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Everything posted by colekern

  1. What would you suggest I add?
  2. colekern

    Tactical gameplay suggestions

    I like everything but the idea of increasing co-op play. How to play the game is decided by players, not the game itself.
  3. colekern

    DayZ Scopes

    Yeah, but you should have to sight them in with a bore-siter or something.
  4. I think it would be kind of interesting if regenerating blood were experimented with. Obviously, it would have to regenerate VERY slowly(like, real-time hours I mean). Do you think it should be implemented? Do you think it's a good idea? A horrible one?
  5. Temperature, whatever.
  6. colekern

    Base Building Layout Idea

    I think it should be deeper, but I'm all for bases.
  7. That's not what I meant. Did you read the poll? I said it should take an entire Hour MINIMUM. Not five seconds.
  8. colekern

    I'm seriously done.

    I'm hoping that' how it'll end up. They're still not finished making it though.
  9. colekern

    I'm seriously done.

    You don't understand. Even with all the skill they have, they still CANNOT, I mean it's literally impossible to fix the hackers. Arma's engine is literally preventing it. Changes would have to be made to the engine itself, and mod cannot do. An update to Arma 2 CANNOT do that.
  10. colekern

    Cave or Trench

  11. Your a real downer, aren't yah? (JK)
  12. colekern

    gtx 570, but only 15-20 fps. What to do?

    My card isn't even close to yours yet it still kicks this games butt.
  13. colekern

    I'm seriously done.

    Arma 2's engine is trusting. Overly trusting, actually. Because of this, the hacks can't be fixed until standalone, which is the first thing on the priority list.
  14. colekern

    impossible playZ

    It takes time to get the hang of it. The leg breaking and backpack thing is bug. Fixes are coming. As for the rest, I think DayZ should be HARDER not easier.
  15. colekern

    Arming Bear Traps on Vehicle Seats

    I literally made a sound of pain whenever I saw the title. Great idea, I just hope I never have to encounter it.
  16. colekern

    a Dayz Fourms app

    For windows phone 7 and 8 please!
  17. I wouldn't be so skeptical. The reason they can't fix hacks and stuff is because of Amra 2. It's a very trusting engine. Whenever DayZ's modified engine comes out, the issues should be resolved.
  18. colekern

    Becoming the very thing I hated

    It pays off for those who work hard. That how capitalism works, as you said.
  19. colekern

    Best/worst death?

    Best: I was trying to protect my new friend who was trying to repair the van he had wrecked. 2nd best: I died trying to protect 2 beach noobs from bandits and zombies... it was an epic fight. Worst: Sniped by a hacker (I know it was a hacker because everyone had been mass-killed 5 min. ago)
  20. Is the M4 CCO SD in-game? What about the radio? I know everything else is legit.
  21. If you warn me to drop the gun, I will drop it. But I will never, ever spawn a weapon on my own.
  22. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46844-hackers/#entry446536 Rocket said you're not allowed to ban for having hacked weapons. Better re-think what you're saying.
  23. colekern

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    I hope it comes out on consoles cross-platform. Not only would it be fun to play with my buddies that don't have a PC, it would mean simplified controls. Not dumbed-down, just streamlined.
  24. In the past week or so, my game has been finding very few servers. Everything's updated, and I've tried multiple fixes and I've checked all over the forums, but no matter what, I only get a few extremely high-ping servers.
  25. colekern

    Fix your shit.

    They can't fix the bugs because it is mod. You'll have to wait for standalone to have the issues resolved.