Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1, lootmin: 4, lootmax: 4, wanted: 4, deloot: 0, containermaxsum: 4 21:47:05 !!! (child) Land_Mil_Tent_Big1_1 spawns loot or dispatch but can not be saved because of non-saveable StorageCategory. 21:47:05 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticTent) :: Type: Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_4, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 4, wanted: 3, deloot: 0, containermaxsum: 4 21:47:05 !!! (child) Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_4 spawns loot or dispatch but can not be saved because of non-saveable StorageCategory. 21:47:05 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticTent) :: Type: Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_5, lootmin: 3, lootmax: 4, wanted: 3, deloot: 0, containermaxsum: 4 21:47:05 !!! (child) Land_Mil_Tent_Big2_5 spawns loot or dispatch but can not be saved because of non-saveable StorageCategory. 21:47:05 [CE][SpawnRandomLoot] (StaticTent) :: Type: Land_Wreck_offroad02_aban2_DE, lootmin: 1, lootmax: 3, wanted: 1, deloot: 0, containermaxsum: 3 21:47:41 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [11] causing search overtime: "M4_T3NRDSOptic" 21:47:42 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [12] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:47:47 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] causing search overtime: "JebsGuns_MBR_Gold" 21:47:49 [CE][VehicleRespawner] (PRIContaminatedArea) :: Initial random enabled for "StaticContaminatedArea" - Chosen nominal: 1 21:48:17 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [14] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:48:20 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSFSBpantsCHS" 21:48:56 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [15] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:49:29 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [16] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:49:31 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [17] causing search overtime: "Rev_HoneyBadger_GreenCamo" 21:49:34 [CE][VehicleRespawner] (PRIContaminatedArea) :: Initial random enabled for "StaticContaminatedArea" - Chosen nominal: 1 21:50:06 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [18] causing search overtime: "M79" 21:50:06 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [1] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSvestShturm_EMP" 21:50:06 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [19] causing search overtime: "RUSvestShturm_EMP" 21:50:07 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [2] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSSAPants_PogonVest" 21:50:07 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [3] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSSAPants_PogonVest" 21:50:15 [Disconnect]: Start script disconnect 163615247 (dbCharacterId 1 dbPlayerId 1) logoutTime 5 21:50:18 [Disconnect]: Client 163615247 disconnecting 21:50:18 [Disconnect]: Client 163615247 early disconnect 21:50:18 [Disconnect]: Start script disconnect 163615247 (dbCharacterId 1 dbPlayerId 1) logoutTime 5 21:50:20 [Disconnect]: Finish script disconnect 163615247 (HPvLyHit5TMLVjRrRcXBRk86wvpcAAMTfcf2acgtk7M=) 21:50:20 [Disconnect]: DisconnectPlayerFinish 163615247 21:50:20 [Disconnect]: Remove player info 163615247 21:50:20 [Disconnect]: Player destroy 163615247 21:50:20 Игрок [PARMA]222Orbita отсоединился. 21:50:20 BattlEye Server: Player #0 [PARMA]222Orbita disconnected 21:50:34 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 4477.710449, 3911.549316 from Land_Shed_M3 21:50:34 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [4] is hard to place, performance drops: "GorkaPants_PautRev" 21:50:35 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [5] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSsniperUSSR_pants" 21:50:35 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [6] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSsniperUSSR_pants" 21:50:35 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [7] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSvestAlfa_black" 21:51:02 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 12265.958008, 9177.260742 from Land_Shed_W1 21:51:30 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [8] is hard to place, performance drops: "RUSpantsOVS_in_Boots" 21:51:32 [CE][VehicleRespawner] (PRIContaminatedArea) :: Initial random enabled for "StaticContaminatedArea" - Chosen nominal: 3 21:51:40 [IdleMode] Entering IN - save processed
  18. WELCOME TO GangZ Connection Info: IP: Port: 2302 Our server introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbNDjd0CGfQ Mid-High Grind. No running around with tappers, you really have to earn it. Heavy modded and balanced for PvP. Wipe every 6-8 weeks Unique currency and deep economy system with many layers to progress so PVErs have a lot to do too. Maximum upgrades on server performance, based in EU and running smoothly with no interruptions. You can play from SEA or US with little to no lag even when operating vehicles and helicopters. Dynamic sleeping bags with different cooldown timers. Dynamic spawn locations. No more playing running simulator when your bed is on cooldown so you can get right back in the action Our own unique toxic zones providing hardcore and rewarding experience. Over 12 remastered locations and custom areas with more on the way and an actual lore KOTH events, Rob ATM, Keycard rooms & Airdrops Dedicated gfx modder for guns and gear Active, mature staff available 24/7 and a growing player base. About us: We’re a bunch of Dayz veterans with over 50000 hours combined since the early, buggy days of the game. We love Dayz and the modding community. These days we don’t play much anymore due to having work and families, but rather we take great enjoyment in creating the perfect dayz server for those who play on GangZ. Have you ever played on a server and wish it had what some other servers offer? So have we! So We take inspirations from all the other dayz servers we have played over the years and incorporate the best features they have into GangZ. This is truly a server created by players, for players. Check out ⁠ to see what we have to offer. We strive to give you the best dayz experience here and that thinking extends to our management team as well. Our admins are thoroughly chosen, mature and level-headed without the god complexes and the need for power trips. We recognize the trend in which admin abuse is such a huge problem in community servers and we’ve always hated that with a passion. We want to rise above that and we will take all your reports seriously, that includes reviewing everything carefully before issuing any bans so you won’t lose your hard work progress over something trivial. We, however, Do Not tolerate cheating, using hacks and/or exploits. If you’re caught using any cheats, you will be banned if our evidence supports such violations of server rules -Admins aren’t allowed to play on the server to ensure the integrity of the server, but we will monitor things in game actively.
