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About RaicoonTM

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  1. RaicoonTM

    looking for a good server to play

    http://dayzmod.com/f...eature-listing/ Check it out, it's a great server with several options to play on. I play on it and it's great ;)
  2. Good server with NPC Bandits and regular players, alot of vehicles and so on. Like to play on it ;) Hope you guys keep up the good work. Regrads, Raicoon
  3. Hello there I got a very strange error while connecting on a server: Like the first 3 seconds on i got this "Kicked from Batleye: Script Restrict #41" Yesterday evening i played without any problems, don't know what to do. Maybe someone got the same problem or know what to do and can help. Thanks alot! Raicoon
  4. RaicoonTM

    LF Engine Part(s)

    Thanks a lot but i'm at work now so i have to wait till evening, by my luck it will be taken :D
  5. RaicoonTM

    LF Engine Part(s)

    I'm really unlucky in finding engin parts. If somebody had some that he dont need i would take it. Just pm me what you need of gear and we'll make the trade. Thanks! Raicoon
  6. RaicoonTM

    Traders and Traitors

    DimonRD +1 really nice guy and trusted trader, would trade every time with him again.
  7. I would like to re-name my character. Will it respawn like playing with a new character or will it accept the new name without any problems? Thanks for the help. Raicoon
  8. Hi guys, i'm looking for a M4 holo and a M16 ACOG. Can offer: Ghillies, Rangefinders and NV Googles.
  9. RaicoonTM

    Traders and Traitors

    StroupBSLayen, nice guy, fast and good trader! +1 for the safe trade!
  10. Low on blood? Broken leegs? Thirsty or/and hungry? Contact me, i'm going to get you! I really want to become kind of a Medic and raise my Humanity more up!
  11. Looking for the M24 and SVD Camo for trade. Can offer - NVG's - Rangefinders - Ghillies - AS50 w/ nato or M107 mags - Dmr w/ mags - M4A1 w/ mags - Mk 40 w/mags If you are want to trade write down what you would need from the stuff above. LG Raicoon
  12. Offering a Ghillie and NV Goggles.
  13. RaicoonTM

    [Trade] NVG and Ghillie is whatt im after

    i can offer you a ghillie. pm me if you're interessted.
  14. Hey there, well, my M4 SD glitched out of my Bagpack, so i would offer you NVG's and a GPS maybee for a M4 SD and 3-4 Mags of STANAG S.
  15. Can Offer an AS50 + 3 M107 Mags and NVG's.