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Everything posted by colekern

  1. Pretty much, no. I'd improvise and figure out a way though. Alot of it depends on the zombie type. I've got guns, but I wouldn't use them all that much so the noise wouldn't attract zombies. I'd stay away from other people with guns, though. They might not be smart enough to realize noise attracts those things.
  2. colekern

    Server hopping.

    A timer before you log out would work fairly well. Locking people to one server would be bad for those of us that may have to switch servers a lot due to artifacting or broken connections.
  3. colekern

    Cheater Plague 2.0

    The bugs and hackers can't be fixed till standalone.
  4. colekern

    A little honesty would go a long way...

    Did you even read the "Rocket said" thread? He addresses this. He says he still checks the forums, but doesn't have time to reply due to the huge amounts of work he does on this game.
  5. colekern

    Arma 2 Poor Performance 7950 OC

    A lot of people have had this problem. I think it's caused by the game itself, not your graphics card power. I, for instance, have a card in the AMD 6000 series, and it runs just fine. Also, set VRAM to default.
  6. colekern

    Arma 2 Poor Performance 7950 OC

    A lot of people have had this problem. I think it's caused by the game itself, not your graphics card power. I, for instance, have a card in the AMD 6000 series, and it runs just fine. Also, set VRAM to default.
  7. colekern

    Arma 2 Poor Performance 7950 OC

    A lot of people have had this problem. I think it's caused by the game itself, not your graphics card power. I, for instance, have a card in the AMD 6000 series, and it runs just fine.
  8. colekern

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    No, there still is. For one, people help others in-game because "it's the right thing to do". If there was no set moral line, then everyone would just shoot everyone(more so that already). Everyone sets their own morals. So, technically, there still a moral line made by the players.
  9. colekern

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    You're right. Bandits are a necessary part of the game. But for there to be bandits, there has to be a set moral line. That is, there has to be good guys to be bad guys. We're all playing this game right. We just have different playstyles. Also, take a look at this thread:http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/6487-wtf-is-happening-to-the-server-community/page__st__200#entry67815 Dayz was never meant to be a game. It was meant to be an anti-game.
  10. colekern

    Arma 2 Poor Performance 7950 OC

    It's weird whenever you run into a guy with the EXACT same profile pic.
  11. Has anyone noticed this? Let's say I'm with a buddy. A bandit shoots my friend in the face, so I sneak up behind him and kill. It then gives me a seriously low humanity score, when I was just defending myself!! By the way, does anyone know if Rocket has plans to remove it?
  12. colekern

    Does sniping need a nerf?

    It should depend on the bullet size. If the sniper has the same caliber as an assault rifle, it should do the same damage.
  13. I'm actually hoping it gets taken out. From my perspective, I don't think it's possible for the game to read your mind, so it could never know your motives for killing someone. IF they don't take it out, then at least remove the bandit skins.
  14. Does one know where I can find a re-skin or do you know of a way to open the game file's so I can make a re-skin of the PMC characters? The low quality textures annoy me. And no, I'm not gonna spend ten bucks on a prettier character.
  15. The main reason is because If I can re-skin my characters face, why not just re-skin the ghillie suit to a bright orange? To put it simply, I could cheat. Easily. Which by the way, was never my intention. I didn't realize there were security issues until I posted this.
  16. Just one question: How good is the PMC campaign? In the normal Arma 2, I just kinda died hilariously and laughed at the voice acting.
  17. Actually, I only played Arma 2 once, and... I really didn't like it. I'd rather spend my money on the standalone or pre-ordering Borderlands 2. Also, someone asked why I wanted to make my character look better. My reason is the same reason there are 12,594 (on gamebanana, at least.) re-skins of weapons and characters for CSS. People want their game to look good.
  18. Thanks for the replies guys. I'll wait till standalone then.
  19. Dude. It's freakin' $10 to make my character prettier.
  20. colekern

    When Glitches Save Your DayZ Life

    One time, after dying and respawning, I went to pick up my gear. Someone had died with me, so I decided to wait for him. I died. Again. But the server glitched. That way, when I repawned, instead of putting me in a new character, I respawned unconscious, I was the same character and I was able to bandage up.
  21. colekern

    DayZ Stories

    I had just hopped in a van with two other guys as we were being chased by zombies. "Thanks for the ride", I said. The guy in the backseat backseat responded,"He picked me up too". I turned around towards the road, but all I was met with was a big wooden fence. There was nothing we could do; the van crashed. Our engine was still going, fortunately. I could hear the driver revving it, trying to go in reverse. But it wasn't working. Something was wrong. "What happened?", I said. "We broke our wheel", said the guy in the backseat. "That messes your crap up real good". He then jumped out of the car and ran. "He's probably the smart one", I said as me and the driver bailed out. I followed the driver. After trying to evade the zombies for a while, we decided to head back to the car. There was the other survivor, trying to steal it. "This is my car!!", he yelled, before being axed to death by the driver. We left and started running down the road." "Were going to need wheels", said the driver. I decided to distract them while he ran and looked for a tire to repair the car with. After making it back to town, the driver looked for a spare tire in the van. Then he got swarmed. I tried to fend them off with my pistol and crowbar, but it was no use. The driver passed out and died. I tried to run, but I died too. After respawning, I went back into the town and grabbed our gear. I decided to wait and see if the driver came back. Bad move. I passed out and died. I tried to respawn, but the server glitched. Instead of spawning on the coast, I spawned unconscious and I was also bleeding. After waking up and bandaging myself, I realized I was in the exact same spot I died in and I had all of my gear. That, I would say, was literally the best glitch ever.
  22. colekern

    How did your most recent character die?

    I died because I was in a town waiting for someone. I was low on blood, and I passed when a zombie hit me and then died. BUT whenever I went to respawn, I started out unconscious and bleeding. I woke up, bandaged, and realized the server had giltched and let me stay as the same character.
  23. colekern

    DayZ Stories

    One time I was heading towards a medium sized town, when I noticed a shipping yard to the right. On instinct, I started toward it. After avoiding a lot of zombies, I made my into the buildings and found... barbed wire around the entrances. After eventually making it in, I found nothing but some sodas and a barbed wire kit. Great. I decided to leave. At the time, I only had a hatchet, so the angry zombie chasing me was not something I wanted to see.Of course, I ran and just attracted more. I got hit a lot, and when they were all dead, my vision was really blurry. I knew I was gonna die. SO after bandaging, I went on a killing spree. My zombie kill count went from 15 to 43 in the course of five minutes.
  24. Dude, this is what the creator of the mod said :http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3141-banditsurvivor-morphing-to-be-removed/page__st__160#entry32219 Read it and weep.