  19. steam-76561198044619570

    Welcome to Vendetta DayZ

    Welcome to Vendetta Dayz. For all of you who loved the ArmaII DayZ mod, We Are Back! FallenNationGaming (FNG) under a New Regime now VENDETTA DayZ. If you remember us and our 6 servers you might also remember the thrill and action we had going on our servers. make no misstake that it will the same feeling all over but now for the first time 12 years later in Standalone. Come on and get the grind going! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We're a group of seasoned veterans who'd are to bring back the old DayZ Gameplay/Communuity. This server will bring you what the others cannot, a feel of secure gameplay, Active admins and rules that ensures all players gaming experience to be at the uttermost top level. All staff are there to make sure rules are enforced and bugs are not an impairment to your experience. Vendetta is a PVP Focused server with few Modded places to explore and test your PVP Capabilities and Survival skills, such as The Bunker, Kamensk/Troitskoe Toxic Zone, A Upgraded Tisy, North West Airfield, and the modded version of Skalisty Island. These are some of the spots that differenciate from the other servers you might have played on before. In The Official Discord of Vendetta's DayZ servers, you'll find information regarding Events and Giveaways that will reward you handsomely in the form of high caliber weapons, Base Supplies, cash and more. Key Features on Vendettas DayZ: Enhanced Survival Mechanics: We've fine-tuned the survival mechanics to create a realistic and unforgiving world. You'll need to scavenge for food, water, and supplies, manage your health, and battle against hostile creatures and other players. Altough there are Safe Zone Traders present where you can buy food and other supplies to ensure your survival in Chernarus, Every decision you make could mean the difference between life and death. Expansive Map: Our server boasts a vast and meticulously crafted map, featuring diverse environments such as dense forests, desolate cities, and abandoned military bases. Explore every nook and cranny to uncover hidden treasures, valuable resources, and strategic vantage points. Thriving Community: Join our friendly and active community of like-minded survivors. Engage in player interactions, form alliances, or engage in epic battles for control of limited resources. Team up with others to increase your chances of survival or brave the harsh world alone, the choice is yours. Events and Quests: To keep things exciting, we regularly host events and quests that will challenge your skills and provide opportunities for great rewards. From thrilling PvP tournaments to cooperative missions against hordes of infected, there's always something happening on our server. Modded Experience: We have carefully selected and implemented a range of mods to enhance your DayZ experience. These mods add new weapons, vehicles, items, and gameplay mechanics to keep things fresh and exciting. Our server offers a unique twist on the vanilla DayZ gameplay while maintaining the core survival aspects. Active Administration: Our dedicated team of experienced admins is committed to ensuring a fair and enjoyable gaming environment. They actively monitor the server, address any issues promptly, and enforce server rules to provide a balanced and positive experience for all players. Regular Updates: We strive to provide the best DayZ experience possible by constantly updating our server with the latest patches, fixes, and improvements. We listen to player feedback and implement changes accordingly, ensuring a dynamic and evolving gameplay environment. Join our DayZ Survival Server today and immerse yourself in the brutal and thrilling world of post-apocalyptic survival. Can you endure the challenges, outsmart your enemies, and emerge as a true survivor? The choice is yours. Good luck! Whether you're a seasoned survivor or new to the harsh world of DayZ, Titans Vendetta DayZ Server offers an engaging and challenging experience that will push your survival instincts to the limit. Join us today and see if you have what it takes to survive in the unforgiving wastelands of Chernarus. Good luck, survivor! Discord: Active Admins that will make sure to respond to Tickets and Complaints to make sure everyone recieves a fair hearing in the discovery of unfair Gameplay, Bugs and all other impairments that might be experienced while playing. Bunker 2x Safezone Helitrader Blackmarket Events Airdrops KOTH'S Admin Hosted Events Keycards ToxicZone Wiped 20/8-23. Event 26/8-23 https://discord.gg/vendettadayz
  20. Join APEX DayZ server! New Server with active Admins. Are you looking for a balanced server that balances Vanilla and moded gameplay? You sure found one now! APEX only enhances the vanilla experience with: More guns (very rare AMW, RPG, LAW), Kar98, G36, M14 and few more. 5 more cars, lock your car with a key! Custom SafeZone Traders + 1 "spraycans" trader somewhere in the woods, but he doesnt sell spraycans, you will have to find him and make money off of him (he only buys one item). Custom economy system, pelts and animal meat is costly, go for a hunt! No ATM so you will have to build a base if you want to store money. Build vanilla bases with moded codelock! There is a party system so you can join with your friends to see each other positions. You can select your spawn position so you dont have to kill yourself 10 times to get the spawn you want. More loot spawns, did you know that in vanilla only one M4 spawns only in contaminated area? Now there will be more of them! Also more helicrash loot. Simple changes are 1st person only, AutoRun, Unlimited stamina, Custom loading screen, shorter join time 5s from 15s, no vehicle despawn, no base despawn. Simple rules, basically only no cheating and glitching Join New APEX DayZ server and bring your friends to a great DayZ advanture! APEX Vanilla+|1PP|PVP|Trader|Choose Spawn|Party|LOOT+|WIPED| Join New discord server: https://discord.com/invite/utcCnDRZ Mod list: CF, Dabs Framework, Community-Online-Tools, Code Lock, Unlimited Stamina, DayZ-Expansion-Core, DayZ-Expansion-Navigation, DayZ-Expansion-Book, DayZ-Expansion-Groups, DayZ-Expansion-Spawn-Selection, DayZ-Expansion-Animations, DayZ-Expansion-Weapons, DayZ-Expansion-Licensed, DayZ-Expansion-Vehicles, BuilderItems, SimpleAutorun, DayZ-Expansion-Market, DayZ-Expansion-Chat, Apex_Loading_Screen
  21. Fel's Playplace Two unique DayZ Community servers infused with limitless fun and you're invited to join! Fel's Playplace Chernarus IP: Fel's Playplace Deer Isle IP: Server Features: DayZ Expansion 3PP or 1PP Unique Custom-Made Areas Fully Customized Loot Economy Wandering Dark Horde Regular Airdrops with Fully Customized Loot Tables Extra-Dirty Infected, some that Break Doors & Throw Stones Rare Animals to Hunt and Fish to Catch Gravecrosses that hold player corpses through restarts Spawn Selection & Base Spawning with cooldown Longer Item Persistence & Extended Flagpole Timers Minimal Base Restrictions & Increased Raiding Times Fun Party Items like Colourful Lights and Music Players Fun Craftables like Potions, Honey, Weed, Beer & Pizza Long Days, Dark Nights, Player Sleep Mechanic, Changing Seasons Crops Take Longer to Grow and Persist Much Longer Ability to Repair Some Items to Pristine Earplugs, Autorun & Increased Carry Capacity Global Chat, Player List, Party System with Markers 3D Markers Off by Default, No Map without Map Item, No Map Markers without Pen Friendly, Helpful Community Test your mettle against stronger and more numerous infected, overpowered bears, and AI bots. Build your dream base with extra-large territory coverage and tons of building and decorating options. Fully customized loot economy boasts a huge variety of guns, clothing, items, and vehicles. Traders are limited and designed to encourage adventuring! Fun player activities include custom Quests, Keycard areas, Airdrops, Dark Horde, Treasure Hunts, Hunting and Fishing Tournaments, growing Weed (or veggies), baking Pizza, brewing Potions, Murder, Theft, and Raiding! Servers are updated diligently. Players are welcome to join our Discord for more server information and to contact admin. Admin does not play on the servers with admin tools installed! Chernarus Server Mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2762719532 Deer Isle Server Mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2994773881 Optional Discord: https://discord.gg/SgxC5K64Ff
  22. The Crucible Servers would like to invite you to join us in epic adventures. Either fight and survive the post-apocalyptic world of DayZ and Scum. You may also like to help us build and colonize planets to survive the vastness of space in Space Engineers. You might want a hardcore first-person shooter with 100 players then join our server for Hell Let loose. If you want a relaxing game and just want to build, we have a Satisfactory server. Maybe you’re looking for a PVE first person shooter to squad up with friends on Breakpoint and other game modes in our Insurgency Sandstorm server. We offer plenty of variety and games and either PVP or PVE action. We have Xbox servers, PC servers and Cross play games. Depending on what game you like you can come and join us. We have a dedicated Admin team to help players with questions and issues. We are a new server and looking to grow our community. Join the discord and come make some new memories with us! See below for highlighted items in our community servers. • Premium killfeed + bounty system for multiple games and servers. • Hight Loot environment for all DayZ and Scum servers • Full Cars and vehicles for DayZ • Custom areas on maps for DayZ • Offer whitelist servers for members on DayZ • Starter Kits and custom buildings and re-done areas for DayZ • Offer weekly and monthly events for Survival games • Offer Xbox and PC custom travers for DayZ servers • We offer a varity of Maps such as Namalsk, Deer Isle and Banov for DayZ • Fast pace and First-person shooter with Hell Let Loose • Offer Survival and Creative mode in Space Engineers Please join the Discord to find all the server names for each game and type. You can also find them by typing in The Crucible for any game listed. More games to come and Welcome to all! https://discord.gg/QT7VsnDb6w
  23. The Crucible Servers would like to invite you to join us in epic adventures. Either fight and survive the post-apocalyptic world of DayZ and Scum. You may also like to help us build and colonize planets to survive the vastness of space in Space Engineers. You might want a hardcore first-person shooter with 100 players then join our server for Hell Let loose. If you want a relaxing game and just want to build, we have a Satisfactory server. Maybe you’re looking for a PVE first person shooter to squad up with friends on Breakpoint and other game modes in our Insurgency Sandstorm server. We offer plenty of variety and games and either PVP or PVE action. We have Xbox servers, PC servers and Cross play games. Depending on what game you like you can come and join us. We have a dedicated Admin team to help players with questions and issues. We are a new server and looking to grow our community. Join the discord and come make some new memories with us! See below for highlighted items in our community servers. • Premium killfeed + bounty system for multiple games and servers. • Hight Loot environment for all DayZ and Scum servers • Full Cars and vehicles for DayZ • Custom areas on maps for DayZ • Offer whitelist servers for members on DayZ • Starter Kits and custom buildings and re-done areas for DayZ • Offer weekly and monthly events for Survival games • Offer Xbox and PC custom travers for DayZ servers • We offer a varity of Maps such as Namalsk, Deer Isle and Banov for DayZ • Fast pace and First-person shooter with Hell Let Loose • Offer Survival and Creative mode in Space Engineers Please join the Discord to find all the server names for each game and type. You can also find them by typing in The Crucible for any game listed. More games to come and Welcome to all! https://discord.gg/QT7VsnDb6w
  24. Sid Debian

    1.22 Experimental Release

    Say the same for Ikarus truck and Mauser C96 (aka Red 9), also for M240, PKM and many others firearms, vehicles and items that was before 0.69 and have none except "broken" models in 1.22 I guess answer for you would be: never and forget.
  25. PC Experimental 1.22 Update 3 - Version 1.22.156540 (Released on 17.08.2023) NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED DLC section in the main menu FIXED Some ambient sounds were missing in the amusement parks (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169241) It was possible to skip the staggering animation triggered by a heavy attack (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173573 - private) Unconscious players did not receive falling damage Crafted baseball bats did not have knockback When joining the game without a microphone plugged in, it was not possible hear other players' voice chat When joining the game without a microphone plugged in, proximity chat messages were not received Changing voice level would not function as intended if no microphone was enabled/connected It was not possible to arm improvised explosives on the first attempt (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166879) CHANGED Infected can spawn with head torches again Experimental: It was possible to escape from the melee arena map Reduced the amount of shock damage dealt by hands. Reduced the chance for infected to cause bleeding wounds All heavy attacks across the board now cause knockback MODDING Changed: Reverted a change to HumanInputController::CameraIsFreeLook to assure modding compatibility (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174454) KNOWN ISSUES Watchtower's roof widget blocks other wall widgets - will be fixed in the following update 1.23 Vehicles will keep driving after the driver is killed - will be fixed in the following update 1.23