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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    Tighter inventory (w/ picture)

    I think it could work. Although I don't like where vanity equipped items are shown (glasses and stuff) I think this a step in the right direction perhaps it could be trimmed down a bit? Maybe I'll make a concept if get some spare time.
  2. Jesus no. Mods really ruined the original mod. At first there were good ones like DayZero, but then it just became PVP fest with with zombies thrown thanks to mods that spawn massive amounts of weapons. No thanks.
  3. colekern

    DayZ is dead to me..

    I personally think that Dean won't be needed then. He's done a good job pushing the game in areas that are important, specifically netcode, but he's a risk-taker, and that only has so much value down the line. Besides, remember that Dean said it wasn't set in stone; if he needs to stay longer, he will. I think Dean did a great job bringing the vision to life and will continue to do so... but I also think the current team is more than capable of finishing it.
  4. colekern

    DayZ Parkour Confirmed

    Seems to be a hilarious issue with the respawn system.
  5. It won't come out until long after the PC release is finished.
  6. colekern

    Two Handed Flashlight, Why?

    The flashlight has pistol animations as a placeholder for now. I'm sure sure they'll improve down the road.
  7. colekern

    I'm Done

    mkay bye
  8. colekern

    Physic collision sound

    I would think som in the mod you could throw empty cans to make a distraction for zombies.
  9. Could this be anymore childish?
  10. colekern

    You Are Dead

    Probably a sniper.
  11. colekern

    Killed upon connecting to server

    Nothing wrong with posting about it. And being inexperienced is something everyone goes through, it's because of inexperience that I have some of my fondest memories of DayZ. Just remember, be extremely careful. Always log out in safe spots, and play as if someone were always watching you. Also, you logged out on a coastal town, which are almost always swarming with players, even on low population servers. In DayZ, every life is a lesson, and that's the greatest things about the game. Live and learn.
  12. colekern

    Can i run DayZ on my computer?

    Figure out how to open dxdiag and post the results from the "display" section here.
  13. colekern

    Combat Timer

    No. You misunderstand the timer. There are two timers. One is the combat timer. When you log out, you character sits down ingame and stays for thirty seconds before despawning. This is to prevent people from logging off to avoid combat. The second is the server timer, the one you're referring to. When you log out, a set time is given to you until you can log back on. This is to prevent what's called server hopping, the practice of jumping from server to server to get more loot. A simple fix would be to remove the server timer if you log back onto the same server. This way you can easily get back into the game when it crashes, and there's still server hopping prevention.
  14. colekern

    Looting on low population servers

    It should be fine, just as long as you don't hop from server to server to get more loot. Choose one server, and stick with it.
  15. colekern

    Killed upon connecting to server

    Your game still has to render after your character is loaded into the server. Log out in safer spots.
  16. colekern

    Seriously? After several patches?

    Stop assuming.
  17. colekern

    Getting wet - aural instead of visual cue

    Well, i like it. Good job, OP!
  18. colekern

    What is with fall damage?

    It's a bug. Arma and it's sequels have always had the issues, it's just not a big deal in a game where most of the time you run around outside. it becomes noticeable in a game like DayZ. I would imagine it will be fixed later on.
  19. colekern

    Getting wet - aural instead of visual cue

    Interesting. But then, how exactly would that sound?
  20. It's pretty close. Try reducing your render resolution.
  21. colekern

    One word: Footprints.

    Umm... they're already in...
  22. colekern

    zombies coming into base

    Nope. Might wanna check the Epoch forums.
  23. colekern

    Idea to stop 'hooligan' bandits

    This has been suggested about 200 times, and every time the idea is shot down. No.
  24. colekern

    Can't Run DayZ

    Have you tried updating your drivers?