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Everything posted by colekern

  1. colekern

    Day Z Serious issues.

    Dude, it's alpha. There are going to be bugs. It's still going to start as an alpha in standalone. There's going to be bugs. If you don't know what alpha means, look it up. Right now.
  2. colekern

    Standalone Suggestions

    Gore should have the ability to be disabled.
  3. colekern

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Wow, really? I've heard that noise in a mod of garrysmod.
  4. Rocket already said not to ban for picking up hacked weapons.
  5. colekern

    Game basically unplayable. HELP!!!!!

    I've tried, but it says DayZ isn't installed when it actually is. As for filters, they have remained unchanged since I first changed them when I got dayz. It's not filters.
  6. Whenever I try to Join a server, I have very few to choose from, and all the ones I can choose have extremely high ping. Yes, I've restarted my PC, and my router. I've check the forums for every fix I can think of. Please help.
  7. colekern


    Great idea. Here, take a look at my thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/80653-improved-movement-and-combat-standalone/ It talks about this and there are other suggestions you might like.
  8. colekern

    I killed someone

    It's normal. The game is supposed to make you feel emotion.
  9. colekern

    Point-Buy Character Creation

    You misunderstood. I meant that Rocket said he would like to start experimenting with something like this. It's not that this isn't a bad system, it's that Rocket just has a heck of a lot more time to experiment with it. Plus he's the creator of the game, and he knows what would ruin or improve the game.
  10. colekern

    Attacked by a chopper? Read this!

    Man, I wish I was that guy on the ground. That would be one heck of a story.
  11. You do realize that the Warz is a completely different game, right? I mean seriously, did you any research on it? At all?
  12. colekern

    Make the Zombie infection infectious!

    People need to check the "Rocket said" thread. He talked about it in it. He's going to add it.
  13. colekern

    Weapon Cleaning and Degrading.

    Yes, but you should be able to use the cleaning kit an unlimited number of times.
  14. colekern

    Point-Buy Character Creation

    I think we should leave the skill system to Rocket.
  15. colekern

    Remake ZOMBIES completely

    I don't like it. This would no doubt make running the best option. IT would be WAY to easy to loose them.
  16. colekern


    Rocket is already experimenting with this.
  17. I like what you're trying to say, but there are better ways. The best thread I've seen on the subject (I'll find the link later) suggested that we make DayZ EXTREMELY hard. SO hard that you absolutely have to depend on someone to survive.
  18. colekern

    Players in last 24 hours dropping fast.

    Whenever he releases a fix, it can break other things. It's an ALPHA. If you don't know what that means, google it. Right now. I mean it.
  19. Okay, it's bad enough that in Arma 2 I heard Russian guy say that exact phrase, accent and everything, when he had just been speaking Russian five seconds ago. But now on Russian zombies? Wonderful.
  20. Some people use them for target shooting, skeet shooting, competitions, and many consider collecting guns a hobby.
  21. Okay, there you go. Your last post wasn't very clear. I know what you mean though. I've gone over the safety tests and gotten my (temporary, until I get my permanent one) hunting license. Unfortunately, not everyone does this. I consider shooting more of a hobby.
  22. I don't really think it works that way.
  23. You do know it's simple to get guns legally in America, right?
  24. Nice to see someone trying to do this.