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Everything posted by colekern

  1. Npcs other than zombies is a terrible idea. In my opinion.
  2. Whenever I try to open steam dashboard in-game, all the buttons in DayZ start freaking out. Basically, all the buttons keep getting selected again and again. It makes it impossible to use the inventory, and extremely annoying to open a menu. If you don't get what I'm saying, I do my best to make an example: Button1 Button2 Button3 Button4 That represents the Main menu. Now whenever I try to use the steam dashboard, here's what happens: _________ | | \/ | | Button1 | | | \/ | Button2 | | | \/ | Button3 | | | \/ | Button4 | | | |________| Whenever I activate Steam, the buttons go haywire. They just keep being highlight and highlighted and highlighted..... If you still don't understand, I'll do my my best to describe it even better. Anyways, my question is: Does anyone have this problem? Did you find a fix? Thanks for you're time.
  3. I once found a makarov... I wanted to kill zombies... I wasted a clip on a zombie and ran out of ammo then died.... Has anyone else noticed the stupidly tiny amounts of damage the makarov does? I literally put an entire clip in a zombie and got nothing. He didn't even flinch. This unrealistic and kinda stupid. Anyone else agree?
  4. colekern

    Increased makarov damage

    It's obvious most people think this is a bad idea. In this case, I'd recommend you look at this suggestion instead: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/80653-improved-movement-and-combat-standalone/ In this request, I look for a re-vamp of the combat system. Take a look.
  5. colekern

    Increased makarov damage

    Seriously? Dang, that's like.... a lot.
  6. colekern

    Increased makarov damage

    THE ULTIMATE INSULT In real life, a 9mm would kill a human in one well placed shot to the gut, heart, or head. If not that, it would at least make him stumble. Is it to much to ask for a gun to to slightly more damage? Like, only 3 shots so I can at least take down 2 infected with a single clip?
  7. colekern

    Increased makarov damage

    Yeah I missed, like once. I hit him about 6 times. What I'm saying is that this is unrealistic. He could at least make it so that it only takes 3 shots to kill him.
  8. colekern

    Increased makarov damage

    I actually didn't have a problem with the 1911. I killed a zombie in 2 shots.
  9. DayZ's combat and movement is good and adequate. But for the standalone, I'd like to see some things changed. Here's the list: Melee improvements: 1. Better melee combat (with blocking) The main reason I want blocking is so that I won't get hit by a zombie every time I try to hit one with a hatchet. That, and it would also give players the ability to have in-depth melee fights. 2. More melee weapons I found a hunting knife! Time to go kill some zombies!! Wait, what do you mean I can't use it as a weapon? DayZ needs new, better melee weapons than just a hatchet and a crowbar. I wanna see stuff like knives, swords(it would take a real lunatic), baseball bats, pots and pans, and, the holy grail of any good zombie movie... a chainsaw... (Powered by gas, of course. I also think it should have an impact on your humanity.) 3. Re-designed weapon switching Switching weapons in dayz is cumbersome. You should be able to switch from a rifle to a hatchet at the press of a button (I mean really, I can clip my hatchet to my belt, but I have to open my backpack to use it?) 4. They need weight Whenever I swing my hatchet or crowbar on a zombie, It feels like I'm swinging cardboard stick. What melee weapons need to feel like they have an impact, and how would they do that? Well, step 1 is new animations. Step 2 is adding a camera sway to complement the animations.Step 3 is nice sounds. Step 4 is making the zombies react. Make them fall over, stumble, or something. 5. Easier aiming Last time I checked, the infected had horrible eyesight, according to Rocket's description. That, and the zombies hadn't had ninja training (at least I'm assuming) prior to being infected. So why can't I hit them without careful aiming? Let's say I'm playing baseball. It's pretty easy to swing and miss, right? Now, let's say that we made the ball 100x bigger. And made it travel less than half as fast. Do you think you could hit it? Yeah, I do too, even if my adrenaline was pumping and I was injured. Combat in general: 1. I should be able to hip fire and melee attack while running One of the most annoying things about weapons in DayZ is that I can't run and shoot. If I'm running from zombies, and one cuts me off from the front, I want to be able to swipe the dudes legs out from under him with my baseball bat. I should be able to run and gun (Very inaccurately of course. The crosshair should disappear and weapon sway should be turned way up for balance). 2. My fists shouldn't be useless Okay, more like my feet. Let's say I'm in a building, and I just ran up some stairs, and a zombie's hot on my trail. I'm low on ammo. What should I do? Well, in the current version, I'd either pop him once in the head, or fumble around in my backpack for an axe. With kicking in play, I could kick that poor guy down the stairs and watch him hilariously roll down the stairs. Oh yeah, that reminds me... 3.Ragdoll physics Ragdoll physics could be used for a lot. First off, I could kick zombies off ledges, push them down stairs, or any other thing I can think of. 4. Make it cinematic Dayz could be really cool if they added a cinematic, smooth style camera. If I'm running and I swing at a zombie while still moving, the camera should tuck down seamlessly, so that my whole attack looks smooth. Guns: 1. Better/ True reload and shooting animations and camera shaking If you wanna make the guns feel nice and smooth, they need better animations. They also need real animations, not me shaking my gun around for a second or two. 2. Flashlights should work with pistols It's pretty ridiculous that my character isn't smart enough to hold a pistol and a flashlight at the same time. 3. Rifle-butting Rifle butting would be cool. Say I'm between mags and a zombie's charging me. I wanna be able to whack that dude in face and run while he's down. 4. Attachments Probably every other person wants these. But they have that wrong idea for them. When you find, say a new weapon sight, I should have to find the tools to attach it to my gun, and then I should have to sight it in. Movement: 1. Jumping I seriously can't jump? I blame Arma 2. This needs to fixed. Everyone knows that a big part of every action, adventure or whatever movie is jumping. 2. Certain areas should be designed to encourage movement I mean, c'mon, how cool would it be for you and your buddy to be jumping from rooftop to rooftop evading zombies? Miscellaneous 1. I shouldn't fling my flashlight every single direction like a retard while running Why can't I hold my flashlight steady while running? My character isn't a retard!! New additions: Fist fighting!! Rocket already has an idea for this, so I'l let him do what he wants. So anyways, I know this'll take time and effort, but I'm confident that Rocket and his team have the skills needed. Is there an idea you didn't like? Think an idea could be improved? Tell me what you think in the comments or whatever. P.S. Has anyone noticed that trying to make a list on this forum, complete with bold letters and fanciness is almost like trying to salsa dance with a dead cow while wearing high heels?
  10. colekern

    Improved movement and combat. (Standalone)

    Yeah, that's what I meant. I don't think it should necessarily affect accuracy. I think it should instead make your aim go all over the place.
  11. colekern

    DayZ Stories

    Two stories: I was pretty new at the time, and didn't know where the heck I was even though I had a map. Anyways, I was starting to get pretty thirsty and hungry, and there was a multi-story building probably about a 2-3 kilos away. I went for it. After finally making it there, I found a bunch of empty cans, bottles, and then I got lucky and AKM mag. I went to the top floor and found an AK. I was like "yes!!!!" but then I realized AKM mags don't fit in an AK. But at the same time, I found an empty water canteen. I was REALLY thirsty by now, but then I remembered: I'd seen a lake about 2 kilos from here! I ran for it. Unfortunately, I attracted a lot of unwanted attention on the way there. When I finally did make, I had two zombies on me, and I didn't know how to fill my water bottle.After killing the zombies with my hatchet, I alt tabbed to google. After a quick search, I filled my water bottle and saved my life. I went back to where I came from started heading towards an especially large town. Unfortunately, On my way, a dude with a ghillie suit popped and started shooting at me. Luckily, he couldn't hit crap and some zombies swarmed him. I made it to the town, found a ghillie suit, some guns, eventually died. But it was also my first day playing, so I'd call it a success. Number two: I spawned a new character and immediately got killed by hackers. When I respawned, I found a village with a player in it running from zombies. After both saying we were friendly, he turned around and took down the two zombies chasing us. He kept trying to give me a hatchet, but because of DayZ's currently glitchy inventory, he spent way more time than he should've and got himself sniped. I ran. Fast. But still got sniped.
  12. colekern

    Glitch with adding this game to Steam.

    Thanks, I'll test it. Also, do you know how to use the Steam overlay when OA is launched in administrator?
  13. colekern

    A Dying Cinematic/Execution

    Can there be an option to disable it? I think I might puke otherwise.
  14. colekern

    Improved movement and combat. (Standalone)

    I actually forgot to put that one up there.
  15. If you're like me, you can't find a survivor for the life of you. Do you have any ideas to compensate for that? For new players, I mean.
  16. colekern

    Crossbows Aim Improved

    That's really unrealistic. Have you ever tried reloading a crossbow in real life? In real life, you to stand still, put the crossbow on the ground, put your foot through a built in hook, pull the string back, insert the the bolt, and then your done.
  17. colekern

    Dayz mix with arma2 online

    There'll be more stuff to do in the standalone. Plus, adding in NPC's would ruin the game. If you still want NPC's, you should check out the game called the WarZ.
  18. colekern

    Improved movement and combat. (Standalone)

    I was thinking the same thing.
  19. Yes. Just wanted to point out: A lot of people have guns in their home. In America, that is.
  20. colekern

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    Yep, this has actually happened to me.
  21. colekern

    DayZ Stories

    Listen, I hope you're joking, because otherwise you're gonna get banned form the forums.
  22. colekern

    scared the **** out of this guy LOLOLOL

    There we go. I couldn't see unless I quoted it for some reason. Sorry.
  23. colekern

    scared the **** out of this guy LOLOLOL

    Um... I don't see anything.
  24. Note: My ideas have been recently change because of someone coming up with a better idea. First, I desperately want Steam integration for standalone when it comes out. But, since that will take a while, I'll post something that could POSSIBLY be done much sooner. I want a buddy system. Basically, spawning on buddies. It's incredibly annoying to get in the same server as your friend, then have no idea where the heck they are. (Now, before you laugh and say, "that will never work in DayZ!!", just read the next little bit.) It would be more like a party system. Let's say your walking around with some friendlies you just met, when all of the sudden bandits jump out of nowhere and shoot all of you. On the death screen, you should be able "party up" and spawn close to each other,(like a village away or closer) or completely together in one group. That way, you could stay with the people you met. Please, if you think of a way to improve this possible addition, think of better restrictions, or just think the idea plain sucks, then leave a post.
  25. colekern

    A buddy system and Steam Integration.

    You can always hope he will change his mind